503 new infections in one day

>503 new infections in one day
>Biggest daily increase since beginning of epidemic
>Commuters still "pack trains"
>Population is mostly boomer
>Shinzo Abe's government still won't impose lockdown
Why are Japs pretending nothing is wrong?

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Because of Muh Olympics

How come Japan is having this surge so long after everyone ?

They don't have to lie and hide real numbers now because olympics are next year.

It's Abe's secret plan to get rid of the boomers










>nips jerking off muh hygiene muh masks muh superior country
>turns out they simply weren't testing because olympics

The numbers surged ages ago. You'd literally have to be dying to get a test, despite Japan having more than enough tests. Most of the deaths are listed under pneumonia as well. If you died at home, you're not getting a test posthumously either. If Japan ever decides to mass test or to test accurately, I expect huge numbers.

Italy's median age is 45.5. 5th highest in the world. And they got ravaged. Japan's median age is 2nd in the world, at 47.3. They're gonna get hit hard.

> Why are Japs pretending nothing is wrong?
They're trying to get rid of the oldfags


This whole thing is comedy gold

At least they don't have too much fatties

How do you know this? If Japan was actually fucked over from coronavirus then their hospitals would be flooded with boomers, which hasn't happened

That helps a lot. But Asians love smoking, so that doesn't fare well for them. They're also workaholics as well, so that be a factor too.

>Why are Japs pretending nothing is wrong?
people are already aware of threat while govs utters it's nothing. also emergency declaration Abe enacted doesn't have compulsory order and he just pleaded people to do self-restraint.

no test=no virus


Keep an eye on Japan for the next 7-14 days.


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Please help Japan
We can't make anime, video games and JAV now

I'll only have help if you make JAVs uncensored.

it's very obvious they're not testing
>sort by Tests/1M pop
>scroll way down to find Japan ranked with third world countries

God I'm so scared now.

wtf usa is already at 450k cases

Japan has over 4x as many hospital beds as shitaly, they wouldn't be overwhelmed as easily.

and the double population tho

>According to the JSICM, there are about 29 ICU beds for every 100,000 individuals in Germany and about 12 for the same number of people in Italy. In Japan, there are about five.

Hospital beds don't really mean much. You need staff to man those beds, and if those beds are ICU equipped.

4x per capita.

we are testing our promising drugs Avigan and Ivermectin using useless gaijin's bodies

>Germany to buy Avigan from Japan to fight Coronavirus
>..Avigan tablet was developed by FUJIFILM Toyama Chemical Co

>.. test showed a single dose of Ivermectin was able to stop the replication of the novel coronavirus in less than 48 hours
>Ivermectin was developed by the winner of 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Satoshi Omura

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Your anime industry is crashing anyways while the chinese will take over.

but who spread the VIRUS?

Get redpilled about germ warfare in China/Korea:

Attached: Unit 731 Shiro Ishii.jpg (1294x1230, 943.7K)

>Koreans claim the US dropped bombs containing disease-carrying insects and food.
>The insects had been spread over a large area of farmland in Korea.
>Disease broke out in the village the following month.


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Now watch as weebs here say something ridiculous about Japan.

You Cough You Lose!

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Fuck off

You think the wuflu has anything on the japanese cold?

Why are Japs such retarded schizos? I've never seen a japanese post that was good.

not all them, but the retard spamming jap warcrimes deserves a beating


now i understand why they stopped laughing at yurop. i wonder if they're also starting to think that muh commie healthcare isn't so bad after all

because japs are a bunch of stupid fucking goofs

Absolutely based

Wait for Easter.

I'm a Taiwanese tourist in Japan. I may love Japan but I believe my opinions are unbiased.
>503 new infections in one day
It's obvious that the Japanese were not testing people for preparation of the Olympics but I find it interesting how the disease never blew up here. If people were truly scared they'd stay at home without a government ordering a lockdown.
>Commuters still "pack trains"
Trains outside of rush are very empty. I've had the entire train car to myself the past few days. The majority of tourist spots are basically barren.
>Population is mostly boomer
I see a lot of old people (60+) at parks, even some smoking and some without masks.
>Shinzo Abe's government still won't impose lockdown
A lot of stores have closed until the 6th. Others have closed '"indefinitely" and some are closed for a week.

>>Why are Japs pretending nothing is wrong?

It's just a fucking flu, carry the fuck on man.

>we have no cases baka gaijin come do orympics
>we lost orympics
>okay, baka gaijin here real numbahs

I was talking to some japanese girl on ig and she basically said that the Japanese Government is poor as fuck and can't just give people money like in Europe or America so they would be too fucked if they shut down. Also most of the boomers in the country are literally flubros who will not give a single shit unless the gov tells them to do it.

and they are still not testing much

reminder that Germany tests more in a day than Japan tested in total

already delayed for a year.

They had been waiting for this for a while.
Faggot boomers will finally die and the corporations will be renewed

of creating SARS, bird flu, pest, Coronavirus, all weird germs, .....

We need some cleaning operation

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Stop talking out of your ass

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and you are testing our drugs lol

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Germany must have expanded a lot during my sleep

They need to get rid of the old people to save the country

Shut the fuck up, retard. I remember you arguing with me when I told you they were preventing testing because of the olympics. Get absolutely fucked you stupid weeaboo.

That must've been a different guy. My opinion has always been that Japan purposely didn't test people to keep official numbers for the Olympics. However, I don't think that was an issue as Japan has done good against the virus in reality.

Germany to buy Avigan from Japan to fight Coronavirus


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B b but, unfortunately the mission might be impossible, unlike in western cunts.

Locckdown never happens because it can't be
That sounds like pretty much a foreign-ish thing.

>no testing before olympic games = less confirmed cases
>lots of testing after olympic games were cancelled = rising confirmed cases

Imagine we didn't think europoors were such incompetent and imported lots of tourists and returnees from western cunts.

I'm putting my tinfoil on. Part of me believes that the elite allowed Corona to explode. It eliminates undesirables and economic dead weights. It kills boomers and fatties. In Europe refugee camps are heavily infested. Trumpers are celebrating Trump's 4D manuevers since blacks are disproportionately vulnerable. Now Abe has found a way to reduce the oldies.

Has there a known 1%er that died from Corona?

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