I might not be very good looking, but I treat my loved ones as a gentlemen and make them feel comfortable always. I have not officially given up on getting a gf now :(
Why do girls always go for the worst guys?
*best guys
BBC is powerful
yea the best guys that cheat on them, insult them, and beat them
>Rape is often portrayed in romance novels which accounts for 40% of mass paperback sales in the United States (Salmon & Symons 2003), in fact, the three best selling books between 2010-2019 belonged to this genre (NPD 2019). These erotic novels are almost exclusively written by women for women, and 54% include rape of the lead character (Thurston 1987). "In a romance novel that includes rape, women identify with the lead female character and vicariously experience her rape." (Critelli & Bivona 2008) In many such novels, there is an aspect of the female "taming" the ruthless and coercive male, baiting him to be nicer by her submission.
If girls really did go for the "worst guys", they would be dating me, and yet I'm a virgin at nearly 30.
I am a very good guy and a virgin at almost 23 this
Being attractive is a completely seperate thing
Women have only ever been very nice to me but it doesn't mean a thing in terms of getting clunge
“Put a lady up on a pedestal and she ain’t got no place to look but down on you”
-African American proverb
Do you have any redeeming qualities besides being nice? Like being tall, good-looking, successful or at least very funny?
>A study by Palmer and Tilley (1995) for The Journal of Sex Research examined the possible evolutionary motives (i.e access to willing females sexual partners) that prompt young men to join street gangs. They revealed that gang members had significantly more consensual sexual partners then a comparable group of non-gang members. It was found that the leaders of these gangs by far had the highest number of sexual partners, with no male non-gang member from the sample coming even close to their high sexual partner count.
These findings came despite previous evidence that physically unattractive individuals are disproportionately drawn to a life of crime, and physically attractive individuals are usually dissuaded from a life of crime (Mocan and Tekin 2006). This would suggest gang members are not likely to be more physically attractive than average men.
I'm such an asshole that even my mom told me that I'd end up dying alone because of my
character no one can stand me. And I don't get girls.
I can smell the soy from here
You're not interesting as a person
Looks matter a lot in relationships especially when you're young. The only thing that comes even close would be giving them drugs. Nobody cares how nice you are nerd
Think about it, if you think they’re so bad, what does that say about you
This is nonsense, girls don't always go for the worst guys. If the hot guy is nice they just go for the nice guy.
foids don't cate how nice you are. Looks is the only thing that matters.
I have a friend who is lookswise the same as we (we roughly get the same amount of matches). However, I cant find a gf, while he has had 5 or so over the last 3 years
He is
>Borderline drug addict, smokes, no degree, (currently) no job, cheated on all of his exes, threatened others that he would kill himself, stalks his exes, drives drunk, ....
>Have 2 non meme master's degrees, come from wealthy family full of engineers and doctors, I'm social, always do my best, outgoing, make people around me laugh, cool and popular friends, ...
Explain to me why I cant find a gf while he can. It's not like I have never tried either; I've been on a ton of dates but it never goes anywhere. Don't pull this "this guy" crap either.
"This nice guy"* crap is what I wanted to type ofc
He probably showers more.
Get yourself one of theese bad boys.
It's very simple user, you come from a loving supporting family, so they've lied to you all your life and told you you're good looking. Your friend is much hotter than you, sorry.
Lmao you can bet this fucking Linda swiped right on 1% of the dudes and is now alpha widowed. She thinks she's a Stacy so she'll reject any Timothy who asks her out because she'll think she deserves a Chad
He's either
1)better looking and you severely overestimate your looks
2)more confident and funnier
3)gives them drugs
4)good at fucking them
Could be one or more of these
Can you read? I just said we get about the same amount of matches, I probably have even more
All women are whores.
Oh then it has something to do with you being the type of guy that measures the amounts of internet matches you get.
It's not an indicator of a healthy personality.
Yes. And all women are hypergamous as well. I'm not memeing, you are actually correct.
So what? It's like playing Doom on Nightmare mode, the way it's supposed to be played.
>Foids always go for the most mentally healthy men
Not this shit again.
people debating about what's attractive and redpills etc gives me anxiety
Every guy I dated was always very sweet and respectful to me. And everyone always said they still weren't good enough for me, even the guys said that. So the girls dating these bad guys are girls on their level. They're rejecting you because you aren't on their level.
Get some confidence and stop focusing on what other people are doing.
Worrying about shit like that is neurotic and weak. Women are bloodhounds, they can smell it on you.
Salut copain. Moi j'etais ne et grandi la-bas en Belgique, je reste ici depuis autour l'age 5 ou 6 ans, j'ai eut tellement beaucoup de bonne souvenirs de mon pays.
