Top 10 Criminals in Britain

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it's almost like poverty and hardship creates a culture of crime

Not gonna lie but I think they are all Poles

No...they must be Russian. It's always the Russians behind everything

Despite being 1.2% of the population, polish people make up 100% of the top criminals in britain...

Dariusz Glowacki is my spirit animal

>Having short hair makes you a criminal
Who would have thought.

Can't blame it all on poverty. Poles have been called the niggers of europe by other niggers.

>Football hooligans
>Car rigger
>Telephone operator
Next to a
>Armed robber

They probably didn’t include Pakistan rapist because that would be racist

somebody post that in crystal cafe and say "roll for chad polish bf"

They are the criminal race in every country with a sizable ryssä population.

Look at those high testosterone wide faces.

the asian gangs are isolated phenomena that does not truly represents the reality of the country and in bringing them up one runs the risk to... blah blah "

Do Australia next: who are our top Bruces? The sickest of sickcunts?

A Polish gang stole my car.



5 anni

We are even slightly poorer than Poles but we don't behave like niggers when we migrate to other countries. Neither do Slovaks or Czechs or Slovenians or Croats or non-Gypsy Bulgarians.

I have to agree except bulgarians in general, they are like romanians and poles

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We'll cut off your mongoloid head, Finnish sissy boy

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Hungarians don't even need to move, you are already comfortable stealing from other european countries while staying home.


What exactly are we stealing?

Just a reminder that there is a Paki mod that deletes all anti-paki posts.

Now he deleted a German reply: Because Pakis are more easily caught lmao

Fuck Paki shitskins

The Anglo sissy fears the Eastern European BVLL

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Why is he allowed to distort the true Yas Forums experience?

is human trafficing and rape not a crime in Britian? I find the lack of diversity disturbing almost unreal

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Pakis are childish subhumans with humour of a 12 year old.

Where are the Pakis? Thought Brits hate Pakis.

Pakis are THE modern Brits.

dont call gypsies romanians, thats like saying your moors are spanish


Orban keeps receiving fat EU-checks that almost single handedly keep your economy afloat while at the same time actively undermining the EU and using it as a scapegoat for every problem.

but we ARE moors

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Why are eastern european allowed in w-europe?

you have your bad apples too

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I thought Italians have high IQ.
Because you are all lazy and can't work for shit. It's a win-win for E. Euros really. We do the same job we would do here, but we earn 2/3x more.

based Ekiudoko

Austrian detected

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>Top 10 Criminals in Britain
What about this guy?

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because we are alphas, westerners are a bunch of beta cuck

UK was right, fuck Poland. This is disrepect to british welcome.

Shut up, Juan, you're whiter than a bag of cocaine in a Finnish field of snow

in my area poles ukrainians and romanians keep starting gang wars with each other, please fuck off home

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Thank you for taking our bad apples.

no, we are here to replace the br*t cuck

>in my area poles ukrainians and romanians keep starting gang wars with each other,

EU benefits from us too, via foreign investment, for example. But anyways, EU give aren't stealing.

And regarding Orbán's hypocritical anti-EU populism, yeah it's kinda gay but it doesn't change much in the grand scheme of things.

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based Poles flexing on W*stoids

the last girl i fucked was romanian please keep sending you women to get ANGLO'D

Why are the fat one's arms atrophied?

Top 300 Criminals in Britain

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You should thank entire Romanian nation then. That's the only time you were with an actual woman, considering how fucking ugly british trash is.

as you wish ^^

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Why do colonycucks always make excuses for the people that would be most likely to kick their shit in?

poles are huge criminals here

absolute scum

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Racists btfo

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what an absurd hairstyle

poles are bvlls, brits are too beta

>poles are huge criminals here

Maybe because you think poles are subhumans? Anglo people always think they are better than others, very arrogant

>poles are huge criminals here

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while their men are working for 12 hours a day, their women are converting to islam

>pic related, on her facebook page, poles were seething at her wearing a hijab

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Attacking children is always fucked up. Bullying young kids into suicide is even more fucked up.

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Brits deserve those criminals as punishment for colonialism. Simple as.

Women are souless whores without any sense of belonging or feeling of nationhood. More news at 8.

>mmuh women
Is not an argument, you west euro cuck

>bbbbut womens

have sex

did you get your Karta Polaka yet?