This getting silly

This getting silly

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Like 1984 Olympics

legit PISSED that the entire world is stopping just so 83 year olds can live until 95 instead of dying now
fuck oldoids
hope they all die

>daily 9/11s soon

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America #1

Luigi still has you beat, give it a couple of days


What the fuck will happend now with a massive worldwide recession?

>759 of US deaths are under 50

they are fat fuck


>Canada gets its first cases
>make fun of BC and say it will be fucked because of all the chinks there
>tfw BC has already flattened the curve while Quebec now has 50% of the cases in the entire country and growing

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those greedy cunts really prefer to fuck everything for the young people instead of accepting their times has come

How has China only had 2 deaths? That's amazing!

And totally true also!

>beaten by Spain and Italy
Fuck that shit, what has my country become ?

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But not as silly as Sir Billi

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The domino effect on world living standards will cause death and suffering on a far greater level than covid ever would. And no one will bat an eyelash because "lol poor people problems".

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>turkey +4k with 96 death
>UK +4k 881 death

superior TVRK black genetics right there

how many of them are under 70?

it's ok we're to socially dependant to new york and france. Ontario is going to surpass us with case per 100 000 in 2 weeks. They won't escape here because they think we're the epicenter. Wwe predict 1 000 deaths~ for quebec the federal predicts 11 000 - 22 000 for canada. The table is going to turn again.

I thought half the people in ICUs in the Netherlands were under the age of 50.

I still don't understand how we're not getting way lower numbers by now

China +2 LMAO

Turns out its a giant nothing burger if you live anywhere outside New York/Detroit or some obscure Italian provinces. The curve is #flattened, now what?

"Dont overwhelm the hospitals!!"--well now the hospitals are 80% empty. Set up a big field hospital in Seattle that never got touched. I guess we all stay inside and become NEETs forever. What a joke.

Turkey has more universal BCG at birth, UK waited til adolescence. UK is also way older than Turkey on average

Hospital capacity exceeded maybe ? They say it takes weeks to get someone out of the hospital, so no bed = you die.

There's many unreported cases going under the radar since they don't test other than niggas having severe symptoms. It's estimated there's 30x more cases than reported. The actual death rate will be a nothing.

USian is not a race

that tracker site still refuses to include average age of those who die

nah, the number of patiens in ICUs is every day lower and lower

Reminder that they quarantined hubei had 3k confirmed cases, then they sent thousands of medical staff/medical equipment into hubei and built 2 hospitals in a couple of days.
Keep seething.

The biggest burger is a bunch of unemployed retards in the "hospitality industry".
Instead of giving them Trumpbuxx for having stupid useless jobs in the first place, maybe we should retrain them to become grocery store cleaners or truck drivers instead. (Thats the new econcomy btw.)

+10 social credits

How is taiwan, south korea and singapore getting hit by 2nd wave but China isn't and China as a lot larger country? Those have had good policies as well from the beginning.

what a retarded post

Pet peeve: people using "quarantine" to mean "lockdown" (quarantine means you systematically separate the sick from the healthy to avoid the healthy getting sick; lockdown means restricted movement)

Triggers my autism every time. If you can take a lil trip to the grocery store, you aren't in quarantine. You are barely even in lockdown if we are being 100% honest.

London is probably going to pull up another lombardy or manhatten.

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t. Hospitality worker from Meme York


>people using "quarantine" to mean "lockdown" (quarantine means you systematically separate the sick from the healthy to avoid the healthy getting sick; lockdown means restricted movement)
No, quarantine means the restriction on the movement of people and goods which is intended to prevent the spread of disease or pests.

Time to cut off Meme York and surrounding provinces for good.

Detroit can stay and be the new "epicenter" we all rally around.

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>nothing burger
I want to stab my thumbs deep into your eye sockets while you scream for your mother you fat piece of shit mother fucking faggot nigger

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>a state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed.

If you aren't isolating the sick from the healthy, there is NO quarantine whatsoever. If you have sick and healthy living side by side, you aren't in quarantine. If you can go to the grocery store, you definitely aren't in quarantine. China has a real quarantine where they put all the sicktards. If you are sick, you go to the sicktard tent.

