> your country
> anything military
uniforms, vehicles, marches. whatever you want.
> your country
> anything military
uniforms, vehicles, marches. whatever you want.
Other urls found in this thread:
we used to have really cool looking gear
Portuguese ranger with a Lithuanian.
Nice, they’re looking really good.
warrriors of israel
Ejército constitucionalista - constitucionalist army, during the mexican revolution
oh boy i love these threads
I can't post images but our Army's uniform is pretty cool I'd say, at least it's better than p*kis.
This one is from the 90's but I like it because he has a Walther MP
Serious question, could japanese hold the impulse to run away from the scary bullets?
If they army actually had to do something would the personal be mentally strong enough to deal with it?
heavy sturm infantry
Battle of Mobile Bay (American Civil War)
I respect any navy that still has super-firing guns on their boats.
Performing CPR on this thread.
best jet pilot on the planet
Our ASTROS 2020 in action
Wish the army never stopped using 3 piece desert. Still the superior camouflage for sandy deserts imo.
did you read him is Miranda rights?
tiran 5 tank (my grandpa finished his service just as some units were transitioning to these but he did some reserve duty on tirans)
>Merkava tanks have their engines in the front of the tank
What the fuck were you guys thinking?
No rights for guantanamo bay guests.
pere anti tank vehicle, besically designed from lessons learned from the valley of tears battle (which my grandpa fought in)
i almost got into the unit using these back in 2012 but ended up as a standard tank man instead.
tfw no vietcong gf
I know. I was being ironic.
Don't know how you guys fancy yourselves the "good guys" while guantanamo still is a thing.
its a big advantage actually since you can load\unload shit like ammo much faster via the back hatch and they are also used to move infantry around
the one disadvantage is the frontal radiators but its a tank, theyre big and very loud you're not gonna hide them and if you do you can always turn off the engine in a hulldown position
The effective of pattern camo K17 (number 2 from left to right) vs digital camo of PRC and Singapore (number 1 and 3 from left to right) and an old K07.
IAF mig 21 flying over a military parade
IAF mig 23 over the negev
Almost nobody else puts an engine in the front for a reason m8. You're just asking for that thing to get knocked out and become a sitting duck. Which is exactly what happened to those things in Lebanon 2006
With people like khalid sheikh mohammed in it, i lose no sleep.
What's up with that Arab flag on the tail fin?
Doesn't that also make them taller? (i.e.more difficult to conceal)
Hope that dude recovered well and was able to eat again :(
the tanks charging first in the second leb war were ambushed with mines and ATGMs, any tank would be knocked out by the damage they received, the engine placement wasnt the problem the command retardation and lack of planning was.
also they werent using anti mine plates and anti missile raincoat system that we have now.
thats not arab flag, its the flag of syria which gave israel those planes
dosnt what make em taller ? tank height is determined by engine size,crew compartment size,size of gun breech and loading mechanism and how much ammo you want. merkavas have pretty big interior which makes em pretty flexible as you can carry all sorts of shit should the need arise and still have top of the line protection.
>war crimes are morally wrong only when someone else commits them
achzarit, basically 1950s armor still used today with upgrades
>half of them are turks
>thats not arab flag, its the flag of syria which gave israel those planes
Why the fuck would Syria give Israel planes? You guys are enemies.
Second one seems much more effective.
well give is not the exact work some were confiscated, for example IIRC the mig21 in my local air museum was confiscated by IAF after syrian airforce landed them on our airfield (because its illegal for syrian airforce to use our airfields so the locals called the police which took the planes)
the syrian pilots claimed they had navigation errors or something and went back to syria later. as for the mig23 i think the pilot willingly landed it here in exchange for money or something.