The innate Chinese cruelty to animals is embedded in their language. In this thread I'd like to show you that all Chinese have always been subhumans by nature and their hate for all living things is nothing new. First, let's look into the etymology of the English word "animal". It comes from the Latin "anima", meaning "breath, soul". So, to the Romans, French, English, Spanish and many other European nationalities, animals are primarily living, breathing creatures with a soul. In Old Church Slavonic, which is the literary language of all Slavs, the word for animal is "живoтъ", meaning life. Thus, the Slavs see animals as life, similar their own life.
And now let's look at Chinese. Here, in striking contrast to our previous etymologies, the word for animal 動物 consists of two characters which mean "moving" and "thing" respectively. That's it. To a chink subhuman, an animal is but a "thing" which you can hurt, kill and mutilate however you want, and the language perfectly reflects it.
In this manner, we have scientifically proven that chinks are by nature cruel, psychopathic and inhumane vermin that should be eradicated from the face of Earth.
Europe needs to be purged with nuclear fire. You are a disease.
Jaxson Nelson
since the goal of marriage was to ensure that men put resources into their own children, homosexual marriage, as it is sterile, is scientifically impossible
Dominic Lewis
Wow chinks TRULY are subhumans Thank you for the research Russianon
Eli Hill
>First, let's look into the etymology of the English word "animal". It comes from the Latin "anima", meaning "breath, soul". So, to the Romans, French, English, Spanish and many other European nationalities, animals are primarily living, breathing creatures with a soul. >This is why we murder many souls of chickens, sheep, cows, pigs and so on, all scientifically proven, of course.
Nothing wrong with eating meat, but the Chinese unnecessarily prolong the torture these defenseless animals have to endure
Joseph Powell
It's not about the dogs themselves, it's about what drives ching chongs to brutally slaughter them the way they do. Eating an animal is one thing. Boiling it alive in a pot while it's still breathing and even struggling and trying to escape is another.
there is difference in killing animal and eating like all carnivores and omnivores do and torturing
Daniel Murphy
>t. boils lobsters alive There is nothing morally wrong with killing animals for food, it just makes you upset. Kinda like gays upset that polish gentleman.
>He doesn't know what goes on in slaughterhouses Watch the video retard
Eli Peterson
Actually it is 天生萬物 (Sky gave birth to all things) Human are 動物, 物 themselves so we actually love animal as much as we love ourselves fuck you slavs who literally created by mongols, dont just go and insult your asiatic ancestor
Leo Wright
>ching chong ping pong goddammit zhang speak english
Caveman tier logic. Women and children are not your possessions, which is what traditional marriage makes them. In this day and age, a woman can raise her children on her own perfectly fine (like my mom did, for example). Marriage is just a tool for two unrelated people to become "blood"-related for all sorts of bureaucratic shenanigans, like visiting your loved one in a hospital.
>Caveman tier logic. Women and children are not your possessions, which is what traditional marriage makes them. In this day and age, a woman can raise her children on her own perfectly fine (like my mom did, for example). Marriage is just a tool for two unrelated people to become "blood"-related for all sorts of bureaucratic shenanigans, like visiting your loved one in a hospital.
>a woman can raise her children on her own perfectly fine Where would the child get his father figure from, faggot? No you didn't turn out fine, otherwise you wouldn't be posting on this forum.
Thomas Jackson
P.S. Besides, many married couples can't bear children anyway. Should they not be allowed to marry each other because it does not adhere to some polshit personal worldview?
Jeremiah Miller
Good thread and interesting, I've been really taking a deep dive into their culture and their relationships with animals and even each other lately and this is very revealing
according to Cathechism of Catholic Church known infertility is a reason to deny marriage
Henry Powell
>In this manner, we have scientifically proven that chinks are by nature cruel, psychopathic and inhumane vermin that should be eradicated from the face of Earth. bASED
Matthew Rogers
Lol fuck off Petty Officer Tyrone Rodriguez
Ryan Walker
>Caveman tier logic. Women and children are not your possessions, which is what traditional marriage makes them. In this day and age, a woman can raise her children on her own perfectly fine (like my mom did, for example). Marriage is just a tool for two unrelated people to become "blood"-related for all sorts of bureaucratic shenanigans, like visiting your loved one in a hospital.
People are being rather obtuse about this issue it seems, I expected more from Yas Forums. This is something that has been known about for some time and yet here we are
torture brings out more flavour, this is why Chinese cuisines the best
Grayson Cooper
Which just proves my point of tradfags treating women as objects. They do not concern themselves with love.
Julian Morris
Hmmmmmmm sorry sweety but did my post suggest i wanted some disgusting fucking chink chong nip nong gooko-insectoid amerimutt piece of shit answer to me??? Don't think so ;)) Make the world a better place and immolate yourself, xoxo kiss
Jose Barnes
>implying male infertility isn't reason
Jason Carter
Noce numbers bro
Jason Thomas
Oh my sincerest apologies, I mistook you for a rationally minded peer who has rightfully identified a very real and serious threat to our species.
Just to make things clear we are not talking about your people who are based, would you say that Chinese or maybe Han Chinese do have some distinct traits in regard to apparent lack of empathy?
it holds up, straight couple is infertile by chance and all homosexual couples are infertile
Jason Green
Were Europeans from the past centuries subhuman, too?
>no one in the West has done for centuries >Bullfighting
Camden Stewart
Understood, totally agree. Honestly gays are really a net gain for society here, they don't shit out a bunch of kids and run to the government for gibs, dual income childless couples who are generally very productive to society. A net gain at least financially. So the objection must be a moral one.
Angel Barnes
No need to redirect the focus of my question, this seems to be a common occurrence here when trying to have earnest discussions.
Jose Hernandez
should women past menopause not be allowed to marry?