An American is asked what they think of a European country

>An American is asked what they think of a European country

I love that place the food is delicious, the cities are beautiful, the culture is fascinating etc.

>A European is asked what they think of America

I think Americans are dumb, fat, racist, uneducated, I hate their government etc

One of my friends traveled to visit her relatives in Germany and the other children completey ignored her and refused to speak. My question is why is it like this? I'm not baiting, genuine question. If this was the middle east then I could understand but it's not. Are we hated for our culture? Why are they so full with hatred for this country?

I'm not a regular on this board too fyi

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Everyone hates America except Poland. You are the root of evil

A country's people are not the same as its government.

What country in America?

you won't get through to euros on Yas Forums

It is the same, you are a democracy and even if not everyone is responsible for its govement actions

All I can say is

Death to the American Empire

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That's rich coming from a Russian lmao

>everyone is responsible for its govement actions
I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt and not assume you're retarded. I changed my mind.

>everyone is responsible for its govement actions

Actually in America we have elected representatives. We don't actually make decisions on foreign policy ourselves, we'd never get anything done lol. Foreign policy issues are too complicated and dynamic to be dealt with like this.

In democracies the people are responsible for the government.

It's always hilarious to see Americans reacting like this. They unironically believe that the US is viewed as some venerated force for good in the world because they have been indoctrinated to believe in this from day one and the moment they interact with actual foreigners the delusion comes crashing down.

>They unironically believe that the US is viewed as some venerated force for good
Why are euroseethes constantly referring to this outdated boomerthink? You really think most yank zoomers today think that?

Thou shalt not dissent in Deutschland

Is Germany really a democracy if all the people groupthink anyway?

You people think it's all so simple, don't you?

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>If you don't support imperialist policies and offensive military interventions as well as massive human rights violations and breaches of international war you are a drone.

This is what Americans actually believe and it's scary as fuck.

Americans don't know about their government preparing to sponsor terrorism in Europe to get their way or the time where for biowarfare experiments the government gassed an American town and killed people.

Winnie the Pooh, Tiananmen Square, etc etc

You can have any political opinion you want I don't care, but I don't understand how such a fiery hatred of another people/culture is acceptable.

>>If you don't support imperialist policies and offensive military interventions as well as massive human rights violations and breaches of international war you are a drone.

>This is what Americans actually believe and it's scary as fuck.

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>Americans don't know about their government preparing to sponsor terrorism in Europe
Even if we all were aware, try and guess how many of us would give a shit.

>This greatly weakens nationalism
stopped reading there

What a great pair of tits.

blame your government
also dont believe what people say here
in general most ppl are ameriboos

That's not at all what I said kraut. Are you people capable of unique thought? Are you really that much of an npc?

That’s just not true, netizens in every country hate America

An American is asked about:

Haha dumb faggot surrender monkeys

Haha bbc rape muslims

Fuckin Putin Commies control our entire governmemt

And so on.. Only Vacation spots and people who view Europe as a Liberal Utopia are spoken about like Op.

>the other children completey ignored her and refused to speak
I wouldn't let that bother her, children can be assholes anyway.

Oh of course, just don't act surprised when people don't like you.

I don't give a shit about trying to associate with people who don't like me just because of where i'm from. Do you?


Why what's the problem with that bit? You think nationalism in the US was at an all-time high around Trump's term, both during and post-election?

That is the thread's theme tho. Public perception/prejudice of people based on their nationalistic origin.

>I love that place the food is delicious, the cities are beautiful, the culture is fascinating etc.
No. They know nothing about it, can’t find it on a map, but they’ll claim they’re 1/64 part natives

That's not how democracy works in this country. Once elected, an officials start taking bribes from special interest groups like the pharmaceutical companies and just do whatever they want during their tenure, while giving speeches to placate their constituencies. Who is elected doesn't even really matter in the end, because it's special interest groups who will decide policy anyway, with the elected officials just functioning as figureheads/intermediaries.

It's not a matter of wanting people to praise the country, it's a matter of having the capacity to distinguish between individuals and the government of the country in which they happen to live. Honestly, a fairly significant portion of us hate our government and always have. Our political issues always come down to lesser of two evils, because only the stupidest NPCs here actually believe that our politicians have our best interest in mind. We're basically trying to see who will use more lube when they fuck us.