Okay, enough of that, I mostly forgot how to speak and write in French, just wanted to say hello to a fellow waffle.
As far as your problems with women, you're blessed in more ways than one. Trust me, I'm an oldfag (32 years old this year) and I've had my share of misery with relationships. I always believed that the next one would be different and it never was. I've been with girls from Peru to Indonesia and it was ALWAYS the same fights over the same issues every single time regardless of country, race, or religion. They're all the fucking same and I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, don't believe that any man needs companionship that badly to tolerate the shit that comes with putting up with women.
Like I said, you're blessed in more ways than one being that you have a great life and a great family and bringing a relationship into that scenario will do nothing but fuck it all up. I forgot where I heard this, but someone once asked "If your women left you, what would you really miss about her? Besides her pussy."
I honestly couldn't think of anything and that's why it stuck with me after all of these years. Trust me brother waffle, it's just not worth it and if you're THAT desperate, go to a hooker.
U r incel
I somehow found girls that like me but I either have terrible luck and something happens or my autism scares them away.
So how do I improve my looks?
I'm bald and already lifting.
Why? Its just reality
The cold truth about life is that virtually all women are whores and liars, the ones that aren’t yet simply haven’t been given the chance yet
Thank you for the kind words american. Deep down I know you are right ofc. But everyone here sort of expexts you to find a gf, have kids, etc. and if you don't to this you'll get weird looks. That's the worst thing about all of this. I'm perfectly fine on my own for 23 years right now, and the only time I was stressed over a longer period of time was when I was dating these women because they always pull stupid off crap on me
See, you say something that's true, then you don't follow up.
You have such disdain for this type of person. But weak people can be more loyal than the strongest soldier. Renfield, right? Eats bugs. Has anyone ever managed to make him abandon Dracula?
Women cling to strong personalities. God I'm so good at this, I should start a paypal.
I'm not made for this world
My failures with women must be because I'm weak and anxious.
Surely I can't be THAT ugly, my father didn't look amazing and he still got my mom.
Are you on drugs
I wish, you can't find shit these days because of the virus.Nothing but Talisker for me.
Just fuck off with that nonsense. I was always neurotic and weak(181/61), but before the Norwood knocked at my door, I slayed big time.
>non meme degreee
>too afraid to say what it is
meme degree confirmed
I literally scored an mff threesome with a pickup line "pull my finger" on the university's campus party.
Why would a gang member who was trying to recruit new members report an outrageously high body count?
About that...can we all just admit once and for all that threesomes are complete and utter shit? The girl likes it when your attention is on her and there's all the deep eye-staring you pretend to do, with threesomes they know on a primal level this is just silly crap and they're just...not very into it. I mean they go through the motions but at the end of the day they wanna feel special, and when they feel special they try harder.
Just don't want to doxx
Damn, Belgium must be pretty small, no two people around with the same profession
>got norwood at 20
I have never touched a girl and I'm almost 30
Never stood a chance
I think in order for mff to work the two women have to be something like very good friends and very bi curious to keep the jealousy in check. I have a friend who managed to convince his gf to bring in another girl and have a threesome but made the mistake of getting over excited and just fucking the brains out of the new girl and ignoring his gf. Relationship didn't last much longer
Doing degenerate activity attracts women
t. Degen
I fucking hate the fact that I got much more engagement after I started smoking and drinking
>there is an aspect of the female "taming" the ruthless and coercive male, baiting him to be nicer by her submission.
which is the furthest thing from reality, no guy the has raped a woman is going to give a shit about her "submissions" and leave once he's done
>fucking the brains out of the new girl and ignoring his gf
hahaha yeah, that'll do it.
>Explain to me why I cant find a gf while he can
you know how guys buy a busted car or worn out house to fix it up? women do that to men
also no girl is looking for a guy that is better than her nowadays, makes more money and has a degree maybe, but not necessarily smarter or emotionally more mature than her, just smart enough to not be troublesome though, because then she can't control you
OP I'd recommend you reading pic related. Women and men have both short term and long term mating strategies. If you can't get a gf, you're projecting that you're neither a good long term nor a good short term mating strategy.
Basically alpha fux and beta bux for women, and for men the long term is a good mother and the short term is a great big pair of jiggly tits. But it's a mind opening read
Sir, guys only get the opportunity to cheat if they desirable to women.
If you wanna get better at getting women, read self-help books OP
I just...really love you guys sometimes.
what you see as degenerate and a detriment to society. women see as protective and reliable
nothing new.