This 6/10 is smashing top tier Japanese poon while you post frogs on a polynesian scuba-diving forum

>This 6/10 is smashing top tier Japanese poon while you post frogs on a polynesian scuba-diving forum

Attached: DNN6VlOVAAIps14.jpg (1200x1200, 143.82K)

Attached: langfocus paul 100 percent white european.png (918x644, 241K)

>top tier

Attached: 745.png (327x316, 187.94K)


Attached: BVLL.jpg (2041x3062, 2.12M)

if that's what's considered japanese top tier no wonder their birth rate is so grim

I thought he was a mutt the guys is interesting but Christ his mug is so ugly I have to change tabs watching him

i've only been lifting every day for 7 years, maybe after 10 years i can get a gf

That channel is annoying, but this guy is chad af.

just go out and flirt already, don't become a Yas Forumsard

I bet Paul whispers to her sexy things in his native Proto-Indo-European

I hate to make a post about how UGLY the girl is but the OP forced me into it. It is easy enough to find the OP's Youtube channel and his instagram.

BTW : She is also a literal midget.

Attached: 01 - B6S8gryHne5_B6S8gp4nyDI.jpg (1080x1080, 284.08K)

Not shopped. Yet another White guy with an UGLY 2/10 East Asian girl ... hohum. It isnt even a meme anymore

Attached: 01 - B138b5nHRfL_B138b3LnE1V.jpg (1080x1080, 233.15K)

She's not "top tier" like OP said, but she's not ugly either. Frankly if I had Paul's looks I'd be happy with an average japanese gf

this desu

Attached: 1586471745809[1].webm (960x540, 1.23M)

Of course, on the flipside, Japanese men get White girls like this

Attached: 01 - BIQxVhNBGR4.jpg (1080x1080, 271.07K)


Same girl

Attached: 01- 7NQaLoo9dP.jpg (1080x1080, 240.03K)

He could’ve settled with a cuter one but the guy isn’t necessarily a looker either

Attached: 012_BIz5YNkAFbH_edi.jpg (980x734, 153.88K)

the girl in Op looks better to be honest

Attached: 011_BIz5YNkAFbH_edi.jpg (713x870, 186.68K)


This was her boyfriend when she traveled to Japan to model. She broke up with him to be with the Japanese guy.

Attached: 01- _u8bveo9UE.jpg (1080x1080, 240.21K)

With her mom and ex-boyfriend

Attached: 01 - _u8u_GI9Un.jpg (1080x1080, 201.91K)

dude... cool i guess?!?!
Is this how you cope with being hapa?

>all these langlets seething

Attached: 1547102441876.jpg (1200x1200, 216.1K)

BTW, her new Japanese boyfriend has a kid with another girl.

Attached: 000 - BFfmjXpI9eB.jpg (990x719, 237.45K)


Attached: edi- 7NRWGrI9ed.jpg (1080x1080, 310.76K)

That guy is actually better looking than her. Why are yellow fever fags so blind when it comes to asians?
Do they have such a low self esteem they fall for the first asian girl gives some attention? Like that one guy who married a literal ape. You know the one who I'm talking about

>interracial fucking is mentioned
>burger flag seething
like clockwork

Ehh, personally i'm not attracted to asian girls in the slightest but I'd say that his teeth bring him down to being her looksmatch.

Why hasnt he fixed them? I had almost as fucked up teeth was just 2000€ to get them fixed with laminates

asian """men""""

Attached: asian male.jpg (2448x3264, 643.36K)

Does he actually speak other than english?

Another sexpat loser who fetishizes the race of women he hates. I know you how you white losers think. I have psychoanalysis your post among the other white losers in this thread and I have built a profile of you. Tell me if this is correct:
>white loser
>unpopular with women in his own country
>social outcast
>fetishizes asian women
>wants to teach English in Asia
>hates asian males
I know you. Inside and out, due to the many ideological battles we have on this board.

This guy really made 8 posts itt of the same couple because someone posted langfocus with his girl

Why the fuck does he sound like a German speaking English?

