Post your favorite tinder international passport matches

Have to met an foreign qts using the free tinder passport lately user? Talking to them?

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Really cute, didnt respond to me though

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Canadian women cannot resist me god damn

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is her eyes really green or are she use eye lenses

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she look like a young grandma

Where the lads at?

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All of you belong in Eastern killing centers.

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>asian women

what's there to talk about with girls

t.asian woman


i thought i wouldn't match with local boys when i was in europe, but i actually got tons of superlikes. are they just perverts or curious about asian girls? i'm 3/10 looking though

Would you swipe right though?

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>i'm 3/10 looking though
Prove it

A lot of white dudes just have asian fetishes, they aren’t as picky about how you look and Asian women are likely rare where they live

take ur fucking glasses off

for me, funny bio and taste in music are more important than pics

what matter is that you're asian, the untermenschen here are willing to prioritise that over all else

you're a whore who deserves to be lined up and shot for using Tinder, though

>are they just perverts or curious about asian girls
this is probably a "little bit of column A, little bit of column B" type of situation

Not a lady or a faggot but you look like a pretty cool dude

>My dog and I are in a gang, it's just us though, you can join I guess but it's blood in blood out
It sounds retarded but considering the demographic for Tinder you might get away with it.
A dumb whore might see the 6'2" figure and automatically think your post was hilarious.

>A lot of white dudes just have asian fetishes
but they're 4/10-6/10 guys, right?
pretty sure 10/10 white bois ain't into asian girls because they can score blond girls

I went to the Southern cone and noticed that they all post revealing pictures (pic related being one example of a girl I matched with)
An argentine girl complemented me on my Spanish and I decided to tell her I was just using google translate.

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I don’t like posting full face pictures here

This however is when I got on the news when this game was popular

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They want to experiment, most 10/10 white Europeans wouldn’t marry anyone other than a similarly attractive white woman

All women are dumb whores.

stop falling for his bait

idk about asian-murikan girls but japanese(and probably korean too) girls don't like macho or chunky bois. so i prefer this

You should try Tandem

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Gentlemen, here we see a female specimen of the human species telecommunicating with male members of the human species about the quality of males of particular race in a particular geographic location named by them as 'Europe'.

Research shows that males from the 'Europe' region have developed a particular attraction toward females from the 'East-Asia' region, particularly the largest archipelago of the northern hemisphere of the planet.

The female assesses the male's reproductive fitness using a metric rising from 0 (low reproductive fitness) to 10 (high reproductive fitness).

It might seem foreign to our highly developed culture but we mustn't neglect to recognise this ingenious species various historical achievements despite their, must I say, obsession with engaging in coitus. These primates pass time by pressing their groin areas together, and otherwise enjoy viewing other members of their species and sometimes between their species and others (even fictional ones) replicating this behaviour.

We recommend the immediate displacement of these primitive creatures to the natural reserve bordering the Alpha Centauri system to preserve their planetary ecosystem and to utilise additional resources.

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you're not a girl, shut the fuck up takeshi

*Most women are dumb whores.

show me ur tinder pic and bio

show me your intestines spilling out

I was the same weight and musculature in those pictures

i dont have one, show me yours

Right now Tinder is basically tandem for normies.

wtf she is perfect

If I said I didn't want a Holocaust indiscriminate of race, specifically oriented toward consumers and capitalists, i'd be lying.

seems photoshopped, or surgery on the face

She’s mine now little Austrian boy

Wtf is tandem


language exchange app i think

nobody likes an amerifat sorry

Why would I want to be a free tutor? That’s some simp shit

i deleted it since it worked :P

You're a child with voting rights.
I'm sorry, but the Adulthood Assessment facility has deemed you insufficiently mature and calibrated with your physical age, you are overdue and will be harvested at the nearest occasion. Please report to your local euthanization plant.

Round up

Uh... because euhm... HAVE SEX! INCEL how dare you not participate in the rat race zealously... REEEEEEEE!!!

Mate her name is literally "circle" lmao imagine the bullying she's been through

What's Tindr passprot?

she would swipe amerifat on right to learn english for free

you will never fully transition, davido-kun

Nobody tries to actually learn a language on Tandem

it might be her surname, like maruyama

I only get matches in other Anglo countries and third world countries noooooo

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capitalist tool to level the process of relationships
instead of people getting to know one another through physical contact as facilitated by the government, we instead get Californians marketing humans to one another as though they were products

the solution to this question is brutal killings of people without principle

This, it’s just roasties looking for no strings attached hookups

roasties and sentient penises

What do you mean it worked

got bf by using this app ;D

What is point of matching with people in othr countis?
Its not like you'll go visit them in months or somthing

Tinders successful attempt to simultaneously limit contact between people near each other through their app and still manage to stay relevant while everyone is Locked indoors.
Basically you can pick your location, so every location is full of people from various different continents

you can look at THIC halfnaked bitches in argentina or enjoy the aryan asthetics of stockholmish beauties

1. humans are not allowed to kill other humans
2. humans regularly kill animals
3. humans can't kill humans because humans are self aware
4. being self aware is automatic and a lot of murdered animals possess this trait
5. humans must display a level of humanity in order to be spared
6. humans that don't show humanity should be harvested for animal products

Explain how killing and eating an energetic lamb is moral and ethical and killing this dead eyed fish of a 'human' constitutes a crime.
Explain why cannibalising her would be evil.


The point is that you shouldn’t be visiting anyone, so you might as well be matching with people 5000 miles away.
As for the point, pretty much a confidence boost

Some do that because they planned vacations there

I'm not sure how Tinder workw. I accidentally superliked two russian girls and they matched, and then a serbian "girl" matched too.
But what does need to happen for a match? Do they accept my like or how does it work? I haven't talked to any of them though, fuck roasties.

Bro that is Chinese