
>i didn't post the new

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Other urls found in this thread:


damn, too slow on the trigger me

better than the /blacked/ korean edidtion


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mutts law coming in fast

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any commmunists in this general?

thinking how i used to get called a literal child in this general 2013 when i was 18 but now i'm 25 and i'm older than most of you little scamps

A Gay. Paki. Prime Minister.

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FACT: Veganism stopped being about animal rights somewhere down the line and now the whole cult is about people playing the victim so they can gain sympathy from others for calling themselves Vegan.

>Yank prime minister

do fit russian birds exist


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500iq move

Reckon about half of you are wogs to be fair and my opinion won’t change until I’m proven otherwise

moshi moshi

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the english are very thinskinned, ye

no they all have that vague gremlinoidal look to their faces

would post my hands but honestly cannot be arsed

might have to trim the wavy locks lads

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Keir Starmer’s reshuffle is impressive - the Marxist nutters are out; moderate left are in. When this crisis is eventually over, and politics is resumed, the Tories are going to find that the 5 years when there was no opposition and no alternative has come to an abrupt end

Are the irish just english people with down syndrome?

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>prove a negative
he's done this many times not sure if pikeys are really human

Will Deano culture produce anything of literary merit?

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ezekiel connect the dry bones

>A bum bandit from the Hindu Kush as your Premier

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she's so dreamy lads..


>Sir Keir Stramer
Don't think the workies are going to like the fact a party for the working people have a guy with a knighthood in charge.

sounds unlikely

Go shag your cousin, rasheed

London paki would last a day around my ends

Ah yes. David Lammy, Naz Shah and Jess Phillips. State

pooresident toilet bog fart of the poonited sharts of americrap

Already has

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>A fag in a rag as your leader

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whats wrong with knighthoods. paul mccartney has a nighthood

>Go shag your cousin
>from you
well that's just comedy gold

>But The Sun revealed how their relationship came to an end following a fling with admin assistant Leonie Borek just hours after his team’s 1-2 derby defeat by Manchester City.

>He invited her to his £3million Cheshire mansion where she found him eating Domino’s pizza and sipping Disaronno liqueur with Man United team-mate Marcus Rashford.

>After Rashford and another pal left, Lingard romped with Leonie three times, including in a hot tub.

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reckon there's an extremely thin line between poetry and literary masturbation

This smile is the Deano equivalent to the open mouth Soyboys do.

he's not been working class since the 60s

Aww right luv drop trow an I'll jus take yer temperature so I will

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Yeah the guy who went to Eton is much more relatable

need mikey to spaff in my gfs fanny so i can suck his seed out (whilst surreptitiously forcing it in to her uterus with my tongue to impregnate her)

By having a stupidly low tax rate so companies like google move there. Been a double edged sword because international capital is promoting globohomo like crazy there. Within 30 years of this economic policy they went from a staunchly Catholic nation to legalizing abortion, and importing Nigerians.

Starting to think the whole "China is underreporting their death numbers" is just a massive cope

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>you bantering me?
What does this mean exactly?

The deanette magnum opus

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Starting to think brits dont appreciate digits

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lungs feel a little bit constricted but i'm not coughing or anything
what do you think lads is it the chinky flu?

>Are you making fun of me?

It's some sort of self help book I guess. All part of Deano's persona that he's some self made business guy despite the fact he works in a call centre.

You're a dunce FFS.

are (interrogative) you (subject) bantering (verb) me?(object)

Like if smiffy asks you order some wings at Nando’s and you tell him you ordered extra hot...he’s like “you bantering me?”

Really really dislike these
Don't get them seriously. Making me feel sick just thinking about them.

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We love digits

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Don't pay any attention to him, he's one of those sneering speccy Guardian pricks

Keir Starmer a.k.a Millibot v.2.0

>noo people classes are rigidly structured and tattooed onto their dna!! you can't change it ever!!!

I admire the dedication

>We love doubles, don't we folks? We love getting doubles.

Hello friends and welcome to Reddit!

