chernobyl edition
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I don't even feel anything
Need to drink more, and probably will write some songs
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>You, yes you. Are you staying unprotected?
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ani to the me
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Hope you guys are having a good time of it. Nice weather here, though windy.
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so we're talking only with images now?
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Should I ?
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Hehe, guys, I found a picture of OPs mom.
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Labban bētan /balt/. Kāigi jūmans ēit?
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>casual sex
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prussian is a dead language m8
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leave this thread, degenerate
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Ni ast aulaūwuns, ik mes bilāimai.
>Kāigi jūmans ēit?
It's almost Latvian
Ļoti labi!
Latviešu valoda ir tuvākā radniecīgā valoda prusu valodai.
Don't listen to these virgins. Do it bro. Your peepee deserves some pleasure in this trying time.
HA, so Lithuanianbros are not older than us!
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nah,it's just that you both got touched by the g*rmans
I'm not a Nazi, I just love native Baltic culture, language, and history and think it should be preserved and continued.
British neggas be like '' I am not paying 30 squid for that''
Vaginas look nasty and have a weird odor, but it feels good when you put benis in. Why can' t vaginas look and smell good?
Stop fapping for a couple weeks and you will start to think they look attractive.