
dhal edition

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i want a NE indian gf

based descendant of Gori making fourth thread in a row

Mate, someone shat on your rice.

Stop making me hungry..........

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Perfect German dish then innit

the german is drooling at the thought of eating shit haha

M8 someone shat on your flag

>Mate, someone shat on your rice.

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I made some carrots and lentils with lots of spices, including mango powder and ground pomegranate seeds

bro, there's no other place for us pajeets. We're kind of special. Our language is too VULGAR for leddit or other sites. This is the perfect place to just express ourselves.

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balcher bokachoda

so happy to spend my lockdown with you bros.. the only comfy general on Yas Forums

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so which horse you folks got your money riding on?
Pestilence is off to a good start but will lose its momentum
All in on War

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What does that mean? I don't know hindi badwords.

Is bengali

its bad bad words

based dutch user making comfy thread.

Q: What is brown and kicking the decapitated head of a Brahmin?

Well never trust Paki's in Toronto apparently. I know a local Paki family nearby in another suburb that does Indo-Pak and Chinese food. Never have I had lamb biryani so tender. The chicken jalfrezi and beef nihari are also top tier. We have some good food here in Detroit's suburbs, but so much of it is overpriced dogshit. How is everyone surviving the lockdown on restaurants? I've resorted to living off occasional delivery but mostly Campell's tomato soup.

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>founder of Islamic Republic of Pakistan used to drink whiskey and eat pork
Can't make this shit up


I ended up in this shithole in 06-07. It sort of ruined my life.

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Can you Indian frens recommend dishes with mango powder? Or amchuur as I've learnt

I also have kala namak, what do you guys usually use it for? I've only used it to season chickpea salad before

Definitely war. After the second wave of infections/re-infections hits, they have historically caused the most deaths. By the time the third wave hits (milder than the second, worst than the first), we'll have a nasty conflict on our hands. Famine is also looking good if agriculture suffers continued workforce depletion.

I've heard that there a couple of good Goan or Mangolorean restaurants in Ontario. You should go there.

so I was gone for a few hours last thread. a friend of mine also broke up with his girlfriend and called me and cried and wanted to meet up with me. so we walked in a park for a few hours and he just cried and told me about his gf.
weird thing is i did not tell him that im also dealing with a break up. it would have made me feel better if i told him but i just cant open myself up to anyone. i feel like less of a man. thats why i have to do it with strangers online. i wish i could talk about my feelings in real life.


And lockdown till June would have fucked things here definitely.
Jesus Christ, that's like 6 years before me

>Crying over a girl
What a fag lmao

>The Kashmiri
Are you really from Kashmir?


How's he a fag tho? Some people are just too sensitive.

God damnit, why does this happen every thread?

a good a reason as any to cry about
>just dont care lol!

Yes, I am literally there rn posting on 2g


Sensitivity is for girls and fags, not for MEN.

I'll make the trip to Toronto again some day, I'll no doubt look them. Indian/Pak cuisine has embedded itself pretty well here.
Welcome to the club. When I got tossed aside by the gf, I just went to my favorite bar and became a drunkard for months. Ruined my entire semester, don't let repressed feelings eat you alive.
I came here in 2011. When do I get to leave forever?

You hang in there brother

I've seen you before, but didn't bother asking. Also my first time asking you.

Yeah I was wearing the guy fawkes mask before it was coo... I mean gay. I even came in the local newspaper because I and a polish user participated in a chanology protest. Cringiest phase of my life. Now I'm just too cynical to do anything

Not bragging, but..........it's awesome.
>pic related

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Yeah. He owns a newspaper or magazine company iirc

I am used to lockdowns by now, you hang in there till June lmaooo

Still. I was pretty sensitive when I was a kid. Some men are just different. I've heard somewhere that women like sensitive men

Lock down's ruined my sleep schedule and my motivation to do anything, I think I finally understand what's it like for NEETS.