Then why the fuck you in this thread you moron

What is worth knowing about Hungary outside of the ladies, a few composers and Budapest?

Lol this r*ssian mongoloid thinks America is actually a democracy lmaooooo

This is the result of nationalism, the greatest mistake of the 19th century. "Nationality" has become the central identity for most people in the modern era and thus they are affected all the attendant in-group, out-group biases

>This is what Americans actually believe and it's scary as fuck.

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Most Euro zoomer love us lmao keep coping g*rmoid scum

Oh I see, I wasn't clear enough; I meant associating with actual people in real life, not while discussing euroseethe idiocy responding to incel posts with nothing more than a flag and digits to identify them.

Americans were retarded enough to pour money into Europe to stop them from becoming communists. Americans today are retarded enough to keep pouring money into Europe while they mock us. America is like the simp with multiple onlyfans subscriptions moderating chats of ethots. Is it unfair that Americans are mocked and made fun of? Perhaps. Do Americans deserve it? Without question.

>Do Americans deserve it? Without question.
Well nice to know that millions of people can be born in a country where they immediately deserve to hated all due to the actions of previous generations and now are almost powerless to do anything about it.

Take your meds schizo

Since when has Poland liked us? And for what?

This is true but political ideologies being new sports teams is a relatively new thing in society. Democracy itself isn't at fault. Democracy in modern society is.

Why is hungary such a shithole? All the girls all ugly there

I can agree with that.

They think we'll protect them from Russia

America pushed wars tand coups hrough the world, specially in the middle east, whose result have been years of terrorist attacks in Europe and migrant waves of rapists and murderers.

America gave birth to sjws, modern feminism, LGTB, and pushes racemixing with its media. American culture is killing the unique cultures of every western country and making them all the same.

Also they're fat.

In the Netherlands the right wing likes America. While the left wing hates America.
The media is left wing. Amsterdam is left wing.

Yeah simpleton nobody hates newborn Americans. They hate the American government and people in the public sphere who willingly give money to people that hate America. It's like a cow being willingly milked while the people drinking the milk mock it. At first you look it's quite pathetic and sad. When you really think about it the cow deserves it because it let's the milking go on

I honestly don’t understand why people travel. I don’t just mean across countries or continents, I’m talking about states too. When I was a child, my mom got a job in another state and we moved away from all of our family and into some shithole city. I hated it. Why is it the culture to leave everything you know to go to some distant, unfamiliar place?
“Oh but it was so boring there.” My mom would say, referring to our native state. No mom, it was HOME! To the surprise of no one but her I moved back when I could. We have Americans that want to go out and “see the world” instead of staying put, raising families, and maintaining strong communal bonds. It’s pathetic.

Germans are obsessed with politics, when I went to germany last year, every person I spoke to talked about brexit to me. They don't see it as bad form, they love it, just doesn't rub well with the Anglo attitude

So it's okay for me to hate Russians because of what their government is doing?

So...don't accept refugees? Seems like that would be the best thing.

>Europeans don't have agency

You don't have to move out of your home B. It can be nice to travel for a week or two somewhere else. Some travel experiences will be shit while others will be nice

Then go live under a hardcore authoritarian government, who cares? It is what it is, and its greatly underappreciated.
>America gave birth to sjws, modern feminism, LGTB, and pushes racemixing with its media. American culture is killing the unique cultures of every western country and making them all the same.
I cant even bother responding to this considering how stupid this post is...

No it's more like a big cow is willingly milked, but the younger cows don't want to be milked like this, but not only do they practically have no choice, but the big cow is trying to convince the younger ones that being milked is something to be proud of. Only a few of the young believe this.


more like
>>an american is asked about france
>well i think theyre all arrogant and effeminate surrender monkeys with an overrated culture and dirty cities and i think we should mock and insult them even more in our media because they didnt want to participate in another of our invasions to steal oil

would bang though

Why can't Anglos stand a little bit of confrontation?

Well, we don't. Papa US please think for us.

so true

>Then go live under a hardcore authoritarian government, who cares? It is what it is, and its greatly underappreciated.
Wait what? You didn't answer my question, why are you strawmanning?

