Tell me Filippinos and Asian-Americans of Yas Forums...

Tell me Filippinos and Asian-Americans of Yas Forums. Are you happy how Josh Luna is representing you and your ethnicity on the internet?

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I used to have absolutely no opinion about American flips but now I can't help but think of them as a collective of jungle Asians with a massive victim complex. All because of one guy and his comics

He have autism.
Treat them gentle.


The pre-Malay Filippinos obliviously

This is the comic that makes it the most evident

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Shut up M*g

>before Spain
>after Spain
>after communist chinese pirates
christian and wearing euro clothes

>why yes I'd like to buy the latest volume of "Captain Capitalism" and "Military Propaganda Man" please

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Whites envy the FILIPINO BVLL

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He not even Vietnamese and I wonder why he keep painting Vietnamese about Vietnam war like we are same kind. The Vietnamese live in USA not even commie.

Does anyone have the gook killer comic? That one's my favourite

Wonder what he was dooing in the south

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here you go

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>panel 1: I hate people judging me on my appearance
>panel 4: I'm gonna judge people based on their appearance

Thank you my Hungarian friend

Black girl a qt

I have trouble taking this guy seriously. It just feels like he's an elaborate troll to me.

That's American identity politics in a nutshell.

Nah I've seen this mindset play out irl, not just with flips either. If he is a troll he's doing a greay job of pandering to a mentality that really exists.

*great job

There's another one where he gets angry about successful Chinese/Japanese/Korean-Americans and says it's some kind of racism against "brown asians" (of course ignoring Indian immigrants being rich as hell).

When does any of that happen irl?

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>Konnichiwa dude!

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finally someone posted it HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I really like his art. Sad he can’t get himself a competent writer.

is he mentally ill?

i'm kinda noticing every time there's a filipino thread on Yas Forums, it is simply pruned. Thread doesnt even reach the archive


Either Janny really hates or the Yas Forums community reports and hates us to the Janny.
Either reason points to that avatar poster autist.

its part of the identity politics, you construct a big artificial voting block like non-whites and then you jew them for votes by doing minimal effort. "Asians" is a subblock of that and this genius bought into that.


yep, fuck that Baguio retard, kaguya

most of my threads gets removed even though it's Yas Forums related

last panel's not even offensive. how would he know if groundhogs are tasty unless he himself has eaten and is okay with eating groundhog

didn't filipinos help america and south vietnam during vietnam war as well?


I fucked a filipina once, they really hate themselves

Kapampangans look like they know whats up

All he does is symbol drawing and copying and pasting. Its an artistic dead end. Ironically he'd be a basic bitch marvel/dc-style artist if they hired them still instead of trust fund hipsters.

Should have been a furry artist at this point

uhh, no, you nigs have ditched malay identity


>you're too tall and light
Meanwhile in reality

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I think that's because of YUH YUH YUH YUH

Who is Joshua Luna? Is he particularly famous?

My threads generally aren't deleted. You're just using me as a reason for your shitposting.

Josh Luna is a whiny bitch who only makes comics about racism and thinks of himself as the speaker of every Asian-American (especially Filippino-Americans)

Flips are constant victims of abuse and racism, if that's what you are talking about.
Many of them are poor, who just want to work in a foreign country so they can feed their families back home, yet get abused and maltreated by Asian and White people.

How come flips are so much more annoying than other South East Asians
All the others except for the weird ones west of vietnam are moderately based

Spanish rule really did a number on them.

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american influence


That particular OP pic is bullshit.

But he is not wrong on some things.
It's the degrading consequence we have to live with ""hispanization"" and destruction of of real culture

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He’s the varg of Philippines, but less autistic and not a arsonis, I’m not Asian but he’s based

Uh, Philippines, your colors are mixed up

Except he's not even from the Philippines, just an American with a victim complex. Varg may be an autistic nutter but at least he's actually from Norway.

Probably actually. The accent certainly doesn't help. But they always seem to be going on about shit.
There's 2.5x as many Indos and you never hear anything they just get on with it and punch 50 cigs a day
And on int either post relevant shit or full on take down somebody who's acting retarded

Not at all. Josh Luna sees himself as a victim of everything and portrays unrealistic situations.

Why are we annoying? In fact, we are one of the more likable SEA people.

Oh, like what situations in particular?

I know exactly which town he means.

*clack clack clack clack clack*

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konichiwa dude

the choice of flags is so odd
he picks the contemporary Spanish flag but not the others
and he uses the Imperial Japanese flag and not the current flag, despite the fact it was also their flag at the time, and the "imperial" japanese flag always was the flag of their navy only.

This nigga doesn't look bad at all. He looks gay though.

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What's wrong with stonewall jackson sandwich and jefferson davis chili fries?

he BOWS to his white better

High maintenance due to American outgoing nature but extreme insecurity

Blame American public education, just be grateful that he didn't use the Mexican flag for you guys

Only a few flips have insecurity. We have colonial mentality, sure, that the west and/or countries like Japan and Singapore do things better. But that's it, I honestly don't give a fuck.