
>are you addicted to cooming?

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If yeah, then I hope this helps

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Is it an addiction if you do it once everyday?

cooming is haram bro

>deal with it
Sounds like it was written by a reddit memer soyboy, don't trust them

It is if you cannot stop yourself

>why yes, I never coomed once in my life, how could you tell?

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I only coom out of boredom.
How do I stop being bored?

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I only coom when I start feeling lonely

I never masturbated until I was 19.
The reason was because I felt that if I did, it was accepting that I was unable to have sex.

The only positive thing that comes from this is because, in general, self restraint is good for you. Same thing about dieting, exercise, studying, working, etc. Not ejaculating will not make you magically healthier, it will actually just make you hornier and probably more aggressive, that's what it does to me whenever I go a 3 to 4 days dry.

enjoy your prostate cancer

Chad af
Play a videogame or watch a movie, concentrating on something helps me avoid cooming
nice meme, have an upvote

Based Arab.
Nofap day X here, about 3 years idk I stopped counting
Currently learning japanese and improoving skills and knowledge in my line of work

benzos killed any and all libido i ever had

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Very nice, I hope I could reach your level one day.
Ever since the quarantine started, hentai and jav websites suddenly stopped being blocked here for some reason, and the urge I have to "take the chance" is too strong

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Cookie Monster?

I know what you mean. Once I had a whole week of strong urges. Literally couldn't stop thinking about fucking trannies, but somehow I persevered.

Imagine believing not masturbating will actually change you lmao
It's all placebo

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What's the point of nofap though? It's not like it will make my life better or something

The fate that eventually awaits all coomers

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Not masturbating does not change you, masturbating does
It will make your life better if you are a coomer

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i stopped doing drugs but i can't stop coomin

Because drugs cost money

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I would rather eat a 18inch double pepperoni pizza with a side of nachos and cheesey chips then cook.

Shut the fuck up you stupid shitskin. Theres no better feeling than cooming.

I like cooming in my gf's mouth and pusy, I almost never fap

Cooming isn't bad, porn addiction is

cringe, all you have to is not masturbate, that's it.

I might give up cooming, but I will never give up my high resolution, dickless porn collecion.

>Shut the fuck up you stupid shitskin. Theres no better feeling than cooming.

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the best feeling I've ever had was receiving a flirty text from my crush when I was like 15-16

How can you seriously combine browsing Yas Forums and no fap. There's ads with porn, people posting porn, people posting hot women.


Next they'll say nofap give you telepathic abilities...

yes ive been cooming to chubby girl porn 3 times a day

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Does this happen in your country?

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i am addicted to tranny porn,how do i solve this issue?

Cooming is my only coping mechanism from being alone

Determination and willpower, unironically

Trying to cut back. Honestly I spend more time searching for very specific fap material, so I can waste upto 3-4 hours a day. It's really frustrating.

Abstaining from porn all together for a few days, it worked for me
What about vidya?

>There's ads with porn
Stop being retarded monkey and get any form off adblock
Other than that just don't touch your dick each time you see a piece of tit.

>Next they'll say nofap give you telepathic abilities...

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Who said I wanted to quit?

Just doing noporn to annoy (((them))).

Games, movies, cartoons does not give the happiness like i used to. I tried alchohol and it somewhat works for me to curb my cooming
working made me stop cooming altogether though, but this quarantine fucked it all up for me


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i dont coom but i spend around 1h a day reading/watching hentai

Sadly yes, but I don't watch porn because porn is degenerate. I need a wh*te wife to stop me from cooming


I coom twice a day but I don't regret shit
coom feel good so coom good
why would I want to stop myself when I enjoy it and doesn't interfere with my life

What's wrong with nofap?

What's your favourite tag?

I wish I could coom on an Yas Forums user's belly

If you're normal it's pointless. It's for porn addicts. When you are addicted to porn i agree you need to do whatever you can to not fap anymore


How the fuck did you even notice that?

I was on a nofap streak for a few weeks, but I made the mistake to edge to some softcore and I ended up having horrible pain in my balls and prostate so I decided to blow my load and it instantly relaxed. Right now I am again a few days in and won't make the same mistake to edge.