No, no I'm not "The Kashmiri", "The Kashmiri" is the namefag who has "The Kashmiri" written on his posts.

I can cook water bro

My normie friends are going insane but it doesn't deviate much from my day to day life, only difference is I don't go to the gym.

im not using phones for 3 years now , no social media
will pump iron whenever i fuckin want , play vidya


pepeands feelsbadman

yeah its been rough for me, last month all ive been doing is alcohol and kebabs
but today i finished my last bottle and will get back on the grind

Sorry. Didn't see your name was 'user'.

What? No, you're thinking of someone else
We were all cringy once
t. used 9gag for a year before coming to Yas Forums
When the world becomes Mad Max (very soon™)
I get upto 10mbps on bsnl broadband but unfortunately it's rangebanned.

Stop shilling poo shithole, dumb moron

Mate, if you shit either black, red or gold I would advice you go to a doctor. Fast. (or maybe in the later case to a bank)
But I probably shat in all colors of your flag (awa from the wheel).

Post your internet speeds
this is mine.

You shat in white? Must be a pure aryan thing

Yeah. Can't post from mobile networks. So have to wait till I get home.

I would be loving lockdown had I not just developed Tennis Elbow. The agony prevents me from playing vidya longer than 30 mins. fml
Best get back into the rhythm of things. I'm bummed out atm due to a variety of things, but I've managed to get all the necessary things done. Still can't kill the cigarette habit, but in due time.

Welcome to the good life newfag wagie

I love being at home. Pretty fun. As long as I have my internet, I never complain.

You can blame the assholes from India chan or whatever that shithole is for the rangeban

i would kill a litter of newborn puppies barehanded to get a whiff of right cuties' hair
i love smelling hot girls' hair bros

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Based, got some dumbbells myself for this exact reason

Pretty sad, I'd be very happy with a steady supply of all those spices and ingredients you have

Not all of us have rich parents who can support us, my underage friend.

I'm burnt out on vidya. Only games I'm playing daily is probably war thunder and Arma. I started gunpla and other model kits but can't even do that now cus of Corona chan

stfu kike. That's too much. You can browse the rekt threads on for the tutorial.

For me its watching south indian movies dubbed to prove to other people that I have better taste in movies

Why? what did they do?

le ebin raid probably
cp idk

>10mbps on bsnl broadband
how much do you pay?

Learn 2 invest and freelance. My parents are middle class af. Only advantage of discovering this shithole early was getting into crypto and tech

I love smelling girls pubic hair and armpit hair Haha do u understand what I mean bro

1K pm

>nooooooooooooooooooo not the heckin' pupperinos, the woofin' floofin' goodboyes

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That's too much. I pay 9500 per year with 1200GB of monthly data.

This initially and then typical poojet scammers using their bots to spam links to phising websites and all that bs.

based but true

I would kill any living or non-living creature to marry Alia Bhatt.

her upper lip is bigger than her lower lip
this makes her look like an ant

>oji-san's sloppy seconds

>Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt

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Pluralsight is offering free courses till the end of this month. What programming language should I learn? Suggest stuff bros

My vice has been TORtanic and space engineers. I thought about getting into 40k tabletop again but as you mentioned, everything is closed.

If you're a chad, learn c++. Otherwise learn python.

200 mbps 1300 per month 1300 gb data limit. Too lazy to do a test and make a screenshot.

*googles Alia Bhatt*
bad taste m8

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>Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt
This but unironically

she's a dumb nigger.

wonder how many attention whore will dump their bf during this while lockdown episode

Ranbir has probably turned her pussy inside out by now
Any experience in programming? Start with phyton or Java if you are absolutely new.

>implying woman's intellect is important for fuck and dump situation



uhm department of based?

She is an airhead, not dumb but very naive
My cousin got dumped and they are in a live in. Lmao.

don't care, I would still love to have children with her, beautiful vedic aryan children.