/v4/ + frens

White edition

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women are cute and smell nice

>The National Bank of Romania deposited a total of 91.48 tonnes of fine gold in Moscow.

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>The Moscow gold was listed as a “pro memoria item” in the annual accounts up until 1943. With the Red Army settling in Romania, the NBR balance sheet no longer included any mention in this respect from 1944 onwards.

Now look up Spain.

Könnyen jött, könnyen ment.


Remember when the Soviet tanks ran over the skulls of the Horthyite scum in 1956 lmao

Sure they did.

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Are you retarded?

larping as IFVs with heavy tanks in an urban environment surely paid off
>end of soviet heavy tank program
>beginning of the L7 project in Britain
>which consequently led to the development of Rh-120 and it's variants
>which btfos every known russian armor even today

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Do you hate Poles?

Good morning sunshines :)
Don't forget to go out today

Shut your piehole, cunt. Don't tell me what to do.

Might buy a nice big villa in the Hungarian countryside and marry a qt magyar gf

W-would I be welcome?

Are you black?


I am 100% Anglo-Celtic phenotype

Then no. Only blacks.

Blessing this thread.

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what if I get infected? I don't want to die yet

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I will eat a pizza today.

Good morning, /v4/. I've decided that I'll stop complaining about being a 2/10 from this point onwards.

No you won't.

Nice picture OP but it will likely attract all sorts of mouth frothing trannies.

How do my v4 bros like their steak?

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I am an incel.

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what is v4?
your best regards, me

Virgins 4ever

Based, me too.
A general for incels.

is it a central european incels only club

Eastern European*, but yes.

Good morning friends, how's your day going so far?

But other incels are welcome too if they wish to join.

Alright, yous stay safe
*walks out the room closing door behind him but it hits the doorframe and cracks back open a bit*

Awful, shitty, horrible, etc.
I will.

>Awful, shitty, horrible, etc.

I had very bad dreams, couldn't fall asleep again and now I feel horrible and tired.

Cute :3

Same. Don't know how but somehow I managed to get myself on my feet and do some shit - in truth not a lot but still something and ate an ok breakfast and now I feel better.

I have a qt Polish gf who loves my English accent

How does that make you feel?

Please don't breed, this world doesn't need more Poles and half Poles.
I wish I could just go back to sleep but my gf is here so I don't want her to think that I'm lazy.

Which stall did you find her in?

She should have understanding that you didn't sleep well.
If you're adamant about not going back to sleep then at least eat so that you don't go the entire day feeling tired

Really the only victims of killing Christians are the murderers who defy God's will and condemn themselves rather than the murdered who are on their way to heaven.
Really the most appropriate response from Christians to people who murder Christians would be something like "Thank you, but don't condemn yourselves for our sake".


Our gobiment will lower interest rate to 0,5 and print 100 000 000 000 PLN.

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Never relax around women.

HA losers

i miss him

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He was an irredeemably incompetent faggot.

>tfw mum got into this natural shit
>tfw forces me to put on leeches
>mfw I actually feel better

he wasn't

I liked how he treated Poles.

Well, obviously not in a literal sense of that word. As far as we know, at least.
isnt that literally medieval medicine? I wouldn't trust that shit.


I've reduced the times I get drunk per week to 1 time. Been losing some weight, 93 kg now.

fat fuck

better that these after

cummy cummy in my tummy


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Well draining some blood has some positive effects.


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>finally at 88kg because I've been too stressed to eat normally
Being neurotic has its advantages.

Stonetoss is so based :)

Why is the webcam necessary?

>got depression and OCD
>weighted 55 kg

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I wish I was circumcised as a kid. I would now probably have a bigger Weiner.

Having accomplished literally nothing in his life the incel has nothing else to be proud of besides his skin colour.

Wouldn't it be the opposite?


t. Morroccan

Morning fellas!
Just had my kofe.
Haven't seen you in a long time, how's quarantine for y'all?

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>Really the only victims of killing Christians are the murderers who defy God's will and condemn themselves rather than the murdered who are on their way to heaven.

>Really the most appropriate response is being a cuck
The victory of evil only requires that good men do nothing.

>how's quarantine for y'all?
Horrible, awful, terrible, etc.