New Yorkers buried in mass graves

So it begins... the great Mutt Culling of our time...

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Why is Yas Forums so excited for thousands of innocent people to die? For kids to lose parents and parents to lose kids? You realize we’re all just bantering here right?

we should veganize them

Cool :)

Nobody in New York is innocent.

Bunch of angry incels.
I just want all of this shit to be over.


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>Why is Yas Forums so excited for thousands of innocent people to die? For kids to lose parents and parents to lose kids? You realize we’re all just bantering here right?

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Why are Europeans so easily manipulated?
Hart Island is the spot where NY's unclaimed bodies go to get buried, it's not something new.

>Why is Yas Forums so excited for thousands of innocent people to die? For kids to lose parents and parents to lose kids? You realize we’re all just bantering here right?

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It is hilarious how Yas Forums weeped at some Japanese anime building burning but celebrate the death of thousands of Americans dying in a horrific way and quote it with soyjaks
the absolute state
you guys are fucking cancer

How new r u?

Why do kangcucks love American and Israeli semen so much?

>It is hilarious how Yas Forums weeped at some Japanese anime building burning but celebrate the death of thousands of Americans dying in a horrific way and quote it with soyjaks
>the absolute state
>you guys are fucking cancer

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why don't they burn the bodies? all christians?

>It is hilarious how Yas Forums weeped at some Japanese anime building burning but celebrate the death of thousands of Americans dying in a horrific way and quote it with soyjaks

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They've always been burying poors who cant afford funeral/no family in mass graves in NYC, nothing new.


Americans dying is unironically a good thing. It's also good that a shitload of Europeans are dropping like flies. The west deserves to suffer.

Americans aren't people.

>sex before marriage
If any of them have enjoyed any of those, they aren't innocent.

lmao muslims are retarded

t. pig

seething kaffir

Last words of a godless dying race

>mass graves

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I thought Pharaohs after Mubarak hated America?

amerisharts especially those from cali or ny deserved this

>mass grave
Fuckin bourgeois!

What the fuck? Is this real?

imagine the seethe


Yes and apparently people here unironically think it’s funny

Kek. People don't even know you.

Something like 1/1200 people have died in NYC. Sure, they could probably still store those bodies conventionally but they know new ones will be coming every day and they need room for those.

why don't they cremate em if no-one cares about the burial?

You don't need to know me, all it takes to make you shit your pants is someone saying muslims are retarded.

European deacended people have always preferred burying their dead. Although, the Romans admittedly had both cremations and burials, but shifted mostly to burials once they grew in size.


Imagine living by pathetic middle age superstitions

Imagine China doing this
Magapedes would be having a field day

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you guys cared about that fire?


You can bet they are doing this. You don't know anything that happens there.

Celebrating deaths in New York is retarded. They could be from your country and from your religion lel

if it wasn't for Christcuck shit they could all be cremated and this wouldn't even be a problem


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Italy is very religious and cremates their corona corpses.

Death to amerikkka

There are plenty of Indonesians and muslims in New York, you know, right?

If someone shows up to claim a body after being buried they can be dug back up.


Kyoani was more important than hundreds of millions of yanks, you disrespectful piece of shit.
Fuck off and die, cunt.

Hey user I'm really sorry if this board hurt your feelings. It's not for everybody :) hopefully one day we'll get our act together haha. And yeah I think a good handful of us are just bantering. Personally I look forward to when this coronachan is over.

>You don't know anything that happens there.
Either do you, Euroscum.

>Either do you, Euroscum.

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God I wish it were me.

nothin' burger
get back to work

Get the fuck out of my country, traitor. America is an existential enemy of Australia and American lives are to be viewed as a cancerous growth.

And? If they participate, enjoyed any of those degeneracy, they'll deserve the same fate.

Pick one faggot.

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The undertaker?