
eagrán ollaimh

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Meabhrúchán chun tuairisc agus neamhsuim a dhéanamh de cacpostáil.
I'm fucking sick of vidya lads, but whenever I say this people say 'find a new hobby' like it's the easiest thing in the world
Nothing else comes close to being so easy, braindead, and relaxing entertainment, and whenever I try anything else I just get bored of it. Is my head fucked from gaming?

What are the best resources to learn the language fellas? I'd thought I'd take the time to learn it now since I have fuck all to do.
Also someone should translate Bannerlord to Irish

How about we translate Vicky first?

How about Crusader Kings 2?

Why bother when CK3 is just around the corner?

Because CK3 will be cac

congratulations, you have turned 15

There's no sign yet of Aztecs, Satanists, or horse memery in CK3 yet, which automatically makes it better than CK2
Well when will I turn whatever age it is that gets me out of this?


video games should be considered an addiction just like drugs, alcohol etc

Didn't the WHO recognise it as such?

I don't know, I don't pay attention to those losers

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gamers btfo

We should start including this in the OP. Also what do you suggest I should start with as a foundation level brainlet?


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the link I posted

the amount of smug leftist lactose intolerant soya milk drinking gael nazi energy emanating from this post is unbelievable

You're not even making sense anymore yikesy

cluichideoirí SUAS

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Good to see meabhrúchán is getting into ye lads, keep it up

he never did to begin with really

bad bad irish stick to English if you're going to ruin my beautiful language with your desperate shite, yikesanon.

>yikesanon is now calling other people yikesanon in an attempt to make people stop calling him out

>The Chinese Virus

I am Yikesanon

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found a huge archive of ISIS nasheeds

gonna miss these lads tunes

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How can feeling like the opposite sex be classified as anything but a mental disorder, that makes no sense.

happy easter patrick

and to you as well, sven

Found the gamer

they're co-morbid anyway


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Of course animeniggers will defend CK to the last

Give us your theory on why weebs like CK.

Chinese princesses

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wish these threads were good

Be the change you want to see.

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>500 cases

wew more coronabux for me

Why can't this general be as comfy as /med/? I'm sick of this autistic bickering and redditisms.

im not the problem its everyone else who needs to change

Well, it's a virus, from China, so that's not inaccurate.

It come from CHYNA

we've slipped too far from our Mediterranean Milesian roots in the east med, Palestine and Egypt, when we were hanging with the Hebrews and Iberia, we let our native firbolg blood, fomorian ancestry, Scythian origins and later invaders in the form of Vikings, normans, scots and anglos. There's a reason that the Hebrews who once healed our leader of the poison of snakes and promised us inis faile a land free of snakes now turn against us and deny our peoplehood and common heritage and denounce us as simply homogenous Christian white people. We've straight too far from our origins as the Milesian race and our Mediterranean nature has faded away as we were assimilated by anglos and our Milesian religion died a long time ago just as our Milesian language has been decaying for a long time.

Oh fuck off you cringe worthy r/irelander

Autistic shit like this is why I never come here.

didnt read

any of you lads ever do an iq test?

whatd you get

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Globalism Got Us Into This Mess. Justin Barrett Gives the Nationalist Position on COVID-19 Outbreak


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Why don't the other two weirdos just use their real names?

anime is for pedophiles

no, DATS or bust

Nope. After all, I know my the size of my intellect.

feel sorry for barrett
a literal lug eared manlet with delusions of grandeur thinking he'll lead some sort of nationalist revival
the lad must have no self awareness

they don't want to dox themselves

I don't want to remove the last shred out doubt that gets me through life by confirming that I'm the brainlet I know I am. I'd rather deal with the insecurity and doubt on a daily basis than certify that I've achieved my lot in live through luck and an ability to act like I know what I'm talking about.

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he has a wife and kids so he's not too badly off

You can literally see their faces.

His wife has an unnerving thousand yard stare.

>I don't want to remove the last shred out doubt that gets me through life by confirming that I'm the brainlet I know I am
Don't worry, you just did by posting THAT.

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he has attached earlobes which is a trait of slavic people you know

Yes and I got a great score. Obviously I'm not going to post it since then someone would reply "true geniuses an IQ of [whatever I said] +1". I can see through their ploys with my high intellect.

I've got to use up the pics. I don't want all that time spent in the threads to be for nothing.

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i dont know, not bothered about the physical appearance of other men

Forgot my anime image.

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How did Fine Gael's RIC Commemorations impact February's General Election?


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