We have a meme-tier baby lockdown.

venetian here: quarantine means forced isolation to prevent the disease from spreading ("quarantena" comes from "quaranta", meaning "forty", referring to the forty days it used to last on ships docking in venice)
so technically we're quarantined

No, quarantine comes from the french quarante = forty, which meant every goods and people had to be isolated for 40 days.

How worse can that place get, realistically? It's basically a GTA city at this point.

That was a wrong quote. Most dead people are old not all of them though. Some 29 year old guy died with no medical history or anything.

>comes from the french

it's not even the worst American city

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luigi its really fucking simple
>except food and drugstores
>everybody goes there
>everybody coofs, touches, breaths there

its like a virus distribution center

I'm pissed the US is stopping short at 2k deaths a day. I want to see 3k, 4, 5k, hell, even 10k deaths a day.


based french chad appropiating north italian culture
cringe small dicked italian boy who will never see savoy and corsica returned

For some reason, if the US race statistics are anything to go by, Asians aren't as affected by the virus as blacks or whites. Maybe it has to do with less obesity and less smoking. 2nd generation Asians onward don't really smoke. And the Quebecois loves smoking. Maybe it has to do with why they're getting 50%+ of the cases.

It seems you're right, the french term refers to the christian fast during Lent, but was later used during the Black Death after the venetian use of it.

Soon you bloodthirsty bastard

Remember that ace2 meme from 2 months ago wypipo thought they were immune to this lmao

they wouldnt care even if you decimate them, hell theyd volunteer then starts screaming USA USA USA
only turning them into nuclear dust frees this planet from those pests

New yorkers are customers in their minds.

blacks are the main deaths in the USA its cause theyre fat and didnt listen to the idea they should stay in

I think Singapore is the only country getting a 2nd wave. Taiwan got 1 case and South Korea got 30 cases.

I wonder if South Korea has any extra tests. We're doing pretty well testing per capita (something like 8th in the world? nos sure) but we can use more.

Supposedly our "peak" is gonna be on Saturday. Assuming we all keep #flattening this stupid nothing burger we will top out at 91 death a day.

So boring it honestly upsets me how much nothing it is. Hospitals are actually losing money because they are too fucking empty lmao


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Here is the greatest country in the world™.

wtf France I though we were friends

Yeah, you have to search hard for the numbers.

Only 8 out of 82 Canadian deaths were under 60.

In ontario its like 85% over 75 years old desu, I dont like this at all and just want it to be over.

We have 320 million people you fucking retards, I can't believe the same believe who think Chinks are lying about their stats are surprised so many Americans are dying.

It’s interesting that our media isn’t publicizing the fatalities

But not as silly as sir billy

>10 or so deaths total
truly we are CLAVIK БVLLC immune to ailment

Kek great minds think alike

it sounds even more stupid

Germans have suspected the death rate is around 0.37%

Nigga it's your turkic admixture, not slavic. We have a lot lower death rate than other nordicks due to that fact

It's a complete nothing burger in countries and cities that don't compact their citizens in urban areas like rats. No wonder places like NYC and France are getting covidcausted because people have to take things like trains and buses everywhere as if it was 1917.

>82 Canadian deaths
Are you even trying ? Come on, you have tons of diabetic obeses and alcoholic injuns.

I wonder if Yas Forums inadvertently got white people and even black people killed by spreading the "you can't get the virus" meme. People go out and have communal spread, leading to deaths because they think they're not affected.

Easter's coming out, so I wonder if they'll pack churches. The Louisiana pastor got like a 1-day jail sentence for killing a dozen people at his church.

probably Yas Forums is a shitdump and was only good in 2013-2014 now its just trump retards

why do eurocucks obsess over murder rate when they have much worse problems than us?

did you actually believe those exponential growth retards? Hurr by day 17 every single person in India will be ded look at this green line on a chart it go up.

Compare Vietnam with the USA.

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There are scofflaws of every race. But Black people are more likely to be poor and ride public transit, abdmore likely to go to church and get together for dinner with their extended families later on. They have more of a community-based culture in general than whitoids do.

But yeah they are also more likely to be fat.

