Communist Bulgaria

Communist Bulgaria
>powerful army allowing 1M Turks to be expelled without any repercussions
>10M by now, tendency growing
>Gypsies integrated and under control, literate and forced to work
>No degeneracy
>Only happiness on the news on only three television channels
>Everybody can afford everything and can enjoy our
>seaside and mountains in beautiful ambietente without degenerate clubs and "party"
>Always top 10 in Olympics
Truly paradise on earth

Capitalist Bulgaria
>only 7M inhabitants and under replacement fertility rate
>laughable army
>Gypsies illiterate and 95% unemployed
>degenerate turbo folk music and bodybuilding culture
>only bad news on TV making people even more aggressive
>seaside and mountains plastered with ugly and enormous hotel complexes to further develop degeneracy
>capital with near western salaries whilst the rest is driving on 2nd gear speed
>sucks at olympics
Truly hell on earth

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Bulgaria_(1971_–_1990).svg (1).png (1200x720, 54.73K)

Other urls found in this thread:Колективизация_в_България

Whats wrong with body building? I agree with the rest though

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Communist Bulgaria children vs

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>commie nostalgia fag

how does the boot taste?

was Bulgaria so based like Czechoslovak ?

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Capitalist Bulgaria children

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>Vitosha, the first Bulgarian-made computer, as the People's Republic of Bulgaria was a major producer of electronics and computers, thus receiving the nickname "Silicon Valley of the Eastern Bloc.

what the fuck happened ?

Communist Bulgarian police
>there to help
>respected by everybody
>honest and fair

Attached: unnamed (3).jpg (390x512, 65K)

Capitalist Bulgarian police
>hated by the population
>is the enforcer of the corrupt government

Attached: police-1.jpg (660x370, 78.41K)

you had a chance to use this

Attached: bulgarian police burgas.jpg (550x409, 68.35K)

>Gypsies integrated and under control, literate and forced to work
so it was like during Franco's dictatorship too

is that police or criminals

People with Balkan southern mentality need a hard ruler and not some faggot capitalist system where everybody will only try to outsmart the others.

in slavic countries no difference braf


It's a Bulgarian anti-mafia police squad. This pic was taken in Burgas.

all you need to know about Communist Bulgaria is that if you tried to leave, you got shot. Truly the mark of a developed and happy nation lmao

>only three television channels

lucky you, we had only two

>Gypsies integrated and under control, literate and forced to work
how is the gypsi problem like in Bulgaria?

>Czech military

every single nostalgia fag crying over Communism is either 60+yo or a low-skilled loser who can't get a good job so he wants the government to be his nanny

they stopped having 10 kids because the zoomer generation has gotten used to phones and computers and nice things and many kids means no money

also it's not really a problem, we just don't like stinky brown people, they mostly keep to themselves

>low-skilled loser who can't get a good job

we will see how you will fare when the post-coronavirus economic crisis hits you

It's not. Most migrate west, lucky for us, very bad for you and other westeners.

we already know what will happen. The World Bank predicts a 3.5% contraction this year and a 3.8% rebound next year

B-but muh Coca Cola and western propaganda TV channels!

Solidarity back then was not just a word. Nobody was too good for a job, solidarity in the true meaning.

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If communism was so good why it fail? Too dependent on Russia?

>It's not. Most migrate west, lucky for us, very bad for you and other westeners.
sounds based, desu

Even spanish gyppos hate eastern gyppos

because it wasn't good, it was a failed system that has destroyed every economy so thoroughly that even Eastern Germany is a shithole 30+ years after the end of Communism

>The World Bank predicts

no one knows how long this crisis will be yet, Europe is still on a lockdown

all models show the virus subsiding by the end of the month everywhere in Europe

>all models

these models are purely statistical, the virus doesn't have to succumb to statistics, it could mutate the next week and start killing mostly young people for example

>what if the virus mutates into another virus
ok Pzsek but I'll listen to the experts

For a good reason

Considering how contagious this thing is, no. The moment restrictions are lifted it'll come back very fast.

I think so. It went off the rails in the 70s when the west surpassed economically way too much. Commies were not prepared to handle it but somehow it could carry on until the the USSR collapsed.

this is why you don't be a retard and don't lift all restrictions at once

Hold on bros, was the eastern bloc the paradise the soviets said it was?

yes man the eastern bloc was amazing, didn't you see all those West Germans risking their lives trying to get into East Germany

Imagine being such a massive shithole that your peak was during communism
Looking at you, Ukraine

our peak was around 1240 AD

the same experts said that it was just a flu 2 months ago or that it wouldn't even leave China

freedom sucks unless you can rob some other nation time and time again to fuel the greed and stupidity of ppl

true, because since then Serbia has been the king of the Balkans

no, those weren't the same experts at all

always nice to be optimistic

Old people who worked their whole life are forced to live of miserable pensions and by the support of their children and grandchildren, making them feel like a burden.

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>king of the Balkans
very impressive

those old people had all their private property stolen by the Communists in the 1940s

Yeah right

imagine being this much of a historyletКолективизация_в_България

Pshek is this Serbian? Sounds kinda different.

>Slovenian song about the Yugoslav Navy.

Communist Bulgaria
>gets gibs and tech from the Soviet Union.

Capitalist Bulgaria
>has to actually compete with the rest of the world and gets nothing for free.

>>has to actually compete with the rest of the world and gets nothing for free.
No it doesnt, it gets gibs from EU just like Poland

>>has to actually compete with the rest of the world and gets nothing for free.
They get 4% of their GNI in eu gibs each year and yet nothing changes
it's like giving aid to Africa

Attached: gibs gni.png (1240x800, 28.36K)

read more about EU gibs
>Germany: ok here's some money and you have to hire a German company do repair your roads
our living standard, wages, etc. have increased like 4x since 2007

You have a wrong understanding of how literally nothing those gibs are.

It's funny cause Poland was literally Africa tier under communism due to the lack of German dicks to suck. Now go away to get conquered or what the average pole does in his free time.