What latino america think about spanish?

What people from latino america think about spanish?

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1. They're evil
2. They stole all our resources
3. They enslaved and killed
4. Now they play the victim
Bonus: They speak like literal retards

dunno but mexican flag will be first to appear

wow you are right

Generally cool lads. Boomers tend to be prejudiced though

I think they're very racist & sexist. & think they're superior to us


so predictable...

very arrogant

Va un gallego conduciendo por Londres y pone la radio, cuando justo emitían las noticias, y escucha:
- ¡Atención, atención, se le comunica a los automovilistas que hay un loco manejando en sentido contrario al tránsito!. ¡Tengan cuidado!.
Y el gallego dice:
- ¿Cómo que uno?. ¡Miles!.

¿Por qué los gallegos van al supermercado desnudos?.
Porque afuera hay un anuncio que dice: "50% de descuento en pelotas".

Un gallego va al cine, y la muchacha de la taquilla le dice:
- Señor, esta es la quinta vez que compra la entrada.
El gallego le contesta:
- Es que el desgraciado de la puerta me la rompe...

¿Por qué los gallegos ya no se visten elegantes cuando viajan en avión?.
Porque hay un letrero que dice: "No smoking".

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they're mean but I get to watch them get their faces peeled off on liveleak so it's ok

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I want to hate them but then I remember Don Quijote, and catholisism .

Bad colonizers they were, but at least it wasn't the anglos or the frogs. We dodged a bullet.

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mi abuelo no irónicamente me lee chistes así

lol do they really?

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>mfw half of argentinians are galicians

too bad we didn't kick all of them

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Here in Yas Forums they have an inferiority complex, they can’t take a joke for shit. But irl Spaniards are cool people

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>Here in Yas Forums they have an inferiority complex

you have an inferiority complex in Yas Forums and irl INDIO

you just proved his point

my abandoned father

i knew someone was going to say that, but my post is just true


1. They're kind
2. They modernized our country
3. They took away the wicked ways of the amerindians
4. Their current situation is an unfortunate state of events and they deserve better
Bonus: They use of seseo is a great way to tell homophones apart.

Based Spaniard with an inferiority complex

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inferiority complex to who

other europeans i guess


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only leftists do


"Seseo" only happens in the south. The vast majority of us use "diferenciación" which is not the same as ceceo. If we had ceceo, the s sound would become a z sound.

brits are digusting animals, if anything people use Scandinavia as an example of the ideal countries

most things you can say about them can be said about us and viceversa but beside that i ignore them completely

post an example

Estas al tanto de que galicia es solo una pequeña parte de España, verdad? Lo digo porque en Argentina no ironicamente creen que todos los españoles son gallegos

Against white people that bully Spain and against non white people that call you Arabs

I've met only 3 Spaniards irl. All of them males and shorter than me, but very nice people overall. I still talk to one of them through Telegram (CS cuck).

nooooooo te lo puedo creer

los gallegos son retrasados y explica porque Argentina es un pozo de mierda a pesar de todos los recursos que tienen

Chingas a tu madre entonces, meco.

"Hacías". Two different sounds. If we had a lisp/ceceo, they'd both be z.
>El seseo es una variación fonológica de la lengua española (y también del idioma gallego) por la cual los fonemas /s/ y /θ/ (representados por las grafías (ante o ), , y ) no se distinguen, asimilándose a la consonante fricativa alveolar sorda /s/; una variación muy parecida es el ceceo, más minoritario, en que el sonido resultante es más parecido a [θ]; ambas variaciones se contraponen a la distinción entre /s/ y la consonante fricativa dental sorda (no estridente) /θ/, distinción que ocurre en la mayor parte de los dialectos de España peninsular y es tenida por norma en ese país

We are not superior. People who feel superior for nationality reasons to other people are dumb. Stop listening stupid Spanish people, you are becoming stupid too

think and sink, do sudacas pronounce these words the same?

esto, y al hablar español parece que tienen down youtu.be/XhE6wW-KsGo

I want to know why they receive so many tourists

The king of spain has to help public health. He earned thousands of pesetas from Saudi Arabia as a donation.

cheep beer and sun

you have to go back indio

porque nuestros politicos son del mismo o peor calibre que los tuyos

I like them although I can't speak for every1 of course, salu2

fine. do you deny that you guys are racist and sexist too? every time i see a spanish flag you're either complaining about
1. "panchitos"
2. feminism

This is latin american 5g network

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Soy catalán, me tengo que sentir superior a ti? Porque tengo motivos socioculturales y económicos suficientes para hacerlo. Sin embargo, os dejo la arrogancia a aquellos estúpidos españoletes que se creen superiores al resto del pueblo iberoamericano por haber nacido en Europa por cuestión de azar. No existe otra diferencia. No has logrado personalmente nada.

joder ahora entiendo a los catalanes

burn it!

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superior why? we're shit

no lo he leido lol

They're Europeans, so that makes them faggots.

yeah because you people embrace the shitty spanish (andalusian) culture

ya llegaron los manolos en tromba

su problema es que se creen superiores simplemente por algo que sus ancestros hicieron hace 500 años, bajense del pony

I LOVE seeing shitskin spics seethe about spain.

Panchito asqueroso, vete a tu país si tanto te gusta.