
all my friends are dead edition

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So no-one told you life was gonna be this way

*clap clap clap clap*

His life's a joke, his dick is broke
His sperm is D-O-A

It's like He's always stuck in tranny gear
Oh, He'll never be a woman in a day
a week, a month, or even 10 years

He'll be Stalking you
(When the HRT starts to pour)
He'll film you having a poo
(Like he has done before)
He'll be there to get you
('Cause you've disrespected him too)

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she wants a man from south auckland

he was one of the ones the fountain took

WE are the knights who ni-

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For me its Azula

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churr cuz

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>I could stack shelves too!
yeah but you don’t you

thats nice

There once was a fat paki bender
A registered sex offender
He put on a dress
And changed his address
And prayed to allah that he'd end 'er

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What age did you start driving lads?


sex? wow

they called key workers children?
outrageous, bloody outrageous disrespect

>thats nice
is it? i guess i will never know because as you know this is an imageboard and not a linkboard so i simply shant be even considering opening that link

If it paid well everyone would want to do it, which is why it pays fuck all.

why does rorke get upset if the media dont report the ethnicity of a criminal

easter eggs already discounted lads

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I used to drive on the roads at 16 in a swiss plated automatic smartcar with the intention of using GCSE german as a defence if pulled over
I wasnt very smart but luckily never got stopped
Could drive when I was like 14 but never got my licence

nah you’re alright

whats it like? ive only read about it in books

coulter's law

couple of nonces

>it's only important if it's difficult and/or pays well
shut up you gimp


Are you ready for 1000+ deaths

he cares about diverse representation in the media

You'll be one of them if you don't pipe down son


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>I used to drive on the roads at 16 in a swiss plated automatic smartcar with the intention of using GCSE german as a defence if pulled over
I wasnt very smart but luckily never got stopped
>Could drive when I was like 14 but never got my licence

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nah kates a lovely woman

you don’t know what you’re talking about
that’s not what ‘essential’ means

put it off for years but love driving now

this is me since 16 years old haha

getting abit bored of all this now, just open everything up and lets deal with the consequences head on

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Why’d you put off for so long? Simply couldn’t imagine not driving from 18-24. It’s revolutionary.

reckon he'll be a good king
she looks like a cool wine aunt but in the actual way not the twitter way

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Hopefully some ancient granny dies so i can snap up her flat for 35k

impossibly based

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>he thinks I know

Miss footie like you wouldn't believe

based on what?

>getting a bit bored lets let a load of people die

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I had no reason to drive as I preferred walking generally. I think I had a bad experience the first time driving - just felt like I couldn't control the car properly so that put me off for a bit

got a date with miss footie

Sun burnt lads

landlords fuming

statementboard not questionboard

kek this is me

saw the actor who played jay doing a twitch stream the other day
i didn't watch but i was a bit startled
never really watched inbetweeners so i know him more as the fake shagger meme
it was like seeing tim or someone do a twitch stream

but why should the media report the ethnicity at all?

there was that guy who threw a kid off a building they didnt report his ethnicity and he turned out yo be white.
why would they report he was white unless they were trying to get people to help the search

my mistake

red hands

Even more parasitic than landlording

they didn't report that bloke because he was under 18 when he did it but once he turned 18 they could

saw the actor who played jez doing a twitch stream the other day
i didn't watch but i was a bit startled
never really watched peep show so i know him more as the >depression meme
it was like seeing emmett or someone do a twitch stream


because it is important knowledge to know the kinds of people committing crimes
knowledge such as ethnicity, name, nationality, ideology, political leaning, religion all play a role in why they did what they did and to make informed decisions to keep ourselves safe we need to know them

bcc'd gchq this

he's got a king's jaw but the shrunken dome is a bit cucked . if his marriage stays together he'll do fine

that's generally how resources work

they reported on him, showed pictures and released his name literally the day he turned 18 lol

imagine not owning your home

Burn like those memes of norfeners
Got shite teeth
Beer gut
Working class
Am I the norfener?

my filters are fucked again

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arrogant students vs arrogant landlords

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Ah yes the white master race gets cooked because the clouds part for a couple hours.

saw hex from good game doing a twitch stream the other day
i didn't watch but i was a bit startled
never really watched good game so i know her more as the fingered hex in a nightclub meme
it was like seeing bradley walsh or someone do a twitch stream

I have doubts but I guess if the berniebros wont vote for biden think is real its poossible

mental the lengths people are going to to escape corona

Trying to find the stream but got nothing. Remember the channel name?

what are you thinking of?

mental how women consider 80% of men to be below average

how can society even function like that?

absolutely bloody mental

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why have mitchell and webb posters chosen to focus on replying to particular posts

mum told me im very handsome just need to get out there more

watching emmetts stream

>anime picture

feel like pure shit just want happiness back x

Things change once they hit 30-35

so i know a random white kid rather than random chinese kid might throw my kid off a building?

my death

me too
she said son you need to grow some facial hair

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any 12:25 drinker man in

noooooo we can't end the lockdown now or we'll undo all the good work we've done. we need to hide from this virus until it disappears somehow

yet, every sexual encounter requires one male to one female, always equal and never different

how about that one?

all part of the plan. democrats would rather be minority forever than turn left wing


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just donated to emmett's stream but he ignored me

Common belief seems to also be that 7/10 is average which doesnt make sense

dating British women in a nutshell

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started much earlier than that I’m afraid
hurry up lad


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what you on then?

emmett said the n-word on stream again

>‘Indeed, its clinicians are in perpetual conflict with the charity. The NHS protocol for children is “watchful waiting” but Mermaids pushes for the US “affirmation” model in which any child who declares that they are trans must be treated as such without examining any possible underlying issues, such as frequently undiagnosed autism, depression or sexual abuse.’

I wonder who writes a better book mitchell or webb

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just resubbed to emmett's onlyfans

can we get a schizolul in the chat

bourbon, you?

staring down the barrel of the gun lads

wfh but wouldn't be drinking at this time anyway. How do daydrinkers do it? how many drinks do they usually have? how do they not fall asleep? how do they work and earn money etc

I’m top 10% in looks haha

they lower their standards a lot

vodka la
just got back from the petrol station and they are NOT doing social distancing if you ask me desu

>Social nature
>Working more essential jobs
>Disregard to society
>Poorer health, via diet and higher propensity to hyper tension and sickle cell
>concentrated population
Feels bad man

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their expectations have been warped by social media and the media in general
women are very suggestible
also let's face it most western men have turned to shit these last few decades, especially the oversocialised soy meme lefty men
i'm no prize catch myself but i could wreck a whole roomful of those soft shites with one hand behind my back
maybe even just with strong language and a raised voice haha

>work and earn money

the top 10-20% of men are shagging 80% of women

Toil::WFHToil::Poo(bigly, ngl);

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This won’t make me popular in certain quarters but fuck it – depression isn't real.
(@arobertwebb) December 22, 2018

Post face