Why do northern europeans, nords, germans etc practice paganism, but italians/greeks do not at all...

Why do northern europeans, nords, germans etc practice paganism, but italians/greeks do not at all? They have a lot of history and it's all very well known. You'd think they would have a huge population of pagans worshipping Zeus or whoever.

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speaking of which why do pagans here in the USA worship Norse versions of Germanic gods and not west germanic versions like Wodin instead of Odin?

Italians and Greeks are not ethnic Italians and Greeks their only ties is Christianity and Greece ancient Greek religion is an official religion

Because most people don't know about the West Germanic version

they existed, but ultimately replaced by Christianity

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seems stupid, if I was a pagan since im english german id be worshipping wodin

I guess because they have a richer and longer history with Christianity.

"pagans" are just LARPers

the authentic pagan rites got forgotten in the late middle-ages

>Italians and Greeks are not ethnic Italians and Greeks

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They do? Never met anyone in real life who does it.

Like asking why English Americans don't feel connected to native American religion

>Why do northern europeans, nords, germans etc practice paganism
who except fascists and lunatics does this tho

Ask someone who looks conservative and not Christian what he thinks of Paganism irl

We do have a few people who have adopted dodecatheism but it's mostly a meme, much like northern larpagans
We also have a lot of pagan customs that are actually popularly practiced. For instance, on March it is custom that you were this weird bracelet thing made of red and white string that used to be a pagan ritual for a goddess but we just do it now, for no particular reason
Also, the way people handle saints here is much akin to how people handled their favourite heroes and gods back in pagan days, the average greek still has a picture of a saint on his wallet, kisses icons and the thing with the bones of saints is a thing

Thanks for saving me the time to explain this.

very little is known about the anglosaxon gods but we do know a bit about the norse ones
for all intents and purposes they're the same, so why not go with the ones that have the larger recorded history?

Yas Forums isn't the real world user
neo-pagan nords are progressive, they often talk about how vikings were gay-friendly to attract people mensvariety.com/gay-nordic-vikings/

Sweden have somewhere around 40k people who practice the old norse religion or some version of it today. Probably around the same or more in Norway.
There's even been talks about rebuilding the old Norse temple in Uppsala.

Correct answer. No one is unironically pagan, they're just larpers who listen to music for angry virgins.
>Duh let me tell you who's white ese

Libera andl conservative European religion worshipers exist just like other groups.

Dont try to attach your ahMED christkike ""saints"" to greek paganism k thx

Ethnic identatarians irl who aren't Christian indoctrinated would be pagan, that's millions, it just requires a little organization to organize and provide structure to the faith as well as registratration and confirmation in the European religious denominations.

fuck your structure and organization ahMED

because most people here are english or german and not swedish or norwegian

With the holy book organized and confirmed by the religious community.

We killed all our pagans and destroyed any record of their beliefs and history sorry lol

English, Norwegian and such European religious denomination temples could be established as well as unity the various European religions that agree to the same European theology and Gods.

there is no one who believes in the old gods, no one.

Just larpers/metalheads who find it interesting and use its imagary.

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I practice Roman paganism. Ask me anything

ahMED kill yourself. Just cause you feel the need to literally get on your knees and kiss the shit of the ground it doesnt mean that whites should accomodate you by doing paganism your LARPkikeism

>NO one
Have you asked people what they thought of Paganism?

>Ask me anything
why do you practice Roman paganism?

Is that American horror movie about swedes any good?

its okay.

It's not amazing, but not bad as far as horror movies go. The ending's pretty shit, tbqh.

lt's ok, guy wrote it after a bad breakup so a lot of it is women being evil

I'm not him but I also follow the Roman religion and I follow it because I believe it's true and because it appeals to me.

Archeology. Think about it like this.

Germanic and Celtic paganism saw a rebirth in popularity during the late 1800s, when a lot of social scientist weren’t afraid to experiment. Paganism had been oppressed for centuries, and not a lot was written about it, so it was mysterious. And humans hasn’t seen a lot of it in centuries.

Roman/Greek paganism really never went out of style in writing. Homer’s works have always been read.
Plus, they were popular art subjects during the Renaissance

Are any Egyptians still into thier whole thing?

yes, everyone finds it ridiculous. Its stories read like comedy, we would just laugh in class when we learned about it.

Not necessarily, but the Ankh, Wadjat, all seeing eye, and all that grew in popularity during the Hippie movement


Nope. The answer is here ahMEDs feel connection to christkikery not med paganism. Actual meds who would feel the pagan connection in their DNA are a tiny minority nowdays, simple as.

mate they're the same gods just with a different name, who cares

>pagan connected to their DNA
Do you realize how stupid this sounds?

Greek gods never went out of style.

Also, “nord” is a race in Skyrim, retard.

>Actual meds who would feel the pagan connection in their DNA are a tiny minority nowdays
But whites in general seem to feel connection to it as much as other white paganisms tho. Let me tell you what ahMEDs wouldnt give a SHIT about ancient greek mythology if it didnt fascinate whites outside of greece.

>who cares
Argument for argument's sake isn't a bad thing dude.

Pagan gods are in tv shows and Marvel movies they're lame as fuck now

Hey just like you feel the need to get on your knees and kiss the shit of the ground for your kike on a stick, that same way I get repulsed by your desert cults and get drawn and connected to paganism/mythology (more than you ever could trust me), not just greek but in general white paganism.

>Argument for argument's sake isn't a bad thing dude
let's just agree to disagree (^:

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Christianity leans more towards being a Greek ideals rather than Jewish ideals desu. Did you forget that it basically started in Greece?

>oi m8 Im greek!

Started in greece my ass. The christkikes were shitskins from the desert and literally tried to genocide actual greeks and paganism.

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Guys, seriously.

The real Pagan rites are long forgotten.
The Eleusinian Mysteries are lost and their demise was lamented in the late antiquity as a huge loss for the wisdom of mankind.

During the Middle-Ages smaller and smaller pockets of true paganism survived in the country since the Christianization began with the urban elite.

But by the end of the 1300s paganism was 100% dead among the general population and the early humanists began to study it in a historical perspective.

What we have today is Varg wearing a plastic helmet and doing some random bullshit.

swarthoids need not apply their opinion on the matter, seriously.

it's literally the same god

>Is that American horror movie about swedes any good?
Which one?
The Ritual on Netflix is awesome, cool monster horror. Really fucking creepy.
Midsommar is crap though.

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read some books fag

me rn

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ritual was shit, familj

>Christianity leans more towards being a Greek ideals
Fuck off retard, nothing Greek about Christianity.

swarthoids need not apply their opinion on the matter ahMED.