Italians be like >la mia pizza is da besta >tipo 00 farina mama mia con pomodoro di vesuvio yada yada BELLISIMO >what no you can't put pineapple on pizza what are you DOING OH GOD DIO MIO PORCA MADONNA
sorry this pizza is shit i will take a swedish kebab pizza over this any day.
Cook pizza how ever you want, look at Argentinian pizza which is the best and differes heaps form Italian pizzas
Robert King
This pizza looks like it was made by gods, aka italians.
Carson Baker
Ah yes, the culinary opinion of someone who eats rotten fish
Robert Bennett
it looks pretty tasty to me
Julian Lopez
If nothing else, in food the southrons are actually experts. Its the only topic in which their opinion should be taken serious.
Camden Lewis
Exactly Someone who eats rotten fish knows what tastes like shit
Jace Perry
Ah yes, the culinary opinion of someone who eats rotten cheese infested with maggots
Aiden Thomas
>it's another episode of anglos talk about food
It's all so tiresome
Alexander Martinez
The only problem with this is that there isn't enough cheese.
If you can understand why Neapolitan is a hundred times superior to American pizza, then you are just another mouth breathing retard who doesn't know how to taste food and just thinks cheese and white bread taste nice.
Bentley Thomas
This. It's the only difference. Now I bought myself a half inch industrial piece of steel to bake my goods and everything tastes 100x better. It's really just the temperature that does the work.
Levi Flores
>The only problem with this is that there isn't enough cheese. look into Argentinian pizza. It's the inverse of Italian in which the mozzarella is the key ingredient and tomato sauce comes second.
listen here in the next 2 years i will visit firenze and taste some pizzas and we'll see whos right
Jose King
>Tuscany >Major city >inb4 sees all the progressive resources and future engineers and spends the next 10 years sperging on Yas Forums
Austin Perry
>Nobody gives a fuck about what you eat Gonna have to disagree, Italians (and other Europeans) losing their shit over other people's eating habits is a universal experience
Oliver Cox
>rotten cheese infested with maggots sounds delicious
Jayden Gomez
>claim Italians give a shit about what you eat >he is obsessed with Italians that he makes a thread everyday saying how much Italians complain about what he eat >Average burger
>>tipo 00 farina Why do Americans "meme" with concepts they don't know?
Brandon Young
American awareness and education
Jose James
taci obeso
Sebastian Carter
Dylan Jenkins
>basil on pizza >not incredibly based
Alexander Morales
Just don’t call it “pizza” that’s the problem. You can’t make an “Italian restaurant” claiming that you sell “Italian pizza” while instead it’s “Brazilian style” or whatever shit you want. Not only it’s cultural appropriation but also it just like shitting on our traditions.
Jacob Watson
>No basil Why?
Ryder King
people being plebs
Ethan Parker
turn off the proxy, john
Asher Brown
Some delicious looking 'za And perfectly suited to eat on the go
In all honesty pineapple is a quintessentially gay food and should be banned from all non-gay places, not just pizza
Joshua Cox
Do you guys put olives on your pizzas? Here every pizza has an olive in the center
Brandon Butler
Alexander Brooks
if the dough does not taste good, it is shit pizza toppings LITERALLY do not matter
Andrew Jackson
>AYYY OHHH UHHH *throws trash on the street* >OHH MAMMAS PASTA *lives with mother at 30* >FRUTTI DI MARE *pays protection money to mafia* >UHHHH AHHH PASTA *dives in the penalty area*
C’è un albanese del cazzo che continua a postare contro l’Italia in ogni thread
Alexander Bennett
That blood running through your veins is American blood, Mario. We are brothers.
Ian Martinez
Lo so, è il coglione che spamma ''shitalia'' dalla mattina alla sera perché nessuno vuole scoparselo in Italia
Jose Johnson
here's an italian-american test, what kind of wine glass do you drink from at a family dinner?
Logan Perez
Firenze is really great, but I'm not sure their pizzas are the best imo. I've eaten pizzas in other regions and theyre are pretty good. What they have that I absolutely went crazy for is Lampredotto. Also their bread is shit.
Levi Nguyen
>What they have that I absolutely went crazy for is Lampredotto. Person of culture
Kevin Bailey
you're one of us, you fucking arap
Gavin Gray
Firenze is a tourist trap city. Avoid historical centre restaurants as you would avoid covid. Full of balkanites, gypsies and pajeet who try to sell you shits or pickpocket you.
Colton Diaz
Non è albanese, è un rumeno di Lugoj, Romania. Non solo fu doxxato, anni fa esisteva un intero forum con le sue info personali