Your cunt

Your cunt
Your honest opinion on Japanese girls

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Small brains

suck, fuck and move on to the next is my strategy

id rather have a korean one

Cutest girls in the world

They wear Korean style makeup.

It's hard to distinguish from Koreans.

it's a Korean produced group

How can they even tell them apart

some of the ugliest women on the planet imo. only ahead of seamonkey women.

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All of them look the same

I hate all slanty eyed peoples. This includes fingolians

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Not particularly my type tbqhwyl

stfu shitskin

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post your chin

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I used to like them but they are too immature and childish. It was nice in anime but irl it's cringe. And let's face it absolute majority of them are average at best

Mother love me, long time, long time
Sucky sucky fucky fucky
Wonton, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Wonton, Hong Kong, wonton
One time, one time, wonton
Love me long time
Feed on my long schlong
Go back to Hong Kong gong
I'll send you back to Hong Kong
Pair a wonton, wonton, love me long
Mother love me, long time, long time
Sucky sucky fucky fucky
Wonton, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Wonton, Hong Kong, wonton
One time, one time, wonton
Love me long time
Feed on my long schlong
Go back to Hong Kong gong
I'll send you back to Hong Kong
Pair a wonton, wonton, love me long
Mother love me, long time, long time
Sucky sucky fucky fucky
Wonton, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Wonton, Hong Kong, wonton
One time, one time

All of them is gonna debut? very few of them are qts

Yuna Nina Ayaka Maya Mako are top tier

They nerf themselves into Korean


the only women i can communicate with without learning other language

They will fail
Because very few qts in the group
What a waste of money lol

>Built for BBC and by BBC I mean British Broadcasting Corporation and by that I mean there's a big black guy that works there with a big dick that they're built for.
What did he mean by this?

Japs, chinks and gooks are ugly. Those who fetishize them are pathetic, lack self esteem, confidence and probably looks. Simple as.

in love rn desu

ok Rahman

Are they really Japanese?
The name is Japanese but looks like a Korean face

they are Japanese but produced by Korean company

You asked for honest opinion, no need to be buttblasted over truth. Everyone who fees the need to spam his fetish on international kenyan worm eating board lacks everything required for normal relationships.

how is liking something a fetish? let me guess you are into "BLACK KWEENS"

nina definitely has some western dna in her

she's half white

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I’m into everything, since I’m not fetishizing any one thing, over the other, and claiming superiority based on my taste.
Your spam doesn’t belong here, as well as your overly defensive attitude.

More like Southern

At least they’re not whores like russoshit females

Just kidding, all women are whores.

Korean favorite face
Different from the idol face that Japanese prefer

Why is there so much Czech porn?

All women are whores. Can’t you read?

They look too white like Kabuki makeups
Especially Momoka
RIMA and AKARI looks Japanese because they are smiling in Japanese way (hard to describe, but there is difference)
On the other hand RIRIA MAYUKA AYAKA MOMOKA MIIHI's smile is not scaring me.

don't care

Wtf, they look completly korean on OP's picture

Maybe they are 在日韓国人
my mother is also japanese

Rima, Riku, Akari look like Nip desu

Yeah, but for a relatively small country you have a lot of porn stars. What’s the deal with that?

They’re yayoi

Men are beta cuckolds
Women are marginally prettier than German sluts
It’s a perfect storm

All the attractive ones are Haafus, Okinawans, Koreans, or wearing makeup.

I think so too
It looks similar but feels different
gaijin will not be able to tell

they are fucking koreans. post Japanese idols

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t. reddit chink born to Hong Kong mom

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japanese women the most beautiful in the world

>P-p-plz don't kill me, Japan! I-I-I don't wanna dieeeee, ching chong chang aiyaaaaaaaa!!!!!

What did chinksects mean by this?

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You got me. This is my actual face though.

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why do they look like korean pop stars?

Is this considered a war crime in your cunt? Looks like just a bunch of superior Japanese dudes having fun beating up a weaker chink insect to death.

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Japs are korean wannabe

What? ching chong? Sorry I don't understand an insect language. Speak human, you Unit-731 experimental deformed chink corona?

Attached: we wuz Asian Auschwitz, MEI MEI CHUN MOY, CHRIS SUEN, KLYTIE XU, SALLY MA, Samantha Quach, Brenda Zhu, Jiyue Qiu, Hang Yu, Amber Li.jpg (2890x2020, 3.15M)

Damn look at that JOMON beard

Is that deformed crippled chinko an outcome of Ishii's experimentation in the Unit 731 lab??

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