Yeah and at some point you don't have any hope left for the cows since they all willingly get milked. Anyone who doesn't want to get milked is branded as a spy from a rival farm. Just keep pouring money into the middle east and Europe while they mock is and be a good boy about it

No we don't we're unironically the good guys

We at least have an excuse of not being a democracy

You don't make friends easily, huh?

>America gave birth to sjws, modern feminism, LGTB, and pushes racemixing with its media

But Europe loves that shit. In fact I'd say Europe is more sjw than the US. Shouldn't you be thanking us?

>and i think we should mock and insult them even more in our media because they didnt want to participate in another of our invasions to steal oil
First half is correct for all, second only for boomers.

what, so no one is ultimately accountable for anything? the people choose the government, and the ones who govern proclaim they are serving the people. its a simple equation, if you think something is fucked then its fucked within yourselves

kind of based

Don't talk to an American like that.

I’m referring to those xenophilic twenty-somethings who spend years away from everything they were raised in for the sole reason that “it’s different” and because they think it’ll bring fulfillment. They pursue careers, “experiences”, and other bugmen things and then come back to the US and get vasectomies.

Fair enough. If you get into the politics of America, you'll realize how much of a shitshow it is and how far it is from a democracy.

Same reason why you'll see a lot of shenanigans once you get into EU politics.

We view it as rude and invasive of privacy to talk about politics as soon as you meet someone, its someones personal life you're discussing you don't do it with randomers

You're pathetic. You belong to the same flag too, it seems, so enjoy being a masochist for mockery.

Literally when does this ever happen? Surrender monkeys is a harmless classic joke

>and get vasectomies
So where's the problem?

Not Anglo but regarding Germans into politics. Most Germans are extremely autistic and expect politicians to have the personalities of a wooden planks like Merkel. I wouldn't mind debating politics with Germans. It's just when they start bringing up dumb shit like attacking someone's personality or way of talking it starts to get boring because I realize I'm arguing with an autistic nerd

Rephrase your question then. I never mentioned Trump in the first place, you missed the point.

>Surrender monkeys is a harmless classic joke
wouldnt say its harmless when the entirety of our country's military history which is nothing to spit at is now completely discredited and belittled around the world

t. hideo kojima

Pardon me if I was unclear. My question about Trump was meant to be used as an example of media division causing rifts in nationalism, and I wanted to know your response to that particular example, I didn't mean to strawman.

I'm not a masochist, Americans are. I would like to not be milked. I would enjoy our tax dollars not going to Somalia,Germany, and Saudi Arabia. Americans who support these policies are masochists

Correct, I’m very selective when it comes to interpersonal relationships. It’s hard to find people who I both get along with and share my values. Hell, it’s hard to find people with concrete values to begin with.
The problem is that these people, dumb as they are, could’ve been at least influenced into doing more productive things if we still had the culture we used to. People are largely too stupid to act on their own and need a guiding hand to correct them.

Well euros are the one copying us, not our fault the degeneracy spread. Euros are soon gonna be fat mutts like us soon enough.

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Most Americans don't know their own history except the bare minimum they get taught year after year. Do you really expect them to know about the military history of France?

>is now completely discredited and belittled around the world
lol destroyed by a Groundskeeper Willie line

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>I would like to not be milked
>Americans who support these policies are masochists
Yes, hence the fact that I used younger cows in my example. The younger cows don't want to be milked. They don't want our money going to foreign bullshit. They want better domestic policies. Zoomers may get a lot of shit wrong, but I can sympathize with their want of using our vast wealth to try and better our situation here with cheaper housing, healthcare, etc.

Do you seriously think Americans shitting on the French has convinced the world of what to think about your country's military history?

wow, France couldn't handle the banter so it surrenders to that too? When does it end with you people?

Moving is one thing, traveling/tourism is another. Traveling and learning about different places can be enlightening. It's not a modern concept, it was even stated in the Havamal that traveling makes you wiser. Getting your information from media or the internet will inherently give you a skewed notion of what it's really like somewhere else.

The food was really tasty when I was there. My favorite part was checking out some Medieval ruins after reading up on the history. Maybe that's just me, though, I'm a history nerd.