Spooky vydání.
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The fucking WC got stuck and had to unblock it because I had to shit but there was somebody's poop there.
Want to throw bleach into my eyes.
How come that loving Slavs makes you sadist?
>lucid dream.avi
>cause an accident with car
>make a run for it on foot to escape police
>summon a med city centre
>flowers, caffés, spaniards having a siesta etc.
>start coughing like a motherfucker to rile them up
>they panic
>they start chasing me too
>they beat the police aswell
>wake up
from what I've read on the wiki this Nurgle guy seems like a good guy
I've had only one fully fledged lucid dream and it was surreal. Incredible stuff.
t. Jano Liang
unlocked new heavy ordnance corps unit
>Nooooo not the lizardino!!!
>wake up
>turn on work laptop
>log in to HR portal to check if my salary is updated
>it's not
enough of work for today
any plans for the long weekend lads?
robbing grannies on the street
are you a policeman?
I dont have a job.
God I‘m so fucking fat
Someone just shoot me
You can give me some of your money so you dont have enough to buy lots of trash food.
Womanoids are the cancer that ruined society.
it‘s too cold today
Both are cringe.
No, the guy is a hero. The thot is an attentionwhore.
Identify yourself incel misoginist.
Ok officer
*hands you a fake ID*
krasna holka
Piotr can you buy this me
This Polish spastic has been buying a car for like a year now.
I wish I could talk to angels
I can understand this text well. I am pro.
>uglyass eyebrows
you're an angel
She's ugly tho, and this cow ring the nose eewwwwwwww
fuck ugly people am I right
My beer order from Vakia arrived today, unfortunately one of the bottles broke during transport :(
That Femvak?
you must exterminate all vakteria now
I don't remember this chapter from Theology.
Comfy desu.
femvak is skinnyfat, not a fatfuck
skinnyfat is just a copeword for fatass
No it isn't, retard, it just means that you have no muscle. You can be 20 BMI and still skinnyfat.
Also Femvak is not even fat, I talked to her on Interpals.
Nah it‘s about fat distribution (which is genetic)
If you have an excess amount of fat wherever sorry but you‘re fat
Don‘t care about your e-friends faggot, didn‘t ask.
>If you have an excess amount of fat wherever sorry but you‘re fat
>tee hee I pretend that I'm excessively strict and judgemental as a substitute for a personality
Seems to be enough to understand that fat = skinnyfat
Fat = large amount of excess fat
Skinnyfat = high bodyfat percentage despite low BMI
56IQ subhumanoid.
Stop being a femvak apologist, subhuman. She‘s fat, end of story.
so this is what being closed does to you
ima head out
Femvak has always been very nice to me.
>do a workout
>literally nothing else to do for the whole long weekend
this is not a happy reality
Reminder that the corona isn't really dangerous. It's a politcal attack on China.
How come Chinks were the first to quarantine entire cities, then?
Read something, user.
I'm too much of a subhuman to enjoy reading at this point
There was a huge public outrage generated by the Western media. CCP needed to act and control the situation. J
>tfw user got kidnapped by the CIA before he could finish his sentence
I need a new hobby
Accidentally hit j on my phone.
Model stuff in 3ds max.