/MENA/ - /مينا/

مناشير اديشن

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Dead religion

copied pasta religion



بدكين حريي ؟

saudi guy will not like this


>mfw it hits

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معنى مناشير هو ناس النميمة
تمنشير معناه نميمة
هكذا تقصد؟
هذا يحدث لكل الناس في لبنان ليس للسنة فقط

i know
but when it happens to s*nnis it's based

اقصد منشورات

what do you mean user :?

idk just a guess

ضحكني الفيديو قا لبنان تدعي العدل و حرية التعبير هههه رجعها دولة غربية
ما أطهر منشورك اليوم
من الواضح نمت جيدا


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based freddie
goat desu

>علماء السنة
Those are terrorists

>الأذان السني والشيعي يأذنو بنفس الوقت ومحد يهتم

هل يحدث هذا في بلدك؟

t. Khomeini

من قال الصلاة فبيوتكم الأول؟

Does mena plant ?

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كل الإسلام إرهاب

عاشه صدام حسين عاشه بشار الأسد

Why have you become so salty these few days?
You should probably take a break from 4ch

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I'm Arab, angry is my natural state

Also janny been deleting my Valery threads

sure thing

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I'm Arab and I'm not angry
Tell me about the hat

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>I'm Arab and I'm not angry

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Based Iraqi CHAD holds this arabist baathist RAT

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I thought we were frens

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what's the difference
ايري ببشار الاسد

The title is implying that they are innocent but they killed people or supported terrorism

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you should be angry smartass

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nuh he's Iraqi from basra

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You know that feeling when you study very very hard for an exam you felt might get difficult, but then the instructor made it so ridiculously easy that it’s just the homework, but with only the numbers changed?
I feel like I wasted too much energy.

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nobody cares

imagine corona for zooomers
everyone would be behind that.

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>”BuT YoU ResPoNdeD IncEL”

You're a cuck for believing in (((democracy))). The only political system Arabs understand is a boot on their neck. The only question is whether that boot will be secularist or Islamist.

Arab democracy, as we Iraqis and our Lebanese friends have demonstrated, is arguing over whether Sunnis or Shi'a have the responsibility of collecting garbage while it piles on to open streets and electricity is cut off daily

there is no innocent sunni, whenever one of them gets killed or tortured he definitely deserves it

أهل الأهوار هم زنوج؟

الافارقة العراقيين غالبا يعيشون بالبصرة

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Bro the garbage is Sunni-Christian fight
Shiites got no part in it

can anybody from mena explain to me why algeria and morocco hate each other? is it because of historical rivalry?

مو هوه بس اللي بالصورة شكلة ابد مو زنجي

Baljeeki is a homosexual
Here's proof:

I'm don't know

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it's nafri thing

this but unironically lole

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>Iraqs new pm literally speaks farsi
How much tell he is outed ?
I bet 2 month

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at least he can speaks

I get a boner every time a woman talks to me
You dont have to worry though, youre my friend :-)!! حبيبي

I guess

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politics in Iraq is very funny

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you don't get it
i don't care for democracy as much as i care about having genuine and resposible politicians, not politicians who openly rip off the people and show off their wealth.
this nigga goes day in and day out about how israel is the enemy yet his family did more damage to the country than israel ever did (the economy, educational system, infrastructure, you name it).
he starts spreading bullshit like we have to fight islamism and ends up imprisoning seculars for "satan worshipping" unironically. he says we will punish police units and officers who commit crimes and are accused of torture, the second day his cousin shoots an SAA officer in front of his children while high on crystal meth. he insults cunts who are allegedly backed by "imperialists" and calls them puppets meanwhile any russian or iranian has more authority within this country than the entire Assad family.

i'm not a supporter of democracy in the arab world, but the only thing that can save me and others from being blatantly ripped off is a democratic state

>democratic state

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خرب رب عيران كسخت الحظ الاغبر من عير بهالدولة هاي

enjoy having your bite snatched off your mouth while you can do nothing

نبني جدار بينا وبينهم؟

>you can do nothing

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فجرهم كسخت الله عرفت ليش صدام ناج خواتهم ٨ سنين حتى ميوصلون بغداد بطرق غير مباشرة خرب دين العجم شكد لزكَة

what is chadian arabic like friends
can you understand it or is it basically Moroccan?

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هو صدام جان غبي لو من البداية حاط قنبلة بمرقد علي والحسين وغيرها ويمسهم من الوجود جان ما بقا تشيع بالبلد اصلا

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>Supports foreign imperialism in his cunt
why even argue he is a literal retard + cuck

الكواد كان يزور المراقد عود يتعاطف وي الشيعة الاغبر
خرب الله
شتعرف عن الكاظمي؟ صدك هو اللي انطى المعلومات عن سليماني؟

>most syrians speak Iraqi
rightful Iraqi clay