baps edition (bums, thighs and feet permitted* - ONLY in moderation however*)
/brit /
Other urls found in this thread:
>casual sex won't make you happy
don't believe it
that pic makes me miss finlad
used to think a fetish revolved around feet was the most degenerate thing ever, now i cant remember the last time i wanked to anything that didnt involve feet
did he died?
fuck knows mate, i miss his friendly autistic posts
big fan of this gimmick
want to crush normoid skulls
Le shitpost like everyone else except he posts retarded pepe cartoons and everyone loves him for some reason
for me it's a legs + pits combo
a worthy read
Her ass is gross.
stay mad because he is more interesting than you
it deeply saddens me that i share a general with people like you
Is Mikey the virgin still here?
uh oh stinky poop ahahahah poopies funny poopies lalalala hahaha funny poop poop funny wee yay for poopy good poopy poopy funny hahahaha poop poop poop poop funny yay fun fun poop hehehe poop poopy yay poop make me happy happy happy uh oh i think i made a poopie poop in pants no diaper that’s funny ahahahhah oopsie poopie are nowhere now we want poopies we want poopies ahahahahahgahah po-o-op poop
Shagging is usually
Foreplay 15 mins
Going down on her 10 mins
Blowjob 20mins
Shagging 10 mins
neighbour looks like the type of slag who has "live let love" painted on her living room wall and gives her kids beakers full of ownbrand cola
yes but not on a fucking asian ideally
I lost all interest in her right there.
what is your course of action here:
you match with a tinder girl and message her however she doesn't reply until 5 days later
sex with someone you love and are also experienced with is considerably better than sex with any randomer
Post kot 192
>sperg with foreign flag
omg yes!!
that's my big sister. she's always treating me like shit
imagine slapping those milk bags around
Hes not interesting though. He literally just goes "making waffles" or some shit with a retarded pepe holding a hammer or something
>Blowjob 20mins
>Going down on her 10 mins
Wanna know i how know you're a virgin?
lady doth protest too much kind of post
>septum piercing
shoot off another one a day after but don't get my hopes up
Bob reduction should be illegal
put the chebs in my mouth and nobody gets hurt
he never said that but okay mate
can guarantee youre just angry because they dont find you interesting
I'm going to the park on the weekend and there's nothing you can do about it.
>20min blowjob
in your dreams, virgin
Alri Emma.
black people problems v white people problems
Go on then Mr Shagger
Post convo
send her a wall of text about how feminism has ruined modern women
its a porn image of aoi shirosaki it is not safe for work
where in the uk is this phenotype? its the same as richard hammonds
gib me that frog pls
you were her 4 or 5th choice
if you have any self esteem you will unmatch
Earn 60k PA after tax
6ft Tall
8 inch penis flaccid 10 Inch Hard
own 2 Audi's
Own my own home
Dont you fucking dare talk back to me like that again you little runt, youre nothing, youre fucking dirt on my shoe you little cunt
literally had a 45 minute blowjob once (was drunk so couldn't cum)
william was extremely painful afterward
Finding it quite upsetting to learn lads itt get a quick effortless blowjob
why is that unrealistic?
t.actual virgin
There's a very small amount of people in the world where a man's 1st choice is the same as the woman's 1st choice
Almost everyone would prefer hotter people, but we settle.
Lovely soft pillowy breasts reduced to misshapen butchered frankentits
This is the most pathetic post I've seen to date.
Remember when this happened?
why the fuck is smellovision taking so long fucking hell
will be impotent by the time i can live out my most deranged fantasies
women can easily fuck up 3-4 points out of 10 though so it's very dangerous for men who aren't first choice
because most girls won't suck you for 20min straight just you like won't go down on her for 20min. it's incredibly tiring to keep on licking her flaps. you're not a dog
Which one are you lads?
knew a good in school who had absolutely enormous milkies but now when i stalk her instagram they quite small. dunno if she grew into them or had the surgery, either way absolutely grim state of affairs
any /Sun Ra/ lads in?
Someone Barratt homes post this fella pronto
deep south
Used to consistently get 50-70 likes per Instagram post.
These days I'm lucky to get 20. Not sure what's going wrong.
don't know how i spelt good instead of girl oh my goodness
Piss off you stupendous virgin
sex is pretty overrated desu
remember when balumpf said he'd reunite the koreas LOL
in fact, remember when balumpf said anything and didn't do it, like everything LOL
is 13 tinder likes a day good
low t
show us yer trip
show us yer trip
mikey mikey
show us yer trip
he never said that
where are these from
never been in a group chat
You're clearly doing it wrong. Bet you don't even vary your licking, just lapping up and down like a retard
ye it's alri
>ywn fuck bella delphine
why live
Joke master
was always funny but Yas Forums def raised the bar
2018 in general was a forgettable year
everything big that happened quickly became irrelevant by the next year
want a cute little sister in the next life
I just ignore the posts until it reaches about 20 unread messages, scroll down to the bottom and repeat
Bit fanciful to call yourself a fully fledged jokemaster. Are you sure you aren’t an apprentice?
reckon i get the most (yous) on brit proportional to anyone else, had two threads entirely dedicated to posts i made the other day
remember when he said he'd win the US election?
This is good humour
going bald
alri mister i do the alphabet with my tongue
Don't get full of yourself bollock lad. You'll lose the charm you once had
sucking a clit
i like going on google earth and looking at all the little islands. sometimes you see little houses there too
ive gone mad with power, no man should receive so many (yous)
i love big tits and shapely arses
thats because youve got a testicular anomaly. anyone could post that and get similar response
Yeah, that's 101. I also finger her while doing it and with my other spare hand squeeze her chebs
Shave your balding head.
the sensitive frenchman is here
be careful what you say lads incase he gets upset
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said the coronavirus is rippling through his state "with the same randomness, the same evil, that we saw on 9/11".
The 11 September 2001 attacks were "so devastating, so tragic, but we lose so many more New Yorkers to this silent killer", the governor said at his daily press briefing.
New York will bringing in additional funeral directors to "deal with the number of people who have passed", Cuomo said, again pointing out that the 7,067 New Yorkers killed by the virus so far was triple the 2,753 people killed in New York in the 9/11 attacks.
nah definitely the funniest of my friends on average, but yeah sometimes you switch off
Not a fan of ear infections
reckon it'd be one of those relationships where you'd be more into her than she is into you because she's a big city girl with a jetset lifestyle and you're a provincial and also she's not capable of really loving anyone but herself so ultimately you'd be left heartbroken but still glad for a while you got have that experience. yeah reckon it'd just be like that
Haven't left the house in about 11 days but need to do an alcohol run.
honestly licking fanny is easy
made her coom the first time i ever did it
been told im funnier than Russell Howard
not as attractive as him also can't grow a beard
You are vain you stupid slag
Please continue posting
remember this
Easier than using that little pencil dick, huh?
This lad is based, a bit Reddit but very based
In my mdma days I use to do about three pills with two redoses after the first pill
Did 8 redoses one night but that was my new days to it all
Is this normal behaviour? What do people normally do with mdma?