Do some light reading on zoonotic disease in light of current events

>Do some light reading on zoonotic disease in light of current events
>Learn about Novel viruses like Australian bat lyssavirus, Nipha Virus, Tioman virus, MERS, Henipavirus and Menangle virus constantly being discovered mostly from bats as a disease vector
>Mortality rates 78%, 40%, 25% etc...
>Huh, discover that bats are a genuine threat to sentient life on this planet

Do you have bats in your country? And if so WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT!!

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Yes. Leave them alone because they eat flying bugs. It's definitely a sight to see them ALL flying out from under a highway.

We can't leave them alone, some Pangolin wanders into their cave and eats a bat shit covered piece of fruit and the next thing you know the worlds economy has stopped

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>Australian bat lyssavirus
just rabies bro
Not eat them like a subhuman savage


Bats are fine as long as you don't fucking eat them.

Bat's not, but bat-eating, wildlife-eating chinks.


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>just rabies bro
As of 2016, only fourteen people had survived a rabies infection after showing symptoms

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The markets yes but this damn thing bites some horse in Australia and the next thing you know they are all dead

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Rabies has a vaccine, the only people that die from it are because they found out they had it too late.

me? I reckon we should destroy all life on planet as it can all act as reservoirs and spread infectious diseases

Nothing, because even slavs are not subhuman enough to have meat markets full of bats, so there is no threat of contagion. I reckon we should genocide all chinks though.

>Rabies has a vaccine
I know and it's still exceptionally dangerous and takes around 20K lives a year, it's the new shit we keep finding that might make rabies look like a hangnail that worries me

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*flies into your room and scratches you, 5 billion people die*
nuthin personal kid

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Remember there is nothing stopping a virus that has a extremely high morality rate (like rabies), that is extremely infectious (like measles) and has a extremely long incubation period (like HIV) from emerging and killing billions.

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One of these fucking bat diseases was documented as having a god damn 27 month incubation period

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There is a higher chance of someone sneezing onto a nuke button on some submarine and causing a nuclear holocaust, though.


Nukes are like a little babby compared to bats though..

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I unironically believe we should genetically engineer a virus that wipes out all fruit bats on earth.

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AMEN, This is what I'm talking about, we've wiped out plenty of species before, this is very doable

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>Building a ton of Bat-Shredders (pic related)

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FUCK ME, this soyshits little article aged BAD

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There are viruses for every fucking species you goddamn illiterate mutt. Doesn't mean all of them are zoonotic or even human to human transmisible.
Don't tell me you'll lose your shit again when you find out plants have sperms.

How about we stop expanding into the bats territory and use our resources more wisely? Without bats our skies would be flooded with bugs that would destroy our crop land

>Huh, discover that bats are a genuine threat to sentient life on this planet
But aren't bats polinators? Don't they eat other insects too?

Ah yes, So tell me ...when you see one the worlds wealthiest men personally fund a solution for the threat of zoonosis, it shouldn't matter, after all what does he know? Right?

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>I unironically believe we should genetically engineer a virus that wipes out all chinks on earth.

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stop doing crazy shit like that

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Based, all this bullshit about, Nazis, commies, ISIS, dictatorships yada yada.....meant nothing, THIS was the real villain all along

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Another cashgrab NGO? You're totally right, goyim. The bats are a menace to our inco... lifestyle despite being there for thousands of fucking years. Be a good goy and keep the shekels running.

>after all what does he know? Right?
I mean he did make make his fortune in microbiology didn't he? Right?

>white-Nose Syndrome
> A deadly, cave-dwelling fungal disease known as white-nose syndrome is sweeping the continent, with a mortality rate as high as 100% in some bat colonies.

Sounds promising
>Bats have a reputation for being spooky, even though most pose no danger to humans.

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He is a literal genius who got a perfect score on his math SAT but the point is, these powerful, intelligent, influential people outside of the framework of the institutions take it upon themselves to deal with real threats because they know what's going on as well as anyone and just how fucking inept our governments are

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MERS: no wet market crack downs
SARS: no wet market crack downs
Covid-19: no wet market crack downs

The CCP just does not give a single fuck, huh. Guess you gotta blame westerners too for assuming that any criticism of Chinese governance or culture is racist.

They have known about this shit for YEARS AND YEARS too....unreal

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Whatever, I gotta go out there and risk my life everyday now because of these fuckass incompetent and negligent cocksuckers didn't have their shit together, google scholar has endless papers written about such threats and here we fucking are

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> google scholar has endless papers
You mean the ones that university demand as part of graduate, masters and PhD programs which people only apply for to get intereviews and apply for unpaid internships at shitty hospitals?

Paybacks a bitch you abominations

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What is your point even seriously??? You are being paranoid and weird, there is endless documentation of this issue, the first Corona virus was discovered in 1966 and they are all animal borne

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Stop projecting, user.

Maybe the fucking Chinks should stop eating these fucking things then. Jesus Christ

Why is he so smug?

>a growing concern

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That shit could come back to bite us in the ass, same with genetically modified mosquitoes. What if some jungle people die from malaria?

Not eat them?

These aren't sexually transmitted, are they? Asking for a friend.

Eating bats is fine as long as you cook them properly. Cook your bats to at least 165°F and ensure they are properly cooked all the way through. Of course always wash your hands before you prepare bats.

It's like cooking any other meats.

If the Chinese were eating all of these "exotic" animals remotely to the extent that racist vermin like you like to promote, there wouldn't be over a billion perfectly healthy people living in China and the world would have had far more than a small fucking handful of virus outbreaks, considering the massive amount of international trade China is involved with.
I'd tell you to use your brain but it's clearly full of holes.

Yeah seriously, why the fuck is everyone ITT so racist?

Bats are also one of the biggest rabies vectors.

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The meme "wet markets" you see photos from floating around the internet are aggressively shut down by the Chinese government. The problem is that a wet market is in reality, a normal market where people buy normal shit. The places selling these exotic and dangerous bushmeats are already illegal and typically run by organised crime syndicates that are involved in animal smuggling.
Normal wet markets were shut down almost immediately throughout Wuhan as soon as the government caught wind of what was happening, along with most other stores, as a quarantine measure. Saying that "no wet market crack downs" occurred is flat out propaganda because it's objectivity untrue and only spread for the purposes of pushing an agenda.
>Guess you gotta blame westerners too for assuming that any criticism of Chinese governance or culture is racist.
Nice kneejerk. The common criticisms are objectively racist hatemongering and nothing of substance because the fuckwits spewing it all over western media and western social media are all relying on tertiary sources that have been heavily filtered through the lens of propaganda. "China should be nuked" and "Chinese culture is disgusting", is racist and is not a valid form of criticism.

Idiot. Meat being displayed is not what cause diseases. Live animals in such crowded places are what cause diseases. Chinks and their retarded superstitions are what lead them to have thousands of animals of different species confinated in tight spaces around a fuckload of humans passing by.

>thousands of identified virus
>200 can give disease to humans
>virus mutate

So the Muslims were right?