/ISR/-canadian chad edition

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is everyone still asleep ? my sleep schedule is royally fucked so i've been awake since the last one.
how are you guys doing in lockdown ? how are you passing the time ?

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בוקר טוב!

בוקר טוב כפרה
i hope you guys make it with this corona stuff you almost hit half a mil

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Is it common over there too?

we're almost at 10k cases soon, your infection rate per capita is like 5 times greater tho
we had retarded haredim that didnt adhere to instructions and ignored social distancing and all got infected so the police and nearby municipalities started blockading that city
now those fucks are crying that we put em in a ghetto

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>hassids being retarded
Business as usual.

people are already pissed at them dodging army service, living off welfare gibs and generally being anti nationalist in a very nationalist country. now we had 2 (and maybe 3) failed elections because of their shit and now they're causing corona infections.
public opinion is shifting against them rapidly , hopefully we can get rid of their gibs and exemptions soon.

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Goodbye for all eternity /isr/
Or at least until next time

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yeah you're a retard who deserves the ban

>not trying to protect people from 5G

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>exposing the grand plan to mutts

Will Us/Israel relations ever recover?

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no, we /iran/ now because of this

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How low would you rate my chances, as an Ar*b, of getting a Coral Sharon gf?

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im fine with them spreading it as long as it stays in their cities
50-50 if you're a millionaire that looks like zyzz

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>Israel and Iran as allies

This feels like Baathist propaganda

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jews and persians were great allies since cyrus, even in recent history we fought iraq together, iranians took out an airbase to enable us to bomb their reactor.

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Orthodox jews should be kicked out of the country for everyone's safety. Make Israel 110.

i'd honestly be in favor of this, they should have their own country
i'd even give em part of our land like pic related so they can have their halacha state

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Jews are such terrible guests that they even get kicked out of their own country, aha.

I can unironically understand why everyone hates Jews if the only Jews they met are orthodox

>noooooo why do you choose a different collective than the mainstream

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I've heard they sacrifice toddlers to moloch and want to enslave all non-jews and make us eat their shit. I doubt my 5% Ashkenazi from my great grandpas side is enough to spare me from the shit eating.

they can choose what they want we just choose to hate em

Also why do you never see orthodox women? Is it an incel religion, lol.

I can unironically understand why everyone hates Jews if the only Jews they met are orthodox

Good meme

What's your take on these guys?

Will there be a final solution to the Haredi problem?

they are covered in ninja suits
theyre antisemites

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>Jews suppirting Jobbik
>Calls for dismantling Israel
Not based, do I believe european pretend-jews have the right to colonize an Arabic country, no probably not, but it's better that they have their own country otherwise they'd just all come back to Europe and let's be honest. Neither us nor them would like that.

why is no-one stopping those palestinian women from kidnapping haredi kids?????

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They know those boys will only grow up to become ugly four eyed incels who scream at tourists for taking photos so it's for the best.


what is palestinian ?

An actual middle eastern jew who stayed in Judea and eventually converted to Islam.

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Noo not this fucking Yas Forumstard again

do you think the normal people actually have the power to resist haredim?


you cant convert to other religions in judaism

what do you mean resist all we want is to remove gibs and excemptions.
all we need is a government without the haredi parties in it

It's true tho. Palestinians and Mizrahis are the closest living thing we have to actual Hebrews since the Roman extermination campaign.

So? They're still ETHNIC jews, despite not being spiritual jews.

They are Arabs you Yas Forumstard

no if you convert to islam your dna changes on moclear level and you become an arab who strictly belong in mecca (even tho arabs leveled in levant through all history and moses's wife was arab)
but if you're an Ethiopian nig or a khazar snow nig and you convert to judaism you magically become a descendant of isaac and get a copy of a 2000 year old land deed in palastine

Saudis are Arabs, Yemenites are arabs, emirate Chads are arabs. Palestinians are NOT arabs. Don't make me summon Nicholas Taleb you imbecile.

Damn, I better get a circumcision and convert so I can build a house for cheap on illegally occupied lands near the Golan heights. If I'm lucky the constant mortar fire will only kill half of my family.

>saying palestinians are subhumans is not Yas Forums
>saying palestinians are also descendants of jews is Yas Forums
why the double standard, jewbros?

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We said they are arab the subhuman part is all you

muslims are not jews, theyre muslims

New can convert to Islam but Palestinians are not ethnic Jews they are Arabs, they don’t need to invent a fake history to get a state they just need to agree to a peace deal for once

>subhuman part is all you
and it's not nice to play dumb

no u

I meant Jews

Sorry if it came off as rude I meant to say that you are the one who said we called them subhuman, I have nothing agains Arabs, Palestinian or otherwise

don't worry akhi, i'm cool with arabs

t. israeli with mutt flag

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i notice a lot of israeli jews immigrate to america.
or maybe you're all the same poster.