


Attached: spain italy.jpg (400x320, 24.71K)

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have sex


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Pay up white boy

Do germans know that our government didn't take any measure to stop the virus spread because they didn't want to cancel the Women's March?

>Salvini already threatening of Italeave


Don't care
Didn't ask plus you're white

Fuck off back to Holland, Piet

Based Dutch and Germans dabbing on lazy pastaniggers

Eurobonds are fucking retarded.
What were they thinking?

so what, he is not in power

>you're white

I'm not wh*te, I'm Bavaryan and, therefore, med.


based gay bavaryan med bvll

Thank you

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Then after 40 years of life wasted, you'll decide to start a new life in a coastal town of Spain or Italy. That's because your country is pure trash. Car maker.

But I unironically love Spain and Italy

Attached: eu-map.gif (1374x1245, 416K)

More like, your country is only good as a vacation country if we feel like it
Not one (1) euro, Jorge and Waluigi

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Germans are too poor to buy houses here

And still is a more relevant country than yours ;-)

Who are you expecting to pay? Everyone is going through it right now.

I don't listen to wh*tes

yet you still have to beg for money like a gypsy

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If there were elections rn he would win.

rich coming from the tax haven leech lmfao

Protestants are worse than fucking Jews. The spaniards should have finished the fucking job with the whole lot of you.

Thank god I'm from a Catholic family.

Attached: Dutch genocide.jpg (450x491, 53.25K)

This Coronabonds thing really changed my view of the dutch. I'm not in favour of them either, but you behave like subhumans.
Would rather kick you out than Italy or Spain.

Basiert und rotgepillt

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the Socialist republic of Spain is coming out

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excellent post

We know that in this of the Eurobonds the northerners are right, but at this point I do not know what is the benefit of the European Union apart from buying German cars and electrical appliances while down here we are starving.


if the eu is going to fuck us a referendum for italexit would easily win

Didn't he talk about leaving for years now and when he was actually in power did nothing?

how are we fucking you?
by not giving you free money as a reward for your incompetence?

Well to be fair they were hit really hard, but I find it offensive that they are bringing up this political issue of eurobonds now and we are supposed to believe it isn't sheer opportunism.

After we introduce these bonds, what will possibly motivate them to reform?

>get hit by a lethal virus
>Muh incompetence
Are n*rthoids even human? Like seriously.

If southrons were competent they would not have let it get that bad. I mean surely even southrons will admit that the USA's situation is bad due to incompetence, so why can't we say that southron situation is bad due to incompetence?


>we wuz mediterranean 'n sheittt

Doing special bonds for Italy is logical since they may bounce back, but Spain? They're too retarded. They would get bonds and the next day they would've spend it all in some toilet paper and medicine burning festival like the chimps they are.

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i'm pro eu and i'd really like a federal european superstate but if it's unable to do something even after this crysis, what's the point?

Not only you're inhumane, you're also retarded.
The spread is also related to meteorological and air quality factors, we were the only ones to block direct from from/to China, we had body temperature checks at the airports, yet we were the one to be hit this hard out of China. Or you seriously think that Indian numbers are due to efficiency?

How dare you, you piece of SHIT.

The point is that the money from the bonds would be spent by the EU, not by Spain or Italy or any other country

>pajeets are more efficient than southrons

Yeah I mean, people here found it offensive that you decided to bring up the political issue of spending deficit in Southern Europe when Italy asked for help after like 10000 deaths, while also having a budget surplus for years. Everyone agrees our government should spend less and more carefully, but the timing for those comments was the worst.

>i'm pro eu and i'd really like a federal european superstate


Attached: eu superstate.jpg (800x420, 64.11K)

I had a good laugh, thank you.

>Departing Dutch Finance Minister and Eurogroup president Jeroen Dijsselbloem is feeling shunned over a statement he made in an interview over not spending all your money on "Schnapps and women" and then asking for help. "Everyone is walking circles around me", he said in an interview with the Volkskrant. "The issue escalated enormously, it's now like I committed a war crime." Nevertheless, he still stands behind the statement, he said to the newspaper.

