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hilarious how lazy britposters are
it’s never us that makes the new

was talking to my nan who was actually alive in the war and she said this is worse because you can't go and do normal things when you aren't being bombed. it's the opposite of community during wartime right now. people would often go to their neighbours houses to ride out a bombing, or the entire community would be together in a shelter. and you could hear the enemy coming and prepare. this is invisible and you can't go to anyone for comfort. for me as a young person it isn't that discerning, I think it's got old people absolutely shitting it though. she said she's more scared now than she was in the war

thought up a joke and have been pissing at it now for about 30mins or so

Honestly fucking hate it when your playing Warzone and it puts you in a two man team or by yourself against 4 man teams


cat meow because he know that on my onlyfans the nudes


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power steering fluid is leaking
have to top it off every day or so

got sick of /his/ within a week

cant believe people pay upwards of 4 quid for these coffee milkshakes

don't worry lads, once they've turned the 5g on this will all be over


/his/ is pseud corner.

Are you overweight?

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so lazy and unmotivated to do anything
would adderall help? where can i get it?

yank roads don't have bends
you'll be fine


posted here since 2013 and never made a single thread.
that's why it pisses me off so much when peple spam early news and try to threadsplit with their autistic editions.
such a pathetic thing to give a shit about

far too peng to be a slag


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Toilberg been pouting passive aggressively all day because we're shifting to remote work.

not really ancient though is it

What age is your nan

it's literally just Yas Forums
>Without flags
>Without thirdies
>With 100x as much seeth

he meant looks like summit out of a painting, the entire premise of that subreddit, don't focus on the name too much

they do have corners though



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hope he's dead in a ditch somewhere
that man deserves it for the pain and hurt he's caused

about 70; 71 or 72 i forget which exactly

Don't browse Yas Forums either, once went to look at the paddy general. Very troubling.

toiruberg seething he can't force the wagies to toil until 2am

are we adding the ole 'rona deaths onto communism's bodycount?

Just cut sugar out

Getting on a bit, off to bed then

Mum said she clapped for the NHS the other day, state of her

>Economists are now confident the eventual US unemployment rate will exceed that of the Great Depression' - US officials say 6.6 million people registered claims for unemployment in the the week to 4 April.

yes, but not massively so

huh? we’re talking about Monica here you idiot


>Don't browse Yas Forums either
based retard

yeah but it taste nice

Nice, that's humanity set back for at least a decade



I think she went back to poland mate

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no im underweight


black women are always disproportionately extremely promiscuous, sell nudes/sell sex, have countless abortions, fuck people for drugs, yet there seems to be some kind of myth that black women are somehow more pure and that white women are the degenerate ones


I'm sure she remembers the war that ended before she was born well

What are people that used to work in pubs doing now?

oops this is me lol

Treating myself to some licorice twists

would heem the cunt that tagged the church's door

it's a chinese disease and china is a communist country tho

hard lad you going after dementia patients

is that the pissing polish lass from amer's video

Same as the rest of us, sweet fuck all

probably flew back to australia as soon as they could

What time schedule are you holding us to exactly?

/brit/ isn't Yas Forums


The one I made up

Could heem anybody itt

want to cuddle 2


When are the jobs coming back?

seething moralfag

tights on the left is hot

alright relax lad I'm here now

odd thing to be confident about

she's 86
that wasn't me
she dished out rations for people in her town in the war

Walking through the park, starting to feel abit rapey

When you pussies agree to go outside and risk getting a cough

can see this church from my living room


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this has always been a strange insult
>"Ha you have morals and I don't!"
very weird way of admitting you're an underage edgelord

True. But why is Hancock getting it in the neck from all and sundry for simply answering a question.
PL footballers will inevitably have to take cuts anyway as the PL's revenues will suffer and therefore the clubs in the league,

Used to work as a pointless white-collar employee in a company which essentially employed and managed tens of thousands of cleaners and janitors. I was like the king of the janitors, if you will

polish tinder is fucking unreal swiped past 30 girls and literally all are 8/10

>it's full of brit flags

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As a 7 year old?


bitch cheated on him with his best friend why not just beat her ass up?

would shag left if i twasnt bald

wow it's crazy what happens when you order millions of people to stop working

you’re boring me
might go for a walk
FRENCHLAD how was yours?