Germans have one of the stronger histories of BCG vaccination in West Europe. We have no such history. Their death rate =/= our death rate. Our death rate will look like Italy's if Italy was younger but also fatter.

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Yeah nigga that would put it in similar rate as 57-58 influenza. Did we have a global lockdown then? No we didn't. Boomers really are the worst generation. Let's just fuck over the economy and create the worst recession in history over a nothing burger

>France are getting covidcausted because people have to take things like trains and buses
Theoretically they don't because they're quarantined, but strangely not a single city closed its public transport...

logistic =/= exponential

Slavs are cripto-turks anyways.

They should let provinces that are barely getting any cases back to work. Yukon and the territories should be allowed to go back to work. Same with PEI. If you're getting 5 cases a day, that's pretty much nothing.

Canada has 500 deaths. The 82 is just partial data released by the government regarding ages. We're not going to get all the data until later. Still, as a ratio of deaths/cases, we're doing pretty well.

Natives aren't going to get infected because although they live together, they live separate from the rest of the population. So it's hard to infect them unless you can someone go into their community.

80% of the people on the ICs are obese.

what can american realistically due to reduce obesity? Dont say have celebrities talk about healthy eating

based asians

Name a few. And no, immigrants isn't a valid point mr. 56%.

Stop using that fucking redditor expression or will shove my stinky protein filled turds down your esophagus

Make carbs illegal for 6 months.

We haven't seen many deaths in developing countries despite them having pretty much non-existent healthcare you know why? Because their population is a lot younger and this kills just boomers

Yas Forums used to be fun and they came out with good memes. Now it's just retards, schizos, and batshit insane conspiracy theorist retards in their echo chamber. You can't have a discussion without somebody calling you a CIA Mossad Shillary agent.

>The "Asian flu" was a category 2 flu pandemic outbreak of avian influenza that originated in China in early 1956 lasting until 1958. It originated from a mutation in wild ducks combining with a pre-existing human strain.[63] The virus was first identified in Guizhou.[64] It spread to Singapore in February 1957, reached Hong Kong by April, and US by June. Death toll in the US was approximately 116,000. [65] The elderly were particularly vulnerable.[66] Estimates of worldwide deaths vary widely depending on source, ranging from 1 million to 4 million.

user-kun that still sounds pretty bad, we also have a higher total global population so it's def going to kill more than that

Ik, back when christopher dorner, the ukranian war, george zimmerman the memes and events were crazy. Now its just people posting interracial porn, trump generals and is x white

>So it's hard to infect them unless you can someone go into their community.
It only takes one innocent tourist, you can be this man.

>immigrants isn't a valid point
says who, mr. windmillfag?

Is that top left post supposed to be sarcasm or...?

>interracial porn
nothing wrong with that

tourists dont go into native areas, and if they do they usually go missing

Says me muttoid

>Hospitals are actually losing money because they are too fucking empty lmao


It's even worse here, we have "self-isolation" which is a made up term not found in any laws and not enforced or respected by anyone.

In absolute numbers ofc, but if the death rate turns out to be like 0.4% it's basically nothing. We were expecting something like the spanish flu

enjoying achmed's cock I see

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I'd still say it's around 1%, the death rate in Italy is still like 7% and 5% in the United States.

he's right though, if immigration is the hill you die on then America is far worse


you're a literal retard, it's a new decease andq no one had a clue to what it could do
no one wants blood on their hands

Someone explain the US situation for me. They've built up a lot of hospitals, or at least conversions of existing buildings into hospitals are a precaution. A lot of them are empty. But people are still dying, It it because although they have hospital beds, they don't have medical equipment? As in, they're running short of ventilators?

I think rather than teach Americans what healthy foods are, we need to teach Americans to eat less food, period. Teach them self-control. Teach them that their body is their responsibility. No cute "muh healthy balanced meal!" shit, let alone dumb "wow be proud of your body no matter how fat!" stuff. I'm not saying we should bully anyone, but as a society, we didn't talk about "smoker shaming".

And if that fails, give out food rations. Universal food stamp program, here are the allotted calories you are allowed to buy this week.

Its real and its from the literal Mayor of Meme York City (pre lockdown ofc). Fuckin lol.

>America is far worse
explain how that is true

le souless european face

Unironically based