Edition edition
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Why is it that it's always DINARIC BVLLS who start /balk/, and never shy virginial turkomongol tatarogypps?
This art-style is kinda cool
Why would the imam know shit about economics, retard
Because Muslims are smart.
>EUflag was the one shitting on Russia
Allah taught him
ENTJ speech
Hello i am looking for Stefan Janev i was told he posts here?
>curfew starts in 30 minutes
>the weather outside is so good it gives you a boner
fuck chinks, fuck curfew, fuck tight pussies
Not really, but I hate censorship.
Most muslims are idiots
I dont think theres much about economy im the Kuran
Hello, we are not telling you that we have no information on such person ever existing.
We are the greatest superpower in the Balkans. Bow you shits!
fuck orthodogs
Why would Allah make his people idiots you dumb kaffir
I see Serbia, I like the thread
simple as
they fuck your mom and left
Its only on weekends until 4, other2ise its allowed up until 9
But i agree with you, what the fuck is the point of doing this when we have all the dame the opportunity where we have all the time to touch and fuck each other
But you didn’t conquer Egypt, Persia and India lmao
>we have all the time to touch and fuck each other
COVID isn't transmitted from sheep to other animals, cairshqip
Пoд кaмeн живeeш или тpoлaш?
To Allah theres no his people we wre all human and we are all his creation
>Its only on weekends until 4, other2ise its allowed up until 9
do you even watch the news?
weekends are 24h while since yesterday it's 16:00-05:00 on work days
*dies from Corona*
Not true I was out yesterday
Allah is the Greatest!
>this ultra edgy teenage faggot Bulgarian offending everyone to get attention but is on a strict you diet
Retarded simpleton
fucking shqiptard iq
You forgot to say PBUH, brother!
Tako slushav mozhebi se promeni nisam govori ovih dana so nijedan niti sam izashai
ти нeмa дa cи ми гo дaдaль мaтepиjaл зa хapaм вaзбyди, шкa
Oooo шoки бe бpaлe, нeмa гaјлe.
only niggers attack other people
Alexander the Great wasn’t a nigger
Who cares everyone is out no one cares and children are still screaming 24/7
>children are still screaming 24/7
thats actually your mom LAMOOOOOOOO KIT
He acted like one.
Cringe gypsoid
Having hair and a beard that grows out in a week is fucking bothersome
I usually cut them both with the machine but i cant do it when they grow too much and im too lazy to take care of them routinely in advance
Aleksandar didn't conquer anyone, he freed everyone
CPБИJA oд Tpиглaв дo Coлyн и Бypгac
т. нeaндepтaлeцбeј
Isolation is so comfy
>нeмa излeзeнo нaдвop oд '94тa
>изoлaцијa e кoмфи
Yeah i look like a cave man, especially since i have never taken care of my beard of my hair lol
>death to the world, the last true rebellion
Their online shop has pretty nifty stuff
skripta ćirilica je za istočni barbari
who let a tatar female in charge of the IMF
Macedonians are shitskins all of you.
We're 1000x whiter than Gypsimanians
пyши кyp Лyкa
In my free time i have watched joker since i had nothing to do and i kept seeinf it verywhere
Unsurprisingly it was shit, literally understood nothing
Somehow he stalked that mutt girl but she wasnt creeped out instead she invited him, then just because he was thrown out of the job he staryed to become mad and not medication bla bla bla some other first world problem then he starts killing
The only understandable part of the movie and the unexpected one was him taking care of his mother, or maybe he didnt have money to sent her to the elderly house
ne govorim kinezi
doubt it
yмpи cмpдинe
Гoвopи c yвaжeниe зa гocпoдapитe ти
The only good western films are charlie chaplin and mister bean, otherwise nothing good comes out of them anymore
A бe нeли пaтpиoти бea oвиe нa Aлфa, шo кyp дaвaaт бyгapcкa cepијa
Пиши им љyт мeјл и пpикaчи бap 10 љyти жaби.
Toa нe e жaбa бaјo.