Canadian on the left, Australian on the right

Canadian on the left, Australian on the right.

Attached: 1559873577430.webm (1280x720, 1.93M)

Good and what nationality are the males?



Attached: 14134141411.jpg (900x900, 117.21K)


SAUCE on the OP : Kim Orion on Chaturbate is one girl This is what White guys are attracted to.

Attached: Ienjoy.png (340x536, 257.07K)

SAUCE on the OP : Kim Orion on Chaturbate is one girl. This is 2/10 panface is what White guys are attracted to.

Attached: chaturbate_kim_orion_8d765c5be1.jpg (360x270, 12.45K)


Attached: 1550986642235.png (320x568, 326.06K)

American and Russian BVLLS.

Attached: 149199_doc1_E76E83BD-7D94-402C-9DB6-4D97F0077B99.jpg (800x1133, 578.77K)


On the flipside, these are the Wh*te girls who fuck Asian guys on Chaturbate look like

Attached: bijoux2mb.webm (960x720, 1.95M)

White dudes are so fucking trashy, really to get orgy and post it online. They love posting hidden creep videos of them fucking their asian prostitutes.

Another example of AMWF Chaturbate couples

Attached: amwf1.webm (480x360, 1.94M)

Canadian husband recording his Australian wife on the left and her American boyfriend on the right.

Attached: canadian_family_meeting.png (1395x623, 457.39K)

Seethe ricecels.

Attached: 1566877681366.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

Imagine that, actual wanting to see ATTRACTIVE females have sex. Too bad, you never see that White guys and Asian females.

Attached: daddy1.webm (959x720, 1.65M)

who asked

Attached: kek.jpg (357x334, 25.12K)


Attached: 1570905338207.jpg (498x509, 45K)

ricecels realize it's their women rejecting them not the other way around right ?

Probably low test,
They arent exactly enjoy sex, just flexing their trophies that is why you rarely see white creampie porn.
I wish their video would be more passionate and raunchy like amwf.

Flat chest, flat face, flat ass, and tats all over her body. What a catch ... wh*te guys only get the best.

Attached: chaturbate_kim_orion_8d765c5be2.jpg (1024x576, 74.93K)

How can Asian boys compete against the superior big white cock?

Attached: 1517325504318.webm (854x480, 1.99M)

Attached: 1586392890043.png (593x580, 620.84K)

damn since when did bear grylls star in JAV productions?

Attached: 1540327680813.jpg (890x960, 37.32K)

Oh look it's another thread where ricecels and mayocels go at each other.

Man, Japan is really a nation of autistic people.

the big difference of course the only examples the mayocels always bring out are UGGOS like in the OP while the ricecels bring out examples where the girls look like this

Attached: alone1.webm (961x540, 2.32M)

the big diffrence is amwf is pointless because of how infrequently it happens. I can pass by dozens of white guys with asian women and not see a single asian man with a white girl. It's the reason why blacked has such an effect it actully happens. It's why BMWF is taken seriosuly and AMWF is treated as comedy

Attached: 1310483412100.jpg (413x395, 19.24K)


Attached: 717a2739-9c3d-48d6-b473-263b5cd7b83f..png (273x252, 122.39K)

now kiss

I wish I had a gf

Attached: 860.jpg (500x645, 41.79K)

Oh, it is the same this same Canadian cuck user who is obsessed with black men and thinks Western countries = world.

FYI : Nobody posted here or the girl in this webm live in any Western countries. While the UGLY-AS-SHIT Asian girls in OP do live in Western countries. Amazing ... ehhh

Attached: tra.webm (608x1080, 2.67M)

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Attached: 1536106623261.gif (300x300, 693.65K)


ya but you always see this and it's just anecdote. You never have any actual evidence

Attached: korean inter.jpg (672x471, 346.65K)

Attached: 1570568367537.jpg (1364x2048, 200.98K)

lmao the state of ricecucks

Attached: 1563465950310.jpg (813x1269, 626.95K)

Attached: images (10).jpg (360x205, 8.31K)

Funny how you hate asian men so much yet fetize asian women.

>making fun of bizarro pathetic reddit ricecucks means you hate asian men

Attached: 1567451614620.jpg (803x818, 91.37K)

Attached: 1566592751381s.jpg (125x120, 2.95K)

Attached: chainsaw_pc.jpg (679x427, 55.29K)

>man with pierced nipple

Attached: 7ae.png (754x770, 511.05K)


Attached: aVLi5c8.png (591x627, 718.21K)

How the fuck do you get a gf that looks like this and works on Chaturbate? Do you go on Chaturbate and ask them out or do they just hit the lottery and meet them at random?

Include me in the screencap

can I be in the r/Yas Forums screencap please

Filipino man with his white husband.

Attached: gaycouplephilippines.jpg (1117x609, 82.76K)


Attached: 6871698_preview.png.jpg (820x581, 95.04K)

reminder that you still have not recovered

I agree with the ricecels desu. Most females in wmaf are ugly (maybe that's unfair though because asians are ugly in general) while females in amwf are way hotter.

So why do they get do angry?

Very good post