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>Once, and it seems as if it were years and not weeks ago, I was like other men. Each day, each hour, each moment, was full. My mind was young and active, and it delighted in fancies. One after another they unrolled before me, and I saw the rough and scanty stuff of which life is made, with its embroidery of never-ending arabesques. There were young girls, fine copes belonging to bishops, battles won, theatres full of life and light, and then young girls again, and nocturnal promenades beneath the kindly arms of chestnut-trees. My fancy always pictured fêtes. I could dream of what pleased me, for I was free then. Now I am a captive. My body is in chains, in a dungeon. My mind is imprisoned in an idea—a horrible, bloody, wild idea! I have but one thought, one conviction, one certainty: I am condemned to die! Whatever I do, this dread thought is ever with me, like a ghost at my side, alone and jealous, chasing away all other thoughts, face to face with my wretched self, and touching me with its icy hands when I turn away and close my eyes. It glides along every path where my soul would hide, it mingles like a frightful refrain with every word I hear, it clings to the hideous bars of my prison, it pursues me awake, it spies my troubled sleep, and creeps into my dreams under the form of a knife. I waken with a start, still pursued by it; I cry: “Ah, it is nothing but a dream!”—but scarcely are my heavy eyes half opened, before I see the dread thought written on the horrible reality which surrounds me, on the damp, close floor of my cell, in the pale rays of my night-lamp, in the coarse wool of my garments, on the sombre figure of the sentinel, with his cartridge-box gleaming through the bars. It seems to me that even now, a voice whispers in my ear: Condemned to die!

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Deanettes magnum opus title is "If you don't deserve me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best"

He’s not wrong


>Dunce with a strawman
Get coughed on, you dumb bastard

Idk that seems to be a thing coping women do

you could at least explain why you think I'm a dunce

Corrr the one on the right


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Imagine just railing her over that desk.

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My favourite Canadian is Jeff Lemire


That's who Lingard cheated on with the unit on the left.

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40 years old, how does she do it?

clean up in aisle /brit/

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>this spammer
pack it in kid

Pepsi max is the best of all that shit

makeup and angles

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why does he do it lads?

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Is it wrong to be gay?

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The correct decision

Daquan on the left

his tits look sad.

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Ask the Irish Prime Minister.

this kind of shit that alienates me from capitalism. i guess its not capitalisms fault, just that people are retards. but then agaain capitalism isnt that great either way.

> - marilyn monroe

What's Alan Sugar's problem?

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not a fan of this blacked nonsense, whys it so popular?

What next? Bestiality?

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one person out of 30 doesn't qualify as popular

Built for bbc

senile old boomer

this nigga thought russia released lions onto the streets to enforce lockdown

He's stuck in the past his fortune is a joke built on old shit and sky contacts

White woman love the BBC
>shrek confirms

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How is Soylent doing during this pandemic?

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love it, what a nonce

Does desu

Is Alan sugar drunk?

'ate soyboys


Cause the jews shove that shit in your face in all media. They don’t like white folks. Its actually that simple.

He's just a stupid boomer with loads of money

Never got the soylent meme, why do people make fun of it/people who take it?

I will PERSONALLY slit the throats of anyone who doesn't reply to this post with "Sleep tight yank

Alan Sugar made most of his money just because he invested in London property when it was dirt cheap

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Cause the capitalists shove that shit in your face in all media. They don’t like communists. Its actually that simple.

just put jojoba oil on my face

shudder to think at the complexion of all the other posters here

Goodnight American!

you know what gives me the fear lads?

the fact im 26 and have never, ever, been in a one-on-one social encounter with a female (non-family) that wasnt explicitly for work purposes (and even those extremely rarely ie perhaps twice maximum)

gives me the big fear that does
that i honestly cannot imagine myself in the act of walking side by side with a female and talking, let alone even going for a coffee or other social scenarios, gives me the crushing fear. note i haven’t even mentioned anything romantic/sexual because thats so far beyond the limits of believability i couldnt describe it

Cause the patriarchy shove that shit in your face in all media. They don’t like feminists. Its actually that simple.

What’s the purpose of jojoba oil


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nut up and hit the gym bro