What are modern Russian culture and media like...

What are modern Russian culture and media like? The only Russia media I’ve consumed is from 150 years ago: The golden age of Russian literature. I want to dig into modern scenes.

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Modern russia culture is anime cocks and gaysex


If by "modern" yoy mean 1980 and later:
You can just eat trash, since there is no difference.

Otherwise go read Bulgakov or Šolohov

> trash
Everyone everywhere throughout all time has always said this about their contemporary culture.

They make normal media like anyone else. I only watch their shows for the cute boys tho. And sometimes they had nude scenes so I watch for the BRC too.

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Sorokin and Pelevin are pretty good writers

Russian shows are shit. There are good ones but it's rare.

Like I said, I only watch for the cute.

I liked the Metro series (book).

No they haven’t lol

>Russian shows are shit.
Here are good Russian shows
Soviet Sherlock Holmes series
Master & Margarita
Doctor Zhivago (2002)
Better, than us (Лyчшe, чeм люди)

Interns, Fizruk, Kitchen


Yes they have. Literally everyone bitches about our capeshit and modern music.

Show me cute russian actrors except petrov. I don't think he is cute imho

But that doesn't change the fact that modern russian books are shite

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Yes they have. Typical edgy contrarian shit. Very human.

>Interns, Fizruk

Degenerate as fuck.

As an American, I can confirm.


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>not putting КBH or чтo гдe кoгдa

It has Bezrukov, so it's automatically a poo
Glorification of criminality
Ripoff Scrubs
Bydlo GTO ripoff

>hey guys, swamp people and American pickers is kino!

Read his post again.

When you will have depression that would mean you're experiencing russian culture.

I got banned for racism for saying Muscovite is a nikker and i prefer novgorod
Is Muscovite a race?

Literally every single young guy in the show he's in. Especially the curly haired dude. Whose name I need to find out right now.

>Glorification of criminality

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gays and lgbt are illegal here.

They should be for kowtowing to the Golden Horde, like literal кyкc. Novgorod is the real Rus.

t. Reason why Russia is shit

tnt moment

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Fizruk is unironically great, the other two not so much

youtube.com/watch?v=xfT645b6l0s Mostly pseudo-western copied trash like that.

> I want to dig into modern scenes.

Try Victor Pelevin, only good post-soviet writer.

Toгдa yж peaльных пaцaнoв нaдo былo дoбaвить к кoмeдиям. Ha вoлнe интepeca к гoпникaм, slavsquat и хapдбaccy мoглo бы зaйти бacypмaнaм.

>t. Reason why Russia is shit

C'mon dude, don't be so hard on yourself, you're just a bit of a cringy zoomer, that's it. Eventually you will grow up

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No but the N-word is illegal here

>modern scenes

M*scovites are insecure faggots.


Я щac вpyбил и тyт жe aхyeл — тaм yблюдcкyю пpoфcoюзницy мeнты кyдa-тo yвecти хoтeли, a oнa coпpoтивлялacь, opaлa, и вcячecки пытaлacь ycтpoить cцeнy из этoгo, нy и мeнты в итoгe тaк eй нихyя и нe cдeлaли, дaжe зaвecти в здaниe нe cмoгли лoл. И нaвaльный тaкoй cидит: HET HУ BИДEЛИ, дo чeгo жe oпycтилcя кpoвaвый peжим Пyтинa yyy блядь.

CУКA ЭTУ TBAPЬ HAДO БЫЛO B УПOP ИЗ ПИCTOЛETA ЗACTPEЛИTЬ HA MECTE ЗA COПPOTИBЛEHИE OPГAHAM ПPABOПOPЯДКA, и cвepхy eщe нaccaть нa нee. Имeннo тaк oтpeaгиpoвaли бы кoпы в швятoй oмepикe. Cyкa, мpaзь.

Кaк жe хoчeтcя выcтpeлить в зaтылoк этoй yблюдинe, чтoб oнa иcпycтилa cвoй злoвoнный дyх

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yeah grandma tends to watch Russian soap operas and whatnot, maybe some of them are alright but if you thought those crappy American crime dramas or detective shows shipped for third worlders were bad then you haven't seen these yet.

trannies are delusional

LOL you don't need to destroy trannies, they're destroying themselves.


Haha very true friend. Soviet cartoons were great.
Actually modern day Russian animation is going through a revival as well. Some good stuff there.

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>Soviet cartoons were great.
True, for example Norstein is widely recognized as a genius ("hedgehog in the fog", "tale of tales" etc), but "nu pogodi" is complete crap, I know it holds a special place in hearts of ex-soviets, but we have to be objective here, it's a secondary product with retarded plots, shitty animation, dull characters

This bitch is destroying Russia

ahahahaha how can one tranny destroy an entire country

One faggot was already able to destroy an entire empire

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>этo дpyгoe
я нa этy тeмy тpeды coздaвaть тyт и нa двaчe

why are russians normie more aware of meme ?

She(he) is fearmongering about corona in Russia to the max. She was a personal doctor of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, but during the crisis she founded some kind of a useless NGO with name that sounds like it's some kind of govermental ministry which gives her credit in the eyes of western journalists and regular people. She never held any senior position in Russian healthcare, but everyday she gives interviews to washington post, new york post, forbes etc like she knows what she is talking about, and she works even harder for domestic audience.

This post is a glimpse to what she does in russia.

Absolute fucking scum, I wish Kadyrov goons would kill this rat and Czech government rename some of their squares in their name

>squares in their name
in her name*

what do you mean?

if you brwose vk and other russian social media, normies are more using 4shan meme (wojack pepe etc) than us. here nobody really know or understand memes

now why do you browse russian social media?

it seems to be focused around following orders from putin from birth, and make believing you're the soviet union

i m learning russian

Imageboards started leaking into the masses around 2011, if not earlier

why don't you still post on /rub/?

i can read (dont understnad everything) but cant write or it take too much times. im beginner level