/balt/ + /ausnz/

Benis edition

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my cat suddenly got a wound on his head after going out in the balcony wtf
he will not allow himself to be sprayed with disinfectant

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what's for lunch

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>Starp citu, cik par zivi?

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I'm boiling some pasta and will add some beans. Too lazy to cook meat, so no meat this time.
Will post pics when it's ready

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Nah, Estonian "BUT...BUT PPP doesn't include quality!" is sum huge cope.
Was there, you fucks consume all the same shit.
Your prices are hiked a tad above matching wage. But I guess that's what happens when you have Finnish hordes entering your country to buy all the stuff that's cheap for them.

Tfw let myself go and don't even lift my 16 kg dumbells anymore

At least I do not pig out so losing weight alongside muscle mass

She looks... half med or some shit.

dis nigga... eatin beans?

She's my Russian waifu

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Do pushups you fuck.
How'd it happen?
I see, so she's only visiting in pic 4. Laisvės alėja now has cameras all over, so it's quite rare to get attacked, I guess.

only fuck those i date, have had a few gf's in highschool but that's it.
feeling like it's not much of a step to save until marriage considering that's what god wants.

Did her mom or dad bang a medoid though?
That's definitely some hybrid shit.
Latvian beans. Latvian beans consist of 99% potatoes.

Why tf do you have so heavy dumbbells. I'm thinking of getting myself 8kg ones to lift at home.

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You can't do shit with 8 kg

You can't get laid, can you? ''Muh relationship'' seems like massive cope to me

>I see, so she's only visiting in pic 4. Laisvės alėja now has cameras all over, so it's quite rare to get attacked, I guess.
Kaunas is wannabe Vilnius nowadays, so I'm not surprised
You'll soon see the things we see in Vilnius at this rate, which are not necceserily good.

How is this period seen by Latvians and Estonians?

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I have a Lithuanian Pole female friend who is currently in Aus. She said tinder there is different than here... Aus tinder is apparently dudes dm'ing penis size and being chosen that way. Kek

All Russians look hybrid to me

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user.... do you do only bicep curls?

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nigga we owned an island (a settlement really) in caribbean for some mysterious reason, can't have been that bad


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>You'll soon see the things we see in Vilnius at this rate, which are not necceserily good.
What's the worst shit you see in Vilnius?
The only thing we've seen a hardcore influx of (considering Vilnian things) recently is a wave of exchange students... coming in fucking WAVES.
Also oddly enough a fair amount of tourists in the summers now. There were very few(if any) when I was younger.

dafuq? where ru from

no latvijas pimpi

Natasha is that you?

average day in Vilnius

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Latvian Netherlands protectorate

where did you find this picture of my sister in the 10th grade

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Yeah I was alive during that period.

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>Russian Prius
>Russian Pippi Longstocking
>Idk she looks Russian to me doe. Might be my first guess. Maaaaybe would confuse for Irish. Maybe. But def not medoid obvious.


das rite
speaking of, I'm about to run out of beer
the question is to go buy more or just go weed shopping since the quarantine here has been lifted or is supposed to be at least

semi cute

Was visiting a couple of friends in Kaunas. Four of us were at a bar, I'm not entirely sure about its name, but I think at one point it was called "Ketvirta valdžia" or something like that. We were supposed to go crash at my friends place for the night, so we caught the last bus at the stop uphill from the bar. A bunch of bydlo, both guys and girls, were taking up the entire rear of the bus. One of them started harassing my friend, asking for his phone "to make a call", was told to go fuck himself, so he punched my friend. He fell over, bydlo got on top of him. I tried dragging him off of him, got punched on the left side of my jaw, put my knee to his head in return, helped my friend get up, another friend yelled that one of the bydlo pulled a knife. Thankfully the driver slowed the bus down a little bit and opened the doors, so we managed to jump out. Cops were called, ambulance was called, friend had a broken nose.
Still crashed at my buddys place and ordered pizza after. Didn't even notice I had a chipped molar until the next day. 10/10 night out in Kaunas.
>so it's quite rare to get attacked, I guess.
Yeah, it's changed a lot, there's this another anecdote, where years later I and my friend were going to načnykas to pick up extra booze, and I joked about how we're gonna get beat up. He said that doesn't happen anymore. Saw someone smoking and jokingly says he'll ask the guy if people still get mugged at night
>Ė, esi kada turėjęs problemų Kaune?
The guy that was smoking threw his cig down and ran away.

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Show me lifts you plan on doing with 8 kg

>What's worse...
>This degeneracy of "WE WANNA SHOW OFF!" on the streets OR
>Gopniks returning from their UK jobs, crime rates skyrocketing again, drunk noise at night, chance to get randomly stabbed.
Decisions, decisions...

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Shithuanian loco


yeah but i'm really not interested at the moment, still put off from the last one. lots of girls with unhealthy mindsets / lots of mental problems out there, only seems to be getting more common with how my mates are fairing.

yeah nah i just don't get my generation ay, like how is that appealing? I just want to be the dad i never had with someone loving and loyal, doing shit like that just reeks of promiscuity. do you feel that way man?

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Oh, you emigrated from Eastern Europe? We never would've guessed

>This degeneracy of "WE WANNA SHOW OFF!"
>Gopniks returning from their UK jobs, crime rates skyrocketing again
sounds like you need to open up a kolosseum and have them fight it out

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I am Oleg.

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Gipsy or Litvak

I don't smoke weed because I don't like people who smoke it regularly - they are such dullards.
" Imagine if, like, had 100% of our brain not just 30%...what? Nah man that is facts. I bet weed upgrades the brain to like 60%"

This is for abs

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Actually Pakistani

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in the west the girl would be tatted all over and the guy would look normal

Yea i like speed better

Oh she hot. Just hate her style


a moment of silence for nazianon, kapo glowinthedarks finally got him

nice every now and again, you need to find a really good mate to do it with. there's nothing quite like being on the same brainwave together on the stuff, zoning out to music oe talking for hours.

so wholesome.

And this is for triceps.
Not searching for others images, cause this is enough. I wouldnt be able to do any of these two exercises 20 times with 16kgs

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I love Vilnius so much

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Privet Olga, kak dela

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>they are such dullards
as somebody who has fairly free access to weed this is 100% true, never legalize this shit you will NEVER be able to undo it just like here
when somebody proposes any drug policy that goes against decriminalization shit gets heated up
>Imagine if, like, had 100% of our brain not just 30%
this has never been true anyway


feel like i'm on a government watchlist for regularly watching jreg



just use it in moderation, like alcohol, the shit is addicting tho

Gopniks would dominate sissies and fembots.
They wouldn't show their faces here anymore if all the gopniks returned.
Reminds me of an episode of TangoTV

Well, it seems you're a bitch
Carry on, friend

kappalas oon ryyggy perkele

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Sockleg :)
When I see pics like this I always think "awww, cute"
But them I remember the cats I had and think "damn, someone stuffed the poor fuck in there and he's definitely not enjoying himself"

>the shit is addicting tho
really underestimated though, people put it down because somehow because it isn't physical addiction it isn't serious enough
when you see how a person behaves after a habit of smoking everyday goes cold turkey nobody would say that

mkm see user pasapostitab siin endiselt

I am once again consuming

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Everyone on chan is on a government watchlist. But you're on someone else's watchlist.
Bjork backup dancer rejects. Damn

If you keep doing this I will have to break quarantine just to come over to your place, and cook something for you.