Do you play an instrument?
Do you play an instrument?
your mother's pussy
I play piano and a bit of guitar. What music do you like?
indie, progressive, and alt rock particularly
but any good music generally
I was forced into piano when I was a babby. I switched over to drums when I was around 12. I got into the bass guitar shorty after. After that I learned the regular guitar as well. With my Trump check I'm thinking about getting a little violin.
play guitar and bass and currently making an EP.
I took up the guitar when I was 11, and the cello just before I turned 19
and I can fiddle around on a keyboard the same way anyone that makes music can
No, my parents didn't bother to get me interested in instruments. Instead they forced me to play football and floorball, which I hated
I want to learn how to play piano, but I'm nearly entirely tone deaf, have no understanding of meter or anything, and I'm not very dexterous.
Sometimes I fantasize about playing grand concerts for vagrants in some abandoned park late at night, or playing the piano equivalent of a duet with my [non-existent] wife while our children listen.
I play the accordion. And yes I've already been doxxed in our general so I don't care no more.
would walk out onto my balcony to listen during quarantine
Harmonica. Mainly used it as a way to deal with bullshit at my job and since I couldn't bring a fucking guitar, so between breaks/lunch I play it to deal with stress.
And I'd gladly play for everyone.
Fingerstyle guitar but currently learning the piano.
Used to play oboe and travel EVROPA
very neat user
Guitar and harmonica.
Yes, I play the guitar (badly).
Thank you. One of few things I'm good at.
Cool, you any good? I've tried but never got the hang of it.
very nice
I am alright at the bass
Not that anyone gives a shit about bass
literally started yesterday. I can play notes cleanly consistantly now, gonna do bending tomorrow. I think i have an advantage because ive been whistling my entire life, not sure just how much that translates over though.
I try to play the guitar. But I suck and I'm needing some lessons.
faggots and normies might not care about bass, but you fuckers are essential to any band. Here’s one to all the unsung heroes on the bass.
I play harmonica, not super well but I know some tunes
Probably helps. I can barely hold a single note whistling and all I can do with a harmonica is annoy people. You sound like a natural, kinda like the accordion was for me.
Thanks bro, this is something that low IQ fucks dont understand, no band sounds good without bass.
Bass alone carries the entirety of the metal genre on its chords
I used to play chromatic harmonica, actually lost the ability to whistle over time
How was it learning the accordion anyway? its been one of my favorite instruments for a very long time, i was thinking of playing it but felt like it would be extremely hard to self teach, because of how uncommon of an instrument it is. the demand for teachers is nowhere near that of guitar
i whistle all the time out of habit, would suck to lose it.
And this video is great, Swedish bro
Used to play bass trombone. Sold it a while ago (kinda regret that) bit still got my school trombone left if I fell I wanna pick it up again.
I play the guitar, a little bit of piano too.
Here is a little something that I recorded myself the other day (cuz I was bored with the quarantine).
I have recorded other stuff during this days.
i play guitar.
This is BASED
Are you ichika Nito's lost black brother?
Very good user.
What equipment do yo have? I have a Gibson ES inspired Ibanez and a fender champion amp. Is not too much but I have a shitton of pedals so it all works out.
>Swedes were based all along
Wtf bros I thought they were all Stockholm fags
My family was poor , I had to make sacrifices so my sister and brother can go to music class. I get jelly and envy everytime their music teacher come to my house and started blasting the piano and guitar.
I don't understand if you are praising me or insulting me. Could you clarify argentibro?
boss katana 100w, tc ditto, player series telecaster but im actually just using my old squier deluxe strat there
I like 335s I'd get one if I had the cash, or some other sort of semihollow
I had the luck of having both an uncle and a grandfather who play on a "hobby" level so I picked up the basics in my early teens pretty quickly.
Didn't go further though until I was in uni and found an old Hagström bellow & button only for just 200 kr in the shop window of a second hand place. Honestly, I was just gonna play for fun, out on the lawn on campus. But I got addicted and once I left uni I started really playing. Several hours per day, going to folk music gatherings and playing out in public. I'd say it took 3 years perhaps to reach my current level, plus the experience from my childhood.
I can't read notes worth a damn so mostly play by ear.
play me some Bob Dylan right now!
No but I am the vocalist in our band
Kek, I'd forgotten about that video.
pls join my band, I'm in desperate need of a bass player
haha, im gonna have to work on the multitasking a little longer im afraid. Any particular song you would want to hear, user? I was thinking Mr Tamborine man, very simple chords so multitasking should be a bit easier.
i taught myself how to play the guitar, the bass, the piano, and the drums.
basically, i played in a handful of bands that none of the other members took seriously so little by little i had to teach myself to do everything so i wouldn't need anybody anymore.
dude that's fuckin RAD
fuck i was gonna say this
That's good, I also have tc ditto (which is the one I'm using here ).
Back at home I have my PRS, but my father uses it (along with a bunch of other guitars)
mostly likely you go your way!
sounds cozy. Folk music is easily my favorite these days. I wanna go to a gathering of some sort some time. You could try musictheory . net or whatever its called, its a lot easier to grasp than i thought it would be. Nice to know that sort of stuff.
based, Blonde on Blonde is by far my favorite. Ive been playing Visions of Johanna, it sorta sounds a bit naked without the other instruments though :(
What kind of PRS? I considered getting one of those at one point. Your vocaroo was pretty good
I love Visions of Johanna! play that! also, most likely you go your way can played acoustic. it's only Am and G chord I think.
me too
based trombro
Mama Mia that's a spicy a meatball
I have embarrassed myself in front of a group of people playing guitar. I do not intend to touch a instrument ever again in my life.
Custom 24 red. Kinda like this one:
It was a good buy desu, but I live away from my father so I only play it when I go back home for Christmas or holidays.
yeah most of that album has verh simple guitar chords, atleast when it comes to the rythm guitar.
git gud and come back stronger you faggot
The 1st one
Mainly guitar and piano, a bit of bass too. I also have a few synths (had a lot but sold all of them, modular system included)
that's rad
currently learning keyboard
Guitar (acoustic and electric)
A little bit of piano (I couldn't pay for lessons when I had the time for it)
every Bob Dylan song is simple for rhythm guitar. Bob isn't very skillful
>I wanna go to a gathering of some sort some time
I can recommend Bingsjöstämman here in Dalarna. It's great fun. Thousands of people there for one thing. Music.
Nice, didn't know this fella
well no, his strenght is in his writing, both lyrically and musically
fuck off, i was gonna post this as soon as i saw this shitty thread
I wish i did
I really like music, and every time i see someone creating a beautiful song i get sad because i know can't create anything beautiful