>In the interview with a German newspaper, Dijsselbloem was talking about fiscal responsibility. "I can not spend all my money on booze and women [Schnapps und frauen] and then ask for help", he told a German newspaper. He later explained that he meant that if you borrow money from the EU, you need to live up to the responsibilities that come with it.

appalled at the absolute state of a union being held hostage by bog rats.

We're totally gonna help them bro.

Yeah don't get me wrong, I'm sure we will get through this. It's just sad seeing all this controversy and hostility towards each other just like in the early 2010s

brainlet here, I didn't follow the thing on TV so my only source of information on the matter is Yas Forums
it seems to me like dutchies are singlehandedly cockblocking coronabonds, is it true (meaning germany has almost no say in this at all) or is it just overblown by their constant shitposting?

>We're totally gonna help them bro.
Hopefully they don't help the Spanish government, all that money will go to feminist or LGTBI associations, they are a lobby in Spain and receive a lot of money from the state.

South + France + Few others want eurobonds
Germany + Netherlands + few others don't, or they want a middle ground solution
Eastern Europe is like "meh"

Absolute state of the EU

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Eastern Europe mostly doesn't use the euro so they aren't really involved

>but the timing for those comments was the worst.
Italy started it tho, trying to use epidemic as means to blackmail northoids, eurobonds isn't new idea so what the fuck did they expect trying pass it as coronabonds and guilt trip northoids?

imagine the tinfoil hat on this fucking pole leech.
if we tank you're going to starve you cocksucking parasite.

>I'm sure we will get through this. It's just sad seeing all this controversy and hostility towards each other just like in the early 2010s

Very much agreed, little paellabro.

Because having the EU issue AAA bonds it's a good way to relaunch an economy after the pandemic

>what will possibly motivate them to reform?
nothing, that is why nearly everyone in germany is against it.

then why do dutchies behave like they're the only responsible for this?

I don't know about Spain but Italy actually deserves this hostility.

That’s ok someone else will pay our debts anyway

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No that's Italy singling us out.

>make 9000 threads per day against Italy
>cries in Dutch

fuck off

nah, I remember quite clearly your spam on the threads about coronavisur in italy during its early stages, before coronabond and all this mumbo jumbo

It's just banter bro
We're just tsundere

This except the other way around. I'm sure I was imagining Italians raiding our general last night.

Rutte's No wasn't very diplomatic, in fact it was downright offensive in a time like this.

please refer to

the snake tongue on this motherfucker
you're literally worse than jews

Fuck +Europa voter.

>generic emission of eurobonds as a measure to respond to a financial shock is the same as emitting once eurobonds to respond to a pandemic
based retard


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They really were extremely butthurt

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>you're literally worse than jews

I will allow neither antisemitism nor racism in general in my thread, thank you.

get rekt pastaniggers


>get rekt
already are

They only had one dream and you destroyed it

Attached: Founding fathers of the European Union.jpg (512x260, 28.62K)


>I will allow neither antisemitism nor racism in general in my thread, thank you.

Addendum: unless it's against muslims, thank you.

Anything is better than Italexit 2bh.
But Italexit seems to be the most common one now.

riddle me who the fuck is going to buy your cars and keep you afloat if we go down

Italy asked for help and brought the whole eurobonds thing back. Dutch finance minister told after this that southern europe's finances should be audited because austerity wasn't enough/souther europe can't into good budget and because of this they can't act against the economic shutdown. Portugal's president told these comments were "repugnant" as none of these countries started the pandemic and thousands were dying anyways. Later the dutch guy apologized, but everyone had already jumped into the Dutch are heartless/Southerners are lazy circlejerk.

Redpill me on the fierce rivalry between the Mediterranean world and the Netherlands. What happened?

look at all the butthurt under his tweet


is she still mad about this?

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