DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2353.2353.2353.2353.2353.2353.2353.2353.2353

DJT is a Japanese language learning thread for advanced むっつりスケベ共 that are interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games.
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.

Very important links:

Read the Guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:
Check the Cornucopia of Resources before asking where to download X or Y:

Archive of older threads: Japanese Thread/

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how can I learn/remember vocabulary? is anki enough? I've seen a shit ton of people saying anki doesn't work

Anki works well at the start, then you have to read shit for 10 years

so should I download the 2k deck from itazuraneko or something else? also how many words are enough for a day? I haven't studied japanese for like a year and I really regret that


just do 20 in the beginning and see how it feels like. if you feel like increasing the number, go ahead. otherwise decrease it. everyone has their own limits, also it depends on how much time you want to spend every day on doing your reviews.

2k is usually recommended. what i personally think is great about it, is that every vocab has a voiced example sentence. however, after using it for a while now, I noticed that a bunch of word definitions are quite weird compared to the dictionaries, so i oftentimes find myself changing the cards. also be sure to use it in the correct word order

thanks a lot. fortunately, word order isn't a problem for me since turkish is my mother tongue

>word order isn't a problem for me since turkish is my mother tongue

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Good post in shit thread

the word order for both japanese and turkish is subject-object-verb

chose to show core deck card in order added, not in random order. Or you get screwed
that bs btw

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ok thanks. wym by that's bullshit?


interestingly it's still similar to us. you don't have to follow a particular word order during a casual talk. btw thanks a lot, I won't bluntly call japanese s-o-v from now on

Does the guide only have 2k kanji decks?

nut sure what you are asking

Are you an absolute beginner? Then you use this one.

Does it not have 3-5k kanji decks?
I want to learn 3k to be on a really good level.

are you asking for a deck which only includes kanji?


i only know the RTK one which has ~2.2k
but i mean, you can always add kanjis that arent included on your own

>5k kanji

don't do that, just learn words

Fuck, is that my only option? Having a 3-5k deck seems much easier and time saving than having to mine for new kanji every now and then.

I don't think it's THAT much extra effort. also you will learn the remaining ones just by personally I have a kanji-only deck too. I just like to study them isolated aswell, but ofc it's completely optional. it's not much effort anyway. I spent like 5 minutes per day on that deck but it already helps me.

Look, the guide represents collective wisdom. A number of people followed its advise and succeeded. What it tells you to do __in order to learn Japanese__ is tested and reliable way that has by now been optimized. You brains are not any different from other. It is the optimal way for you too. If you are going to try reinventing the wheel you just lose you time and that is that. Everything you can possibly imagine has already been tried and rejected before.

Watching anime is the only route fluency

Any sites out there that focus on uploading the Japanese dub of western cartoons?

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You need to learn the Japanese culture if you want to be fluent so dubbed western cartoons aren't good


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どうやら何も訊かされてはいないようだ …
is this like "looks like you've heard nothing"?

i think 訊く is not "hear" but "ask/enquire"

I feel stupid, but what is 気がしなくて implying?

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Does anyone use Kobo ereaders? I'm trying to get a jp-en dictionary on it but the ones at seem to be very lacking compared to something like JMdict which I use for YomiChan. I'm sure that it's possible to somehow convert JMdict into the kobo dictionary format but I have no idea how to

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yes it seems "looks like they haven't had you ask that person about anything yet" but I think the author mistakenly used 訊く instead of 聞く so maybe the meaning of the line is to be as you guessed.
"I feel like somewhat I haven't made it yet.."
"somewhat I don't feel like I made it", maybe

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Sorry, but what exactly do you mean?
>he wants to apologize to her, because he failed even though she helped him learn

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it's a kind of mild pun(?), the guy is repeating the phrase "何かできる" and it sounds bit funny.
first he said
>Is there something I could do (as the token of appreciation or apologize)
and maybe he was gonna give her massage, right? Then as the senpai got embarrassed and told him to stop he replied
>but (doing things by halves) like this, I don't feel like I really did something for you

It's the Easter weekend, so it's a long holiday here in Germany. Much like Christmas. Only no one is allowed to visit their families.
I'll be staying at home as well of course and playing board games with friends over the internet.
How is it for you?

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正しく 正しい
>and maybe he was gonna give her massage, right?
Ah yes, she asked for a massage, but had to stop because she was too ticklish
>but (doing things by halves) like this, I don't feel like I really did something for you
So I should look at it as しなくて(よ)?

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>It'll go the same as you
>the boss said like "you might as well do things like playing computer games.. OK!?"

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>So I should look at it as しなくて(よ)
you should regard it as できた気がしなくて(困ります) or something instead.

Thank you!

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i learned に and で entirely wrong and practiced them wrong for an hour lol


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