What do you think about Turks?

What do you think about Turks?

Attached: Ali_Pasha_presents_captured_flag_to_his_soldiers.jpg (1280x856, 190.82K)

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The school shooters of nations

something something roaches

Former enemy of my country. Most of them are ok though. I just wish their diaspora fuck off from my country

we should force them deny islam.

Cute girls, don't care about else


this. hate turks but would like to bleach them.


Attached: 1559984864252.png (720x720, 394.44K)

They single-handedly made the entire Balkan butthurt for centuries now. And here I'm talking about very severe, multigenerational butthurt. At this point, it's probably embedded in the DNA of Balkanimals.

Honestly, Turks are incredibly based.

the usual shitskins and shit



Cute girls, don't care about else

Kek, based

nigga your country was a turkish province for 200 years

I consider them my imperial brethren, we lived together, fought together, ruled together - not many ethnicities can say they were part of a brotherhood of peoples like the first class Ottomans can (similar story in the Habsburg Empire)

Attached: ottoman_albanians.png (3394x832, 3.44M)

>more italians than croatians
venetians i am guessing?
or genoans


nvm i am blind, read 2 instead of 3

Post turkish women

Imagine being so cucked you consider based people that enslaved your country for centuries.

Yeah, mainly the (Janissary) sons of Venetians and Genoese captured in naval battles. I bet there would have been more Croat representation in the empire if Croatia wasn't so shattered by 200 years of constant war. It's cool to read about the frontier in Croatia as well as the destruction of Hungary, its not just a couple cities or forts being taken but entire regions, countries basically being destroyed

I'm proud it was my blood that ordered the national walkathon of 2 million armenoids, and I only regret we didn't have enough time to let our kurdish and caucasian bros finish the job on the ground

Always thought it was sad how they ruined everything in Anatolia and mistreated the Greeks and the church.


You okay István Osmanoglu?

Would be chill if they stopped larping as arabs and stopped voting a sultan wannabe watermelon-seller into power

Good, keep on being proud of your shithole you refuse to live in

that is worrying actually, he seems to be something of a mini dictator, why do the turks put up with it all?

Proud Albanian right here bitch!

I like them because they exterminated armenian speaking armenians and greek speaking armenians.

Ironic that’s coming from an armenian since armenians have the most vocal and patriotic diaspora that refuses to live in their homeland

Implying it was my choice, lmao. And genuinely roaring at a fucking ARMENIAN calling any other country a shithole, my place of origin is switzerland compared to your landlocked churkoid shithole. Imagine your entire nation being known for being bbcsluts and kvetching about muh genocide. I hope Azerbaijanis make it a reality soon

I'm an Ottomanist not a nationalist, so I could give a fuck about your brainlet countryball shit. I don't speak for a nation or a country, I speak for myself

Why would you feel anything was worth saving about that system? monarchic organization is weak as hell, and the Ottoman empire was clearly not deserving to exist, federalization of power is the single most efficient means of longevity for societies.

Idk why is it so hard to understand that Hungarians don't hate Turks. We dislike them for being brown Muslims, but otherwise we are muh Turan.

Nice try Selim, but there is a big difference.
Armenians are not in their homeland because of totally peaceful relocation to prevent from war atrocities. Roaches and their bootlickers are out there because there daddies couldn't stand living inside hives.
> Implying it was my choice
Well, going back can be your choice lol, oh wait you wouldn't...
Nothing you say matters, and you don't know shit about us, just fuck off.


hahahah hahah ALBANIA BITCH!

The most stupid and annoying people there are. Literally like gypsis with a nation and a leader.
We have more than enough of them here and I know very few respectable T*rks that have an IQ over 80, an education, manners and no 3 series BMW with flags on it.
>inb4 it is just shitty diaspora, no, it is not, T*rkey as a cunt is cancer

The Ottoman state offered a secular legal system, religious liberty, refuge to millions and millions of people fleeing religious/ethnic persecution, high autonomy and local authority to constituents, upwards mobility for its people, etc etc etc.

Recall that the state lasted for 600+ years. As you said, was the system worth saving in 1914? Probably not, but how about in the 17th century? 18th century? Especially considering what followed in the balkans and middle east after its destruction?

the problems of the Balkans are actually a result of the social realities created by the ottoman invasion of the region.

You do realize Turks messed up hungary as well

They were the ones who depopulated hungary and caused Serbian and Romanian refugees to move in and take those depopulated hungarian lands.

dont like them but their enemies (greeks, armenians, arabs) are objectively worse

Wooow thanks for your amazing insights, mr. Amerimutt!

I disagree, the balkans were never more stable historically than when they where under Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.

Greeks seem pretty unassuming. Unless you're talking about their wariness for the Turkish heel, to that I can only say imagine if you had been under rule of Spanish lords well beyond the 1500s.

Why are they holding a cross flag?

Attached: 123123.jpg (852x531, 71.67K)

you might like to read the file name

Attached: not this one retard.jpg (640x432, 72K)

i fucking hate greeks. they're one of the few nations whose awful posters on Yas Forums actually reflect the awful people IRL

they're extremely arrogant, all have anger issues, are super lazy and their most terrible trait: they're ridiculously entitled

You can't argue the social divides now in place were not a result of Ottoman intrusion.

do you think they will ever leave germany

You have to wonder if they will, they hold political rallies for your state politicians there and everything. Really weird.

>and you don't know shit about us

I'm literally reading a book called "The Conversion of Armenia to the Christian Faith " now. I probably (99%) know more about Armenian history than you or any other Armenian for that matter.

nice generalisation dude

No. Why would they?

yo shitskin what's going in turkeystan with the pandemic?

Mett, dass du Bus+Bahn fahren musst, während ich mit meinem E60 die Straßen unsicher mach?


haha nice, I heard the shitskins the you were helping to get into Greece proved to be corona'd and the plan backfired spreading the chink flu everywhere hhahahahaha

ah shit hahah

Fahr unironisch nen 5er.

Kek I know that meme turkish book. It's the one that says that tondrakians were pagans and dersim armenians worshipped anahit for centuries after.

But there orthodox priest beside him it doesn't make sense

> Me read books me knows stuff
Yeah and I've read Ottoman conquest of the Arab countries recently, so I (99%) know more about Turkish history than you or any other Turk for that matter. Doesn't change the fact that I still hate you.

I do auch. Und weil ich gleichzeitig Kanake bin, macht mich das zu einem schlechteren Menschen oder was?

>Doesn't change the fact that I still hate you.
Why do you hate today's Turks? They didn't hurt any armenians, did they?

I presume that's one of the conquered peoples the turks are gloating over

I heard that your government sniffs on your network traffic, so if you write the word genocide in one of your posts they'll come take you and imprison you, is it true?