But they didn't realize they are too different from eachother in mentality.
What does an italian, a british and a polish have in common?
They have different languages and mentalities.
They wanted to be like the USA
Other urls found in this thread:
they are white
>What does an italian, a british and a polish have in common?
The US is composed of italians, brits and polacks.
And this pretty much explains it. Americans invented the "white" denonym in order to invent a genetic commonality for their nation of diverse immigrants.
nobody wants to be like the USA
we want to be an empire, not a soy federation
True. And currently the EU is held together by bribes, empty promises, scare threats and bureaucracy.
Oh no no no.
ironic considering that we're doing a better job at being an empire than you are
Yes we can. We just need to learn a common language and force English our.
The exit of Britain was the best ting ever for the EU, it built solidarity and shows everyone the eternal Anglo hates competition.
I'm sure that in the first 100 years of the US there was the same bickering and whining about muh federal government too big
Yes, but the US back then was also primarily Anglo with a tiny non-Anglo population. That's the key thing. They came from a single culture and language. The idea of the modern multi-ethnic US would be abhorrent to the 18th century US.
That's not true at all though, plenty of non-anglos in the early history of the US.
There were many English and Irish there and they fucking hated each other. This is just a short time after Cromwell tried to genocide every last Irishman
>They wanted to be like the USA
No, it was never the project.
At first it should had been an economical union like NAFTA, but all changed in 1992 with the Maastricht union and it's since this date that it's shit. The entry of Eastern Germany was also a big mistake because it added 20 million people to Germany and that was the first step to an extension to the East.
And like you said, it cannot works because we are not the same. It's like if you united Israel with Iran and with Saudi Arabia because they are all in the Middle East, it wouldn't work.
>They wanted to be like the USA
Definitely not.
B-b-but that's what I said ;_;
They will unite under their shared Muslim beliefs
Nation building takes time. Especially if it happens through peaceful cooperation and not through war.
Over time, EU will consolidate more and more power until it will become a proper nation
That map is misleading because most of those areas where Germans are at a high density are empty
>greater chicago area
Europe is formed by what it's not. We are not the new world or Africa. Only the eastern border is somewhat vague. Although I personally support Putin that it should be Vladivostok.
>They wanted to be like the USA
LMAO are you retarded? Who in their right mind would want to get shot, get bankrupted by his medical bills, smell sharts in the mart or be serenaded about god by a fanatical landwhale redneck woman.
>I personally support Putin
Have you considered suicide? I hear that it is very popular in Putin's Russia. Maybe you should try it out.
he is right though. EU should include Russia
>we want to be an empire
>openly welcome american troops onto your soil
Maybe in a 100 years, not in their current state.
>Americans invented the "white" denonym
based retard
Visit Russia even just for a day, and you'll realize your mistake
>>openly welcome
>implying we arent being held hostage
How is Russia worse than Hungary, for example?
The kraut does not care about the inhabitants living there but the resources they can take from there. A German industry able to supply itself with Russia´s resources is the kraut´s wet dream.
I see this as a mutually beneficial relationship.
While it is true that having unlimited access to Russian resources is a huge benefit, Russians would also benefit from being European citizens
>They wanted
Who ?
>I wanna suck Russia dry of their natural and human resources to become even bigger and stronger
That is what I have read.
this is why trump is president here and half the country is republican anti-government people who just want as little politics as possible
Actually American identity centred on Protestantism and vehement anti-Catholicism in the 18th century and it wasn't until the 19th century that white identity became the unifier.
Early Americans (the independence folk, not the mad settlers) were just staunchly Protestant Brits who were mad at King George III for not being anti-Catholic enough.
Russian natural and human resources would have a higher return of investment in European industrial centers. We could use the net benefit to subsidize Russia and help them modernize their infrastructure. To me it sounds like win-win
This isn't true. Non-Anglos arrived and became an important enough group much later than the early Independence years.
Early Americans identified basically as Brits (American was actually a diminutive term at the time) and were just mad at King George's Catholic friendly policies and for paying the increasing taxes that London decided to levy on them because it was costing an arm and a leg to keep the Red Coats there to defend them against France and the Indians. It had nothing to do with national or racial identity, but money and religion.
And that's why it's so shit
>We could use the net benefit to subsidize Russia and help them get in a massive debt that will ensure us that we have them under control. Then we will keep waiting for half of russia to move to Germany and use all that cheap russian labour force to increase the revenue of our industries.
The eternal kraut is like a snake, when He speaks He means the oppossite of what He says.
Amen! Should we make latin the official EU langage?
They kind of did.
Very well smart guy, what do you suggest? What should we do to not be considered evil by you?
We don't have an EU constitution.
>At first it should had been an economical union like NAFTA
Lmao, still repeating Russian propaganda.
It is banter, m8.
It's just a matter of time, we already said "yes".
The meeting that saved Europe
No you didn't, France said no and killed the process.
You're not white.
Hungary is just Germany kicking up a stink, Russia is for real and more in spite of Germany wanting to do business with them.
A difference between a bigfoot campfire story and a baboon chomping at your nuts on a safari.
This is such a bullshit graph. France and Netherlands rejecting the Constitution was accepted. And Greece ignored their own referendum because they were broke
This is literally your deal with the Visegrads
It says "ignored", which is true, but as the belgian said there was no constitution in the end. And being broke is not an excuse to ignore a democratic vote you dirty commie.
Let Russian oil monies and EU funds to develop Russia into a real first-world nation, then you have a whole new market to export your expensive Russian stuff to. Nothing stops you from buying their natural resources cheaply of course. Cheap labour is increasingly irrelevant due to automation.
>*expensive German stuff to
Shut up Luigi you're my slave
t. Vadim
German are many things but they speak their mind.
>they ignored the vote against the constitution by dropping the constitution
you'll need to explain that one to me.
LOL you have no idea
>you'll need to explain that one to me.
They couldn't agree on a text (as expected in EU) so they dropped the idea, nothing to do with the referendums.
>They couldn't agree on a text (as expected in EU) so they dropped the idea
Thats just outright false. There was a agreed upon text already in place, which is what the vote was over.
It got dropped 'because' it was rejected in referendums.
Instead we got the patchwork lisbon treaty that was trying to salvage that mess. The constiution didn't happen because it got rejected. Claiming those votes got "ignored" is just the usual fabrications of the delusional nuts that sadly lead eurosceptic movements.