How did they waste their potential so badly?

How did they waste their potential so badly?

Attached: 510px-Map_of_South_America.png (510x620, 153.73K)

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Because the United States does not want competition.

Historical circumstances

>falkland islands

its called las malvinas

the US destroys every latin american country that actually tries to improve itself


why do you care? you literally live on the other side of the globe and will never set foot here

They were too distracted by the Bundha.

They did not, that potential continues there.


They don't have potential, retard

Put a german in charge and in 10 years the Americas will be the most powerful continent by far.

The problem with latam is that we are dumb, just like every other shithole, if you give a building full of gold to a poor guy he will probably spend it with drugs and shores, if you let resources in the hands of dumb 3 world shitholes they will waste it.


Attached: CoupsInLATAM.jpg (659x465, 43.93K)

That's pretty much the most retarded opinions ever.
Every single low IQ boomers believes in this shit

Also, we had a german in charge once

You forgot Mexico 1910

You could update the map, they did another one in Bolivia not much time ago

the fuck you gonna do about it now faggot

how do you explain this guy then

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This map only includes the Cold War years.

I think all the first presidents of South American countries were soldiers who knew nothing of the economy

Update 2002 and 2018 too, the Americans got us again, damned.

Oh shit, it also includes some modern coups too.

Not enough olmec genes


2018 was honestly just brazilian stupidity. Although they certainly supported the president, I don't think they were involved in his election

Some names are messed up

Can't believe we were the only CHADS spared from foreign antics. We still fight commies financed by foreign forces up to this day

Request some Green Card and US citzenship.

Doesn't count, he was an American ball sucker, also he was "president" of paraguay which Brazil completely destroyed, hard to rebuild a shithole from scratch

Ours were mostly lawyers.

No need to, your country is already an american puppet, get back to spraying these coca plantations with helicopters, the Governor-General Trump wills it.

Colombia did not need a coup d'état because it has always been a puppet of the USA since the beginning of the War on Drugs.

It's not. The problems is institutional.
Geisel fucked up the country, even though he was german

He became president almost 100 years after the war

do it

i can feel my chin receding just from reading this post

>with helicopters
you mean by airplane or drones. A helicopter would be taken down in no time. That's why you're a failure. Also, we literally have more autonomy than you under Bolsonaro

The chin meme doesn't apply to Brazil though.

Why don't you make cocaine legal?
Too much money spent fighting them when you could turn the narcos into good citizens

>The chin meme doesn't apply to Brazil though.

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Oh yeah, I read the article about you lot sort of sleepy, the good news is that Bolsonaro is so inept and garbage as a politician, congress does the governing and he just REEEEES all day, I shit you not.
The war on drugs is a hell of a drug.

here's a better map

Attached: 1582199349665.jpg (3300x1619, 1.44M)

>Why don't you make cocaine legal?
do you believe the EU, UN, US and the rest of world leaders would allows to make it legal without first sanctioning our asses into complete oblivion? nah, most people here would love that it was legal, but the world does not

This guy is clearly american
Sad, but true

Doesn't change the fact that the country was still fucked up, also look at paraguay growth during his government

>This guy is clearly american
>Sad, but true

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you also have the best women, is that a coincidence..?

>Doesn't change the fact that the country was still fucked up,
1 century doesn't justify it.
>also look at paraguay growth during his government
Unimpressive. Especially considering that he ruled for decades

in my country, in the early days, mason lodges fighting each other for power, ended in civil war
went downhill from there

masons were a mistake.

Come back to the fatherland, Cisplatina.

Leftism basically.

how did u r gay become the bastion of football in SA?

they ARE a mistake, they are indeed
to this day

this to be honest

everyone in this thread should read La Raza Cosmica by Jose Vasconcelos, and take back your identity

>Put a german in charge and in 10 years the Americas will be the most powerful continent by far.
We would be so distracted by the waves of buceta rosa we would collapse in less than a decade.

Attached: regular_south_brazilian_couple.jpg (1080x1350, 504.73K)

back then in the Jurassic, when the competition was fair, and didn't require money, because of better training and superior tactics
we basically shaped the game.

when the circus of football became a matter of how much millions of dollars you invest in ultra-intense hormone therapy and ESPECIALLY bribing refs, a tiny country like us stopped being relevant, the only way to stay afloat was humongous quantities of testosterone, our three testicles(that most Uruguayans are born with) and GARRA


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They met the Spanish and the Portuguese instead of the British. Pretty much most British colonies (xcept for Pooland and its neighbors) have great economies and infrastructure.

>très testiculos

we should send our kids to u r gay to learn how to play (and bite) so we can bring it home

Attached: 250px-Blinky.png (360x360, 150.65K)

Paraguay and Uruguay are switched