Why do Chileans literally worship Japanese automatic taxi door as their new God?
Why do Chileans literally worship Japanese automatic taxi door as their new God?
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somehow dogeaters love this meme
Quick rundown?
I heard that chile doesn't have taxi
? qué chucha XD
t. k*rean from Italy
I wonder what they (those actors) were thinking while filming this shit
k*rean dog living italy two bad thing combined
They were thinking about how to exchange their paying in yen into Chilean currency (lima beans)
>Japanese TV program
>shows foreign people a Japanese automatic taxi door
>people starts to praise the taxi door and worship Japan
>Japanese people actually watch this program every weeks and think that people all around the world worshiping Japanese automatic taxi door
Text on the pic is following.
>Japanese automatic taxi door arrives in Chile for the first time.
>First adventure!!! THIS IS WHAT WE CALL 「MADE IN JAPAN」!!!
>Have you seen?! This is 「JAPAN」!
I'm not even making this shit up
Check out this link if you wanna see the actual video
(Fyi quick explanation of what ppl are saying on the video)
>(dubbing Chilean) But, Even though it's Made in Japan, it's just an ordinary Taxi. Are there any differences?
>(dubbing Japanese) Yes Of course it's different. Okay, you will going to notice it if you watch it! It's coming!!! 3, 2, 1 -
>(Announcer) Yet, Again. *door literally closes by itself*
>(Japanese show hosts) Are you kidding me?! Do they really like it??!!
>(Chileans) TA XI! TA XI! TA XI!
>(Japanese show hosts) Even TAKUSHI KORU?!! (means Taxi call in human)
HAVE YOU SEEN?! This is the power of Japan!!
t. 朝鮮猿
They know Wiracocha was a Japanese automatic taxi door.
>jajaja mirame soy chino CHING CHANG CHONG jaja
After Italy....
Some of Koreans will live there with using Yas Forums.
SOUL vs soulless
Little known fact: they are amazed not because they saw an automatic door on a taxi, but because they never saw a door before
Fun fact.
Korean has huge inferiority complex.
what's with the hateboner this board has for Japan? is it because of the mentally ill spammer who posts war crimes against Koreans?
Why is it easier to trigger Nips than Gooks
It's mostly hatred for weebs but the hate spills over for Japs
I pray to automatic taxi door every day
japan is great, you no know this gaijin?
world is love japan auto door taxi.
japan sama the best.
japan will take world. anime power!
They unironically call themselves """cool""" for having snow.
The foreigners are praising Japanese snow for some reason
Seoul vs Seoulles
japan has four seasons you ignorant gook.
only canada and nippon have 4 seasons in world.
They unironically call themselves """cool""" for eating eggs.
The foreigners are praising Japanese eggs for some reason
What is the title of this Korean av?
wtf do japs really?
A lot of countries have four seasons
wtf japan not only has automatic taxi door but also snow and four seasons!? and they also eat eggs!!!!????best country in the world!!!! so cool!
what the fuck lol. thanks based jap irish man
whats wrong with loving eggs kim-berly?
but why do you have tv programs praising japanese eggs, seems like a weird thing to be nationalistic about?
So you uncivilized people dont have automatic taxi door, yet?
Using eggs for nationalist propaganda is cringe
What the heck are you on about?
i thought this was a worldwide phenomena?
Well probably we have more cuisines compared with Brits?
eggs don't make you special mate
The tv program is not such kind, tho.
Are you jealous?
No, I'm not jealous of japanese nationalist propaganda about eggs.
>chile worshiping their betters
can't imagine why...
no other country is cringe enough to make nationalist propaganda about fucking eggs, water and car doors lmao. it makes japanese people look insecure that they need to find something to make themselves feel special. Like how japs think they are the only country with four seasons lmao.
haha you are jealous of japanese snow
fall from the sky 10000 times
>eggs don't make you special mate
Yeah, the tv program is just an introduction of difference between Japan and foreign countries.
You westerners are doing same kind of thing, right. like "you are special because you are unique"
I'm korean and japanese taxi door, eggs and snow make me jealous and angry.
ah yes superior japanese snow! something i find funny as well is that japs go on about "japanese is the hardest language!" like its some achievement to be able to speak your native language lmao
show my british programs doing this, ive never seen british tv show trying to claim that british eggs, water, snow etc are unique lol
>"japanese is the hardest language!"
isn't japanese like an easier form of chinese or something, like 50% of the words is copied from chinese
chinese is so hard so we made it easier but now that is somehow the hardest language
show me*
>chinese is so hard so we made it easier
>like 50% of the words is copied from chinese
don't forget that japanese is becoming more and more muttified by the day by constantly introducing more english words
'we' would imply i'm japanese
Are you retarded? The "you are special because you are unique" is westerner's propaganda. Are you a fake brit?
>like 50% of the words is copied from chinese
>british program
I can't tell since I don't know much about it but I can tell that this British man on the pic is unironically praising Japan and suddenly yelling Cool Japan for being able to buy a cold water 24 hours a day in Japan.
sounds like when indians here speak punjabi, half their language is filled with english words
what a monkey lmao, how much did he get paid for that
do you mean in an individualistic way? well yeah, you are special for your own achievements like becoming skilled at an instrument, not for the fact that the country you were born in has snow and eggs lmao