
Attached: 1586357354948.jpg (854x1024, 158.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes Boris is out of intensive care. Glad to hear it but now the gloves are off.

I'm not having any of this fucking shit about 'Our hero saving us from COVID19.'

He's a self-serving lying racist who was holidaying into March & has totally fucked up.

Everyone who didn't clap for are NHS will be put on a watchlist.

Attached: 763.jpg (763x509, 46.25K)

mad how there are people who read /brit/ top to bottom instead of just the near vicinity of their posts

Enough with the tiktoks yeah alright cheers

Attached: cameronPint_2697080b.jpg (620x387, 57.09K)

That’s all ya got?

Actually saw a prozzie for the first time tonight on the way home from toil.

Good grief

Attached: Screenshot_20200409-125244_Twitter.jpg (1053x1795, 683.94K)

you ever be too bored to even make a post so you just scroll through the whole thread just reading


Attached: 1563529458499.png (712x681, 19.34K)

keep it down

sometimes i click on an old thread by accident and reply to a post from like 3 hours ago

When posted his new thread link he did so 16 seconds after the thread itself was created.

When posted his new thread link he did so 6 seconds after the thread itself was created.

Again, a shame to have lost out with such a quick time. Clearly the same quick-draw thread posted as before as the formatting of the new thread linking is the same as his 5-seconder from last night: link, space, link, no words.

China needs to pay for this through Alien gfs

Attached: Alien.webm (584x854, 1.44M)

ah yes OKcupid

Attached: moonchild.jpg (1725x1545, 533.12K)

It has huge value
Instagram followers and Snapchat score are everything these days

Attached: Jogging.webm (1080x1920, 2.68M)

cat meow because he know in my bag the food

Attached: 1528548296557.jpg (1793x968, 139.09K)

that is a comically large backside

is diarrhoea a symptom of the 'rona?

redpill me on Boris
our media paints him as someone very similar to Trump. is this true?

read name sake as namesake like in the japanese

rarely but it happens yeah

only in less than a quarter of cases

Absolute truths about men and women free of incel or lib shite

Men are
>more violent/sociopathic
>more impulsive
>more prone to mental instability
>commit 99.99% of rapes
>more controlling in relationships
>more self-motivated
>more socially deviant

Women are
>physically weaker and less coordinated
>more conformist
>more socially motivated
>less imaginative/creative
>more obedient
>less interesting

Prove me wrong

Attached: 1200px-Hercule_et_Cacus_Bandinelli_Florence_Signoria.jpg (1200x1854, 457.19K)

Is your anus a part of your respiratory system?

I'm a nonce

prefer not to say

kek sorry

in line for a big P* de lads


Attached: 1586161128322.png (700x467, 27K)

If she wasn't 33 I would genuinely match

Attached: 1574520268641.jpg (783x503, 43.49K)

I'm an enigma wraped in an egg

missing the footy lads just want it back

Attached: 1529817292048.jpg (415x405, 116.68K)

eugene gu

∆ 20% minimum ∆


an eneggma if you will ahahahaaha

whatever helps you sleep at night i suppose


Attached: apu animals.jpg (656x492, 89.51K)

kek this isn't me

The invaders must have seen them, as across the coast they filed

standing firm between them

There lay Thunderchild!

Attached: file.png (1200x622, 1.07M)

Attached: 158E81D5-1EBC-4D3A-91D6-62B32DDE9F31.jpg (644x605, 80.55K)


Just screamed out this all time club banger

eh soccer is okay I guess

While you're posting dime a dozen whores I'm learning about Carthage

the worst thing is knowing when it finally returns it will be behind closed doors for a while

Heres a picture of my Dog

Attached: browndog.jpg (922x625, 83.27K)

Shut the fuck up.


Here's mine

Attached: chimp_fren.webm (480x480, 1.45M)

Got three thousand dollaroos from the Government lads.

Attached: ee89p5mfk3r41.jpg (1024x768, 132.88K)


looks a bit fat


looks like keir starmer

>Paul O'Grady, 64, believes he caught coronavirus and treated it with a homemade vinegar concoction

Attached: Paul_O'Grady,_April_2009_cropped.jpg (1200x1797, 279.42K)


Attached: 1498544087972_01.png (657x527, 61.63K)

You know my name

Attached: 1586120757307.jpg (495x900, 30.81K)

When do we get borisbux

He looks like he fucks white women.

Attached: 1586355543095.jpg (1032x1059, 360.45K)

Attached: ezgif-2-594fffeac635.webm (720x1280, 2.81M)

that's SIR Keir to you

the so called dream

Attached: ssm.png (1588x1534, 1.21M)

it could be cool to hear the players/managers yelling at each other without the crowds


so calm and collected that monkey is
more than any rorke/lefty I know


Feel sorry for Bernie Sanders. Was hoping that something would happen to show Americans why they need universal healthcare, unfortunate that nothing came up.


He's out-NoelEdmonds'ing Noel Edmonds.

fuck chimps they'll rip your bollocks off without a second thought

Jamie pull that up

New ink lads

Attached: 9664FF51-135B-495B-9B55-545BA700157C.jpg (1024x817, 95.69K)

That "are you fackin schewpid" was actually on point.

this man is braver than any cunt in here


Why does tinder gold have to show it was tinder gold that made me match with whatever girl? It makes me look weird ffs

dad is having a go at my mum because he wants to volunteer to go into work next week for toilberg's good boy points and my mum said the only way she would let him do that is if he agreed to self-isolate from the family afterwards for 7 days and now they are yelling

das it mane

unironically have a massive dick
shame I'm a fat ugly manlet lol

What is this choon and why have i heard it before


Attached: 1569711514181.webm (720x908, 2.72M)

Death to america
Death to israel
A curse upon the jews

I like these lads

haha go on lads more of them links

Of course you do mate

Attached: EE179287-C846-4E6F-8A72-3BA933D4D004.jpg (1080x1685, 94.3K)

Kids in a fast lane living for today
No rules to abide by and no one to obey
Sex, drugs and fun is their only thought and care
Another swig of brew another overnight affair

House of the filthy, house not a home
House of destruction where the lurkers roamed
House that belonged to all the homeless kids


got a pretty average weenie but its a grower which is the worst situation because its all the negatives of a grower without the fun "surprise" payoff if it then gets huge