/ISR/-mentally ill leaf edition

last thread

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/ISR/? more like /IRS/

/isr/ is /israel/ what is /irs/?

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מי זה

post lady dick

ראשון לנגב צ'אן

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המלך של isr/

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גם היא בסדר אני משער

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series is ok, character is cuter

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reposting official /isr/ anime from last thread

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מזה מאיפה החרא הזה ?

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מעניין אותי איך יהיה הפרק הבא אחרי הבולישט של הבחירות האחרונות

האמת שאין לי מושג

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יש לו הרבה חומר להכניס לעלילה
בסיס הירח של ליברמן היה מעניין

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אגב איפה הקנדי מפרסם את התמונות האלו של עצמו במדי בית"ר?

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I have 5000 dollars on hadar ashuach's head

הוא החליף את חנין זועבי בתור האדם השנוא במדינה די מהר

אני מסוקרן, מי זה?

>חנין זועבי
לא שמעתי ממנה מאז 2015

Why do israelis want gaza and the west bank? is it just because if they didnt police it then the arabs would be running bombs and guns in there like mad or is it something else? I think you should build taller walls around gaza and west bank with like anti tank ditches and anti rocket weapons right on the other side and have a 1 mile exclusion zone and just give em it

למה אני כל כמה זמן מקבל באן אזורי פה?

I still can't believe this was made in israel

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is yiddish spelt in the hebrew alphabet? does it look different from hebrew? can anybody type a bit

>want gaza
we don't it's literally a shithole and the only reason we care about it is because they like shooting rockets

>Why do israelis want gaza and the west bank?
west bank is already part of israel and we dont want gaza we literally ejected it from israel because its such a shithole (which only turned it into a worse shithole that exports its crime to the sorrounding area)
>I think you should build taller walls around gaza and west bank with like anti tank ditches and anti rocket weapons right on the other side and have a 1 mile exclusion zone and just give em it
give it to who ? you want us to give away israeli land ?

it has a few new diacritics

It's a commercial about direct flight to japan, it as weird seeing this on tv for the first time

Where did you find this?
the first time I saw this on a billboard, I thought i was hallucinating, I guess El Al knows the market for japanese flights though

Jesus it was everywhere

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>west bank
we didn't annex it yet because if we will we would have to give Palestinians the right to vote or face EU butthurt

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just use a proxy

why not ? its a decent commercial
they had this on tv and big billboards near main roads with this
or are you surprised by the overpriced flights ? thats what happens when you have a commie state airline.

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I think israelis have a lot in common with northern ireland

there was no irish in the north to begin with thats why we settled it, now they moved in and claimed its always been theres even though before britain unified ireland ireland was 5 kingdoms always at war with eachother and now they ask for it to be given back

who cares about EU when US is on your side? who gives you more aid? EU would never give you military aid either

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I will never forgive

yiddish is foreign goy language why would it be written in hebrew ?

Here's a fanart

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the webm? I just saved it from other israelianon so I don't know

גם לי יש תמונה של זה כשזה יצא
הייתי חייב זה לא נראה אמיתי
>מרץ 2020

It was a fuckup, sorry

its annexed in all but name, and annexing it dosnt mean we have to give anyone rights to vote just that we have to enforce the same laws there as anywhere else.
if you look a tthe laws which apply there its not martial law
no wtf we got to do with irish you're delusional. anglos invaded their land.like you people invaded ours.
>backstab us and than illegally occupy us for 30 years
wtf do you expect ? you should be thankful we're not nuking you for your transgressions

I was in an expat bar in dubai once and I heard these 2 guys speaking Irish, being from Ireland myself I was taught irish in primary school and was stunned to hear irish being spoken outside of ireland, i went over to talk to them about it and asked if theyre irish and they say "no,no" and are really reluctant to converse with me

They had olive skin, mossad?

מצאו מתי לפתוח קו חדש... טוב, לא שהם יכלו לדעת מה יקרה
ולמרות זאת אני לא מבין מי טס במחירים האלו

no I just find it a really funny commercial, since I never expected such thing

i posted it in the last thread
it was posted on /isr/ like half a year ago when this was on tv

we named one of our main streets in Tel Aviv "king George street" so please love us. Thank you.

why not its pretty obvious to use imagery or downtown tokyo and those old buildings with traditional japanease roofs its the most iconic nip stuff

>there was no irish in the north to begin with
Really? first time I hear this. Interesting. I think it was the same in South Africa in the beginning before the whites moves farther into the land.
You guys still have walls between your neighborhoods in northern Ireland?

next time we fight the anglos im gonna blow up an extra hotel just for this post

Very few irish, it was one of the most sparsely populated regions, just like south africa had only a few tribes

Fuck off you little cunt
God save the queen

someone get this hothead outta here

ill call my pal boris to trace your ip and send MI6 to beat your ass for this cringy post
i dont mind modern anglo land but dont you fucking dare compare my great country to an*lo land

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לא מבין מי טס באל על בכלל
בחיים לא ראיתי מחיר סביר אצלם

Oh my god we funally have an Israeli netuyo
sigh on my belly please and lat's have a photo together


נאלצתי לטוס איתם פעם אחת לליסבון לפני שהיו עוד קווים לשם כמה שבועות אחרי שטסתי החברה הפורטוגלית נכנסה לשוק ובאמת המחירים נחתכו
אבל בטיסה למזרח למשל הם לוקחים בערך פי 2 מטיסה עם אירופלוט ואין שום סיבה לשלם מחיר כפול בעבור כמה שעות פחות

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Laughed my ass off

למטוסים של אל על יש זין

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Don't disturb our men during a mission

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לאיפה הם דוחפים את זה?

לתחת שלך כשאתה קונה כרטיסים שלהם ב 300% מחיר

why the fuck does everyone go to sleep when i wake up, im always left in /isr/ alone

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