Ban All American Flags

If I have to read one more post my some chicano nigger pretending to be Mexican I will lose my fucking shit.

I realize there's regular Americans who will sadly be caught up in this purge, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not Chi myself, but get me a girlfriend like that and I'll be on my way

Ban All Argentinian flags

If I have to read one more post by some provinciano nigger pretending to be white I will lose my fucking shit.

I realize there's regular argentinos who will sadly be caught up in this purge, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.

cute butt

>tfw no PAWG girlfriend

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that's a man

Don't lie, you would still plow


oh, those sandnigs

>a country that's 40% Mexican, he thinks it's impossible there are actual Mexicans
Like have you ever been to Texas, California or Arizona?

americans have been banned from Yas Forums for years now, all the ones you see are VPN

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I don't care I will still masterbate to this later

Should I even bother learning spanish at this point? Have the chicanos ruined it for me?

why would one subgroup ruin a language for you?

CHI here, how do I cope with the fact that I don't have a PAWG gf to miscegenate with at this very moment?

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dude that CAN'T Be real

If by "American" you mean the continent of America, then definitely. There is a handful of decent huehue posters, everybody else is garbage tier, especially C*nadians, but spics and burgers are not much better on average.

>I'm not white therefore nobody can be white

Learn chinese

Then fucking kill yourself loser

They were born to ride BIG BLACK COCK.

>he doesn't save photoshopped images of white women's enlarged asses
I want to believe.

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If that's a man I'll gladly fuck him. With an ass like that, fuck it

We CHIchimecas are not mexican, mexico is ours. Keep seething olmec dog.

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>a real thing
you're just larpers that have no identity

>pretending to be mexican
Don't flatter yourself, Eusebio.

Also, this board be boring and gay without Americans. Just abunch of sissies patting each other on the back about how cultured they are.
Plus you would still bitch and cry about the USA, it's the magic monster in your closet and under your bed that is somehow responsible for all of your problems and distracts you from your own governments incompetecies, shortcomings and failures.

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Its one poster.
One sad, pathetic loser.


sorry, but im mexican

Even better

Please don't post butts like that bro, I'm trying to sleep here.

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>t. Olmec


>a real thing
Are you saying the chichimeca never existed?

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I'm saying it doesn't exist now. someone today calling themself Chichimecx is like an Italian calling himself a Roman or Iranian calling themselves Aryan.

>I'm saying it doesn't exist now.

But they left decendents, why can't someone take pride in their ancestors?

>literally doing "muh ancestors"

olm*cs get out

T. Self hating mestizo that doesnt want to acknowledge native roots.

t. la puta de los gringos

>t. la puta de los gringos

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I love butts :)


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Have sex

no :^)

This is now a PAWG thread

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why do you lie?

You'd also get rid of almost all the gay posters. Win/win.


>you're just larpers
Nope im really a nomadic barbarian who carries north mexinjun blood. It would only be a larp if I called myself an aztec.
>that have no identity
quit projecting olmec, i do have an identity. I was raised under north/bajio mex culture which is a product of CHIchimecas interacting with settlers
CHIchimecas & their descendants still exist retard
cope rootless olmec, CHIchimeca is an ethnicity not a race. Having iberian blood does not get rid of your barbarian CHIchimeca spirit.
He is an olmec dog

Attached: nomadic north mex injuns .jpg (1364x1926, 1.38M)

>imagine being this delusional
Chicanos are the fucking worst

>globalist (((olmec))) dog triggered by ethno nationalism

please god let me kiss that bunda

Not an argument you rootless globalist (((olmec))) dog.

kys (((olmec)))

Attached: olmec dog (you).jpg (386x397, 104.7K)

kek that's actually pretty based though

Chicano is word used by cringe leftist olmecs who larp as aztecs, do not call me chicano ever again. Im am CHIchimec

>that pic
>what Chicanos think they look like
>this pic, what they actually look like

Attached: muttlandia.gif (411x488, 1.46M)

Thats an olmec mixed with negros

Attached: 100% olmecx phenotype (you).jpg (300x533, 37.25K)

Don't use your proxies this time

if by Olmec you mean Chichimecx, yes

>quit projecting olmec, i do have an identity. I was raised under north/bajio mex culture which is a product of CHIchimecas interacting with settlers
just say Chicano and stop pretending it's something profound