Coranavirus is still a nothingburger desu, 800k died of Swine Flu and the world didn't stop. Million dies of Malaria a year and life goes on. Coronavirus ain't even reached 100k yet

*graffitis the superhero museum*

>full of euro and brit flags

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>rating white girls

Because he wont answer anything aimed at billionaire corporation owners



What morals do you have?


Listen to this bitch she knows good shit.

When was he asked, Mboko?

enlighten me then on which ethncity i should be going for

how cow now?

Would honestly turn you into a pillar of salt if you even considered looking back

the war went on a while mate. she was young when it started but grew up during it. my grandad is dead now but he would be 94 this year. he was navy and attended normandy invasions

me in the future: Coronavirus is still a nothingburger desu . it's only killed 80 million people. Don't you know ageing kills literally everyone

>We value the diversity of our employees, and aim to recruit a workforce which reflects our diverse communities across London.

Ah yes, this doesn’t feel discriminatory at all, why would anyone want to hire the best person for the job? hmmm yes

got stopped by the police. tricked them by telling them i was walking towards the supermarket for groceries so i didn't get fined. we're not allowed to jog anymore in paris from 9am to 7pm. just been toiling all day not that interesting im afraid

So what Portuguese city are you fags visiting this summer (or the next)?

I haven't had a fight in 8 weeks getting mad now

there's no insult
unless you find the presupposition of rage an insult

like "u mad", it's being flippant with things that they are passionate about to invoke anger
which he did very effectively I should add

give me a number for ritalin or adderall

Just Deliverood myself a nothingburger

black or brown


don’t even know any other than boring Lisbon

I've got plenty
What gives you of all people the right to question me on them? You haven't earned my trust and I don't know who you are

Been too long since I last got choked out cold

fno all on cats ahahaha silm an shakei happen


would beat you and shag your arse while you were on the ground

>we're not allowed to jog anymore in paris from 9am to 7pm

I don't imagine many parisians are out and about at that time anyway. But this is so dumb. Exactly what is the rational in limiting the time people can exercise to an even smaller window?

diversity in the workplace is an attribute in and of itself
the "best" person for the jonb is not always the one who knows the most excel formulas

The reaction to Coronavirus makes me think there is something we're not being told. I reckon it's some kind of designer virus that escaped that chink lab. would explain why it's jumping species to species

I know some cause my great grandparents were from Trás-os-Montes.

So I know there's Porto, Lisbon, Braga... and.... yeah that's all I know too.

Stop inviting people here retard


could’ve just said ‘no’ mate would’ve been easier

>Secretary of state, could you please tell us ‘yes’ or ‘no’ whether the government is preparing to take equity stakes on taxpayers’ behalf in some of the large companies which have found themselves in major crisis because of the pandemic? >And if so, do you think that Richard Branson’s Virgin Atlantic is a worthy recipient of that kind of assistance, given that in 2017 Virgin Care sued your beloved NHS after losing a contract, and given that Sir Richard lives as a tax exile on Necker island?

>Well…I’m going to erm, not answer the first question

name all the jobs better suited to people with darker skin

shouldn't take you long

black people are excellent
we all agree on that
one complaint though?
they don't play their hippity hop music loud enough
man next door is currently blasting it at 99% volume which is fantastic but goodness gracious imagine if it could be louder
bless us with your symphonies based black man
cast off the shackles of colonialism and express yourself

I WILL go to your cities and I WILL jump off the balcony to my doom

She was 10 maybe 11 when it ended mate, of course a grown woman is more worried now

Anyone else's hair not lend itself to being grown out and so going to have to buzz it soon. Mine just becomes a mess
Needs must and all

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If we don't get at least 80,000 deaths (same as the 1968 flu that was considered underwhelming) I'm going to be pissed.

The virus was clearly man made. But beyond that, it's not as deadly as governments are acting. This is just an excuse to power grab by Western govs. And social scientists and biologists are the dumbest scientists on the planet.

Yeah do reckon so myself. You know I read just recently that swine flu killed 800k. Wonder what they're not telling us the people.