I know this is pasta but
>>hates asian males
I don't think anyone asian males

>*calls you a seething ricecel in Tok Pisin*
>*tells you there's no future tense of having sex when you are the subject*

Attached: Screenshot_28.png (476x596, 643.14K)

Are you deranged, it is well known that the sexpats in Asia hate asian men and view them as sexual rivals. Look at the way Serpentza stole his ugly wife away from a Chinese, and he even laughed about it in his video. They hate Asian males because the truth is Asian females prefer their own race. Only self hating and mentally colonized asian women go after the lame English teacher, because they are brainwashed into hating themselves and idolizing fair skin.

Damn she must get dicked hard by big guy over here

it's unironically mental illness, incels that seethe about interracial relationships are usually pathetic skitzos, but r/asianmasculinity types who seethe about WMAF go above and beyond in terms of sheer seethe

Should it be offensive? And what does that say about asian women?
Only asians I'm attracted are central asian btw. My own race :)

But why do you care so much who dates who? I couldnt care less if someone dates a black guy for example. Not really my business

jesus christ, have sex you seething yellow wimp

It is always the r/aznmasculinity boogyman right? When the white male dominated media makes another television series or movie demasculating asian man and perpetuating stereotypes that asian males are nerds, losers, little dicks. What do you think an ABC girl who consumes this garbage will think? She becomes hateful towards her own race and wishes to be white, but she understands she cannot. So she will seek a white loser as husband and create bastard children with no identity. These deranged WMAF hapas ultimately identify as Asian because whites hate hapas.

>These deranged WMAF hapas ultimately identify as Asian because whites hate hapas
Nigga look at Russia. Slavs and hapas get along good there

That bitch ain’t top tier lmao

Attached: image.jpg (272x242, 41.5K)

And Finland has clearly asian looking people here. We don't hate them. It's all in your head

I read stories of hapas in Kazakhstan, where ethnicity is more important than that what hapas in the west understand as Half Chinese - Half American. The hapas of Kazakhstan also suffer discrimination and aren't accepted. Kazakh men are notoriously protective of their women, the only hapas there are AMWF with Russian women marrying Kazakh men, because a Kazakh will kill Russian for trying to steal his women.


most pathetic thing i've ever read, seek therapy before you shoot some place up

Attached: nintchdbpict000303450694-e1487669429584.jpg (772x810, 46.72K)

shes like 5/10, hes also like 5/10.

Yes, all of them. He even creates new ones in his spare time.

You fool I recognize your posting style, we have had many arguments and it ultimately comes up to the fact that you don't want to admit you are a colonizing white loser. The cope of calling me and incel and telling me to have sex is huge white cope. Do you know in China, there is a shortage of Chinese ladies. Everynight a Chinese cries himself to sleep alone. And to add to the fact that these ugly pink faggots who don't even bother to respect the culture come in and try to steal some self hating chinese girl? It is insane, It is the western mindset that is uniquely incompatable with the eastern mindset. You think its a matter of having sex but the truth is this is an asian male genocide being supported by hollywood and in all western countries alike.

Nigga the dictator since the fall of the soviet union has been a kazakh. They're even changing their language from cyrrilic to latin with their turkic cousins more unity.
And dont call them hapas that's fucking autistic term. Theyre central asian

>colonizing white loser
But that's being a chad.

Amerimutts and their identity politics are sometimes hard to understand

They are Turkic Mongols ya idiot

based Paul
his best video was on Portuguese and Russian sounding alike to non-speakers

Yeah, what a chad! (sarcasm). Whites who fetishize asians girls are notorious paedophiles. They always talk about how cute and innocent asian girls are because they view them as children. Asians have higher level of neotony.

Attached: Peter_Scully.jpg (247x228, 16.68K)

>You fool I recognize your posting style, we have had many arguments
no we haven't you weird schitzo cunt
i really hope the rest of your post is satire, i refuse to believe that anyone is that pathetic without a hint of irony

>Yeah, what a chad! (sarcasm).
now it makes sense, telltale sign of autism