Weather today

weather today.

Attached: weather.png (768x768, 234.93K)

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Nordoids be like: "what a warm day"

Attached: download (4) (2).jpg (265x190, 6.58K)

why is France always so hot?

Why is Palestine so hot ?
They are directly under us

Such a warm day. I'll be grillin' and prepping our cottage for the summer today.

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imagine not living in the blue areas

Haha i live in dark blue

Attached: YeFW.gif (300x215, 759.22K)

The ocean?

Nobody cares

It is though

Very comfy

beocz the cities of palestine there shown are lowlands meanwhiles the lebanese ones are high altitude

It is very hot yes. Im happy.

loooks pretty cold

Wish I lived in finland instead. I should've applied to the uni in tampere instead of studying here
It's way too warm here

Hmmm nice.

There is absolutely nothing appealing about cold summers

Opinions are subjective though, user.


Attached: July_25_2019_Europe_max_temperatures.png (2700x2700, 319.93K)

you tell me

Attached: Delon_Le_Guépard_(cropped).jpg (196x277, 69.79K)

At least the weather is shitty so the lockdown doesn't hurt that much.

Attached: Sin título.png (636x359, 16.29K)

This was three days ago....

Attached: wednesday weather.png (1505x1669, 249.52K)

Plus it seems high humidity kills the virus.

And this was yesterday (it snowed)

Attached: yesterday weather.png (1507x1644, 229.3K)

Imagine waking up in a cabin in giethoorn without proper refrigeration and popping open a beer that might as well have been tea with that temp. The shirtless boating and the kiss some ukranian girl blew at me were based though.

We enjoy an oceanic climate.

26°C this afternoon.

What do I care, I'm not going outside.

dad already in the back garden with some beer

literally perfect weather over here, feels goodman

Attached: Schermata 2020-04-10 alle 13.09.15.png (1272x726, 101.67K)

this is pure depression, and people wonder why i drink?

Attached: Screenshot_20200410_131035_org.mozilla.firefox.jpg (1080x2240, 359.04K)

Based. Summer is coming, lads.

Attached: weather.jpg (633x367, 35.76K)

minted I'll grab a few myself at the shop

>oh I'll just go outside and just NOT FUCKING BREATHE BECAUSE THE AIR IS TOO HOT
I don't think I wore clothes the entire summer, just no point

I miss that goddamn boat and the slightly cooler summer evenings just boating through the reeds and canals, vietnam-esque music on the speakers and giving chinkies dirty looks. But I'd rather not have that kind of heat ever again.

Attached: SVZ.jpg (767x460, 448.44K)

It's very comfy actually. Wearing shorts today.

Attached: Skärmklipp.jpg (966x689, 41.81K)

can't complain

Attached: 2020-04-10_13-28-13.png (641x437, 18.32K)


>eternal darkness
>chilling coldness
why yes, how could you tell

What a lovely picture

my summer car :)

unironically yes

that's not the weather today, that's the weather in the early morning

Also, what's wrong with Tuesday, can't it just be normal?

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where did you get this picture of me?

Lots of niggers, and black colour attracts sunrays.

France is so h-hh-hot...

Why yes, I am growing radishes, arugula, lettuce, and mustard out in 2°C weather. How did you know?

Attached: temp_na april 10.png (768x768, 210.72K)

i cant handle this fucking shit

Attached: dfsdfsdf.png (520x101, 5.06K)

>sweating even while sleeping
yeah, no thanks

I can't wait to reuse this.

Attached: gigachad vs soyjack temperature.png (1665x869, 515.59K)


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Heheee suck it Swedes that is what you get for living in the worstest Scandinavian land

Nah, I am kiddin' Swede bro, hope the snow melts and ya'll get some of that summer weather!

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God I miss living in France.

the weather that will save europe from chinky flu

>tomorrow's max temp = 22c
>monday's max temp = 9c
>wednesday's max temp = 15c
wish it'd make it's fucking mind up

That's like the perfect temperature, homeslice.

Looks like Texas weather, honestly.

what?? really?

Suggest me some bass heavy song. I want to blast my ears off.

Fuck 2019, 2018 was the best summer ever.
Cool nights, hot days, for like 5 months straight.

I thought 2019 was pretty based. Sure, nights were awful at times, but nothing a fan couldn't handle. Only the days above 40°C were a bit annoying.

ok Teimo


what goes on in the -5 areas?

>Tfw you will never live like that

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