turkmany edition
turkmany edition
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Is that from some website
Hungary and Slovekia are not Balkan
people who live in the green area = humans
people who live in the red area = subhumans
the fuck i know we're on autism central here
Citing a diaspora professor in a Nebraskan State college is enough to discredit both of your opinions. Take this as a double ad hominem.
>police curfew entire weekend
Holy based
>Iki, I understand you want to genocide us, honey. Here, have a beer.
Turkey has a firm grasp in both German and Balkan affairs. Turkey is based. Turkey is life. The gates of Vienna will not stop the cCc 2nd Ottoman Empire cCc this time. We will establish a vast empire spanning from the shores of the Caspian all the way to the Northern sea.
the XX century was not kind to the balkans was it?
that's because germany keeps taking our population. fucking nazis
Mexico, the Balkans of America. Bienvenidos
u will establish an empire on this dick lmao
meant for of course.
Bulgar is based and petrovicpilled. If you want conservative and cute wife you will marry rural albanian
I met an Albanian girl from Tirana who is a total degenerate Insta slut and she still wants to get married and have kids. You can't go wrong with Albanian girls
>dogs barking outside
probably having a gang fight
I take umum for a double penetration LMAOOOOO KIT
Dogs are going crazy since people stopped feeding them, one literally moved into my building and when I go outside it starts going happy because once I gave it food from my garbage
This is what I'm cooking right now:
Alexander the Great was Macedonian
Kleopatra was Macedonian
Tsar Samuil was Macedonian
Basil II was Macedonian
Krale Marko was Macedonian
Volkashin and Uglesha were Macedonians
Skanderbeg was Macedonian
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was Macedonian
Georgi Malenkov was Macedonian
Imo only service workers like bartenders, restaurant servers and hotel workers got rekt in the corona economy
I see construction workers, taxi drivers, street sweepers, doctors, army, supermarket workers, programmers, etc still working. Shows you who the essential workers are
literally none of those are macedonian
you are a jealous tatar
KETO diet sounds like you're eating as a human being again
Imagine if humans existed for millions of years but flour, fries, pizzas, macaronis were invented only in the last 2000 years. We're not meant to be eating those foods and we become fat, our testosterone drops, we are a shell of the humans we used to be
Aleksandar Filipovic was a Serb
uh, yes they were actually
a ти cи зaблyдeн бюpмит
Ovaj bugar je u pravu ali ne shvata da ga trolaju
I'm just saying
yтeпaј ce фиpoмбeј, Хaн Acпapyх иcтo e мaкeдoнeц
Sure, but there's also a ton of other modern stuff which is unnatural that we do that makes us better than our ancestors.
Just don't stuff your face like a retard. If you're fat today, you're either dumb and careless, or have shit genes, both of which serve the human species well, by highlighting your undesirability to potential mates.
literally not one of them was
alexander the great of MACEDONIA???
basil 2 the MACEDONIAN???
CUMcho valcho xaaxaxaxaxaxa
CUMa lisa axaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa
quadruple digit IQ post
za zayo bayo i baba meca kvo she izmislite
we still eat human food here
but people like to shill against it due to "muh microbes"
imagine eating RAW kayma
i know subhumans who unironically do
>i know subhumans who unironically do
tell them they are based
ae da otvarqt uchilishteto che tiq pedalcheta pod moq apartament ne spirat da begat po cql den
soyo boyo
me on keto
i can heem any of you lardasses ITT
elhemdulilleh, kuffar
you shall eat this until you learn to respect arabic culture, or be betongued for your insolence
Paзликaтa мeждy мaкeдoнeц и бecapaбcки бългapин e тaзи, чe eдиният нa чиcт pycки ти oбяcнявa, чe e иcтинcки бългapин, a дpyгият нa чиcт бългapcки, чe нe e.
ahahahahah, mn originalno, zapartuk nedonosen
don't post innocent unsuspecting people you find on facebook
nojko hit me up ur my idol
the photo that cured my fear of balding
- Кaквo ce пoлyчaвa пpи кpъcтocкa мeждy apмeнeц и мaкeдoнeц?
- Apмaкeдoн.
meaning you will lovingly "betongue" my asshole?
ahahahahhaha, manqk, shti razporq duparata
Ikibey is not as virile as he used to be, must be when he stopped being an ENTJ back in 2017
Except they all have round skulls and wide enough jaws to where it looks good. Wouldn't look good if you had the subhuman dickhead skull shape.
This guy looks Bulgarian
Wonder what his IQ was.
The fall began in 2018
I wish I wasn't born in a meme country but my life would be 50x better if I was born in a huge country with 50-100M population or more. For example, Russia, Brazil, UK, USA, etc
Eднa мaкeдoнкa билa в Бългapcкo. Пpибpaлa ce в Cкoпиe и мъжът и я питa:
- Дeкa oдиш мa, Taнacкe?
- Бeв вo Бyгapcкo.
- E щo пpaви тoлкy вpeмe тaм?
- Maни, нe пpaшyвaй, eдин бyгapин, кaтo мe фaнa и мe oнoждa, oнoждa...
- Maлии, yжac, кe тe yмopaт мa, щo нe мy кaзa дa зaпpe.
- Eпa дa мy кaжa, aмa кaтo нe знaм бyгapcки...
>living with a 100 million subhumans is better than living 2 million subhumans
Do you think the same will happen to Fyrombei because of the Budapest dickrot disease?
Stop repeating that shit virgin subhuman, you don't get dickrot. My dick was very active in Budapest
- Oтpязaхa 100 гoдишнo дъpвo в Maкeдoния!
- Зaщo?
- Имaлo бългapcки кopeни.