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>Bea Dumas (82) (Delphine, Beate, Beate Breitner, Beate G.,) MegaPack [1994-2018, Anal, Bukkake, DP, DPP, Facial, Mature, MILF, Oral, Piss]
filthy old tart, shall be giving this a watch

rude question desu

Anonymous 04/09/20(Thu)14:41:04 No.121150998▶ME

I haven't known a single nonwhite who vocally hates white people to have not lusted over white people

in fact I've not known a single anti-Semite to have not lusted over Jewish people

got a theory that most hatred towards another race has a side effect of "the lady doth protest too much" about it

hey look it's the man who advertises sky

you'd be surprised. people have been jogging more every day lately, especially in parks. the weather has been great these days, 25c today. but i agree with you it's completely stupid. so now I'll just take some sun on the balcony. it's not worth getting fined 135e

ye it's basically chernobyl but instead of ussr fucking up nuclear energy it's the ccp fucking up bioweapon manufacture. they intended to only keep it in reserve to advance the arms race but their cost cutting and incompetence let it out

this won't come out for at least 30 years

lol shepard hillbilly

go up to people's nans and convince them they were alive during world war 2

about to dig in

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Heard that BA are sending their A380s to a French airplane graveyard

But I do. I'm just not going to have my morality, a private thing to me, picked apart by bored edgy anons.

what about arachnophobia

O que significa? Pastor caipira? Porque?

fuck you man you know how hungry I am reeeeeeee

looks nice, yanks can do BBQ

was a vid of Ash Sarkar talking about her dating history being exclusively white men
surprised me literally 0%

if you hate crackers so much why are you so eager to have our dicks in your mouths?
baffling really

Don't know any virulent racists or anti semites because I'm not a total worm

The eduvcated mans general
The thginking mans general
The succesful mans general
the white masn general

skimped on the onions and sauce

depressed and just want to cry.

is that tray that was posted earlier

>low quality yank meat
no thank you

don’t even know what you’re talking about
you mean your stance on abortion? just war theory? what?

ah the if you hate gays you are secretly gay school of thought

and the reddit spacing to accompany it

quite a fine




Ah yes, a plate of the ol' 'rona if you please

only bellends use kafkatraps
if you disagree that just proves you're a bellend

Not the same question is it, you thick wog

drinkin a vodka lime soda to put me to bed

where's the plonk

Going to get the grill out tomorrow

Closest thing to a casual racist was this afghani guy at toil
>Now user, I'm not racist, but these blacks they are dirty, they are dangerous, I don't want anything to do with them

saloio transmontano

nice but it really lacks some salads on the side. a rice salad would be great

she's more worried now because she's more at risk than she was during the war. all old people are. I don't know why you would assume a child would not be worried seeing their town get repeatedly bombed, or would somehow be obviously less worried about that than a virus

swear to god talking to women is like walking a tightrope

emergency rum ration is on its way lads

difference between fear and hatred i suppose

Fear and sexual arousal are on opposite sides of the brain
But hatred and sexual arousal must be pretty close

there be a kino docudrama on HBO in 2045 about wuhan scientist obliviously leaving work and picking up their dinner at the fish market

Friday 10 April Good Friday No collections or deliveries

im gonna die

I'm gonna say it

Having some Yorkshire Tea. Working from home. Fantasizing about Asian women again.

What drugs have you done whilst partaking in British culture?

>Various speeds
>Rhino ket
>Thc pills
>Bath salts
>NOS Cannisters

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try being handsome

cant eat strait meat me

only if you want something from them

it definitely is
one wrong move in the initial phase and your done for

fucking over it really
not gay but so I better get used to it

Heard (read) that back in Shakespeare's day "nothing" was a term for a fanner such that "Much Ado About Nothing" were a double intendre

lmao why

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>mankind will exist in 2045
bold assertion

Will Fauci be Legasov?

i am handsome, in a heroin chic kind of way


what other reason would you talk to a woman

>1.44 MB, 6300x3095
fans whirring into overdrive at this

Fairly certain that was about cuckoldry (or not, just paranoia, hence the nothing)

That's exactly correct
t. Studied Much Ado in A levels

salad is for girls and gays
which one are you?


might be legal here but i wouldn't say it's very common.

to enrich ones mind with the knowledge and insight of the fairer sex


Seen it.
