Female rejected me and the reason is... "sorry I'm older than you"

female rejected me and the reason is... "sorry I'm older than you"

i fucking hate females. i will destroy women.

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just get older agelet

how are there even any young men left in syria? imagine having so much of your competition die and still not get with any chicks lmao

just get older aglet

>my first gf was three years older than me

get rekt, incel

probably just an excuse desu. also stop caring.

just get older agelet

based mashallah

just get older aglet

why would you try to go for some granny instead of 16yo virgin gril?

Aren't you married to the neighbor's daughter, just like the West in the early 20th century?

The absolute state of agelets

I'm in my 20s but i look 15. i have big penis with very good personality. women still hate me.

how tall are you?

>I'm in my 20s but i look 15
Nigga, what the fuck are you doing in Syria when you could be in Sweden?

>I'm in my 20s but i look 15
that's not a good thing retard. women, unlike men, are not into teenagers
grow a beard or something

I never tell women my age, because when I tell them they say
>omg you're 18 you're a kid
Most of the time when someone ask me my age I just ask them how old they think I am and tell them they're right. Usually they say something between 21 and 25.

nice quads. 5'8 manlet short ugly fat bald and brown

send me visa faggot im poor i barely eat

idk bro females hate prettyboys here it seems. it is what it is.

You sound like a massive shitlicking faggot. I can see why women have no interest in you.

Do women literally believe they are more mature than men of the same age as them?

this, come over here bro I just bought some hashish from sa'id

>very good personality
Obviously not since you browse Yas Forums.

bro come as refugee. Throw away your id, say that you're 15 and get on a fucking boat

my friend is 18, but looks about 26. got really close to a 30yo woman and they almost banged but he told her how old he was and she said she had to break it off, even though they still hang out as friends. He's developed alcoholism since then

Are females even allowed to reject males?

Leonardo DiCaprio looked about 16 in titanic but women still talk about him. How old you look doesn't mean shit as long as you're hot.
Which this guy is not at all lol

>5'8 manlet short ugly fat bald and brown
cmon no wonder girls reject you. shave your head and get fit at least. u even trying?

No. I have had two older gfs. One was 4 years older than me. The other was 2 years older.
If a woman uses the fact you are too young, it is just an excuse and because she doesn't see you as a man. You have failed.

Good thing you mentioned your awesome personality. Gee I don't know why women don't like you user since personality is everything Weird...

just rape her lol

Haha just imagine raping a woman and getting away with it weird thought haha

>looked about 16 in titanic
nah he looked like he was 25-26
he had just started to look kinda rough. in the basketball diaries (1995) he still had his pretty boy looks. he mostly lost them by the time titanic was released

>4 years
>2 years
Yeah really gargantuan age differences those are, you're really lucky they managed to overcome it and get with you at all

I used to fuck MILF who was 11 years older than me. Bad luck, bro.

>late 20s colleague dates younger male
>'i dont want to judge based on age, he can be mature sometimes'
>lo and behold, guy turns out to be a dude weed lmao college dropout that just had some older female fetish and tried to put on a big boy facade that fell apart overtime
>they break up eventually
Maybe try not acting like a literal child and see where that leads you

if those are argie standards for youth and beauty then I'm never gonna get an argie gf at this rate god dammit

Are you guys dating there? I thought that Muslim guys just start raping any woman.

>im poor i barely eat
Here is your problem, you are just retarded

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Don't you have sex slaves from war spoils?

>If a woman uses the fact you are too young, it is just an excuse and because she doesn't see you as a man
Woman in general don’t want her bf to be younger than her. Girls like your ex’s are outliers.

Please, tell us about all the 50 yr olds you've fucked, dickhead.


Bro like literally 80% of syrian men are either dead or in Sweden. How the fuck can you not get laid lmao?

Why would you try to date an older woman? Are you mentally ill? You're supposed to marry a woman 5-10 years younger than you so you can assert proper authority over her and supplant her father in her mind as her provider.

Are you an expert? Are you telling me I am finally talking to a korean chad? How many gfs have you had? How many girls have you been with? What qualifies you to make such a sweeping generalization? Because you just come off as a low IQ retard

there's more rape in korea and japan, ugly incel freak

>Older women are the bane of mankind
William Shakespeare

Listen to the bard

This lmao

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Tell me where I claimed I did or even brought up anything about milfs

That's just cuz women are shite. Men wouldn't reject you for looking this young :3c

He's generally right. Women like older, more "mature" (whatever that means to them) men because they give more security to them.

>but he told her how old he was
rookie mistake but then again fucking a 30 yo used up roastoid is nothing to develop alcoholism over, missing out on prime teen pussy on the other hand...

Mature means they have a job. The more money the more mature.

ISIS was trying to fix that but the retards killed them all now incel bro can't get laid

Oh so you are gonna say you need to be a chad to talk about a general truth proven by stats?

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i never had a job and had a gf who was 12 years older than me

I got rejected by an older woman was in love with the woman hard and she said 8 years is too big a gap I was 19 and she was 27 I worked with her and she seduced me good only to do that. Only got to fool around a little. I think she felt she was taking advantage. I went too hard too fast.

yeah I wanted to tell him he was stupid for crying over a girl 12 years older than him but another friend of mine is 19 and he and his gf of 3 months wanted to have a baby so I had bigger problems to worry about. they had the baby after so in short I'm a bad friend and my friends are totally retarded

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>just hit the gym bro!!!!!


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>gf of 3 months

Why is it so bad for them to have a kid? Pretty positive thing if you ask me

yeah we don't have a lot of hope in the kid's future

>I'm in my 20s but i look 15
Go to Japan. I saw that thread the other day about how they have wimmin who go for teenage boys... or it could just be because Japanese men all look like teenage boys, anyway. Either way you'll be a better fit there.

Where the fuck is your hair?

>they're 19
>they're entirely supported by their parents
>they've been together for 3 months
>they're legitimately insane
>they're drug addicts and the mother nearly died of an overdose last year
at this point we're just hoping the kid's grandparents will do all the work but looking at how their kids turned out, the future is bleak