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Literally the perfect girl

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>Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community is a 2000 nonfiction book by Robert D. Putnam. It was developed from his 1995 essay entitled "Bowling Alone: America's Declining Social Capital". Putnam surveys the decline of social capital in the United States since 1950. He has described the reduction in all the forms of in-person social intercourse upon which Americans used to found, educate, and enrich the fabric of their social lives. He argues that this undermines the active civil engagement which a strong democracy requires from its citizens.

Worth a read?

you'll never have a stable relationship when you look like this

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america is an image of what Britain would be like if the LibDems were a major political party
a scary thought

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Already made her my wife


Not even funny just how bad yank posters are.

blumpf is going to win another 4 years easily

>Best performance at ICF Canoe Polo World Championships (men)

i could've told you this in 2015

aussies are excelent shitposters and make me laugh, but you suck here in /brit/, why is that

Now THIS is the perfect girl.

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not even close to how beto posted

don't get him started you goose

He’ll lose and make way for Nikki Haley 2024

fat head idiot

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beto has evolved into a new poster. a new man

because we don't exist for your entertainment you goose

>He’ll lose
He won’t though.

If you keep calling people goose I'm going need to file a complaint to HR about you for using discriminatory language in the workplace

i am not fat

this is some crypto neoliberal shilling tbf
Bernie bros hate neolibs with a passion

got a mandate from the based department to call out goosery as I see it mate, dw HR has already been informed

Imagine no yanks.

currently watching that old Stephen Fry series in America. makes the country look way more comfy than it is imho

I’m sure the Canadian lifestyle is so vastly different

it's easy if you try

unironically become a bit of a neoliberal admirer recently
not a big fan of all the gay social shit
but in terms of actual power and projecting imperial rule over the globe...the neolibs and neocons just get it, in a way the populists don't
i believe in raw power so that's why I'm a neoliberal

t. snow yank


Croikey mate! Oi reckon oi’ll droive me ute to the bottle shop and nab a twelver of VB for the barbie cookout!

you would be speaking russian

It is, by a country a mile.
Yanks are goofy as fuck.

so you like them solely because they're the global world order? bit odd. I think they're trash and the reason why the world is so dreadful today

Why did you feel the need to go running to basedberg for approval you goose

>voting blue no matter who
even a fascist?
your whole house of cards comes tumbling down

Wish I had a job
Wish I had a gf
Wish I had hope for the future

prove it fat head

new cat seems happy as larry in the bedroom but im yet to really coax it out to the rest of the house for more than a 5minute explore

this post was so bad that it passed the threshold of bad postery and came out the other side and ended up a good post because of how bad it was

good post mate, I admire it

Lads, I need your help. I was watching one of Lindy's old videos and he talks about this book (18 platoon by Sydney Jary) which is on the recommended reading list for British officers, it's a short read and out of curiosity, any of you happen to have a scanned copy and willing to upload it somewhere? I cannot find it everywhere I've looked.
Pic related

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Think a wet mop at this point is better than Trump because at least the mop will stay quiet

They're the global world order because it works why would you support anything other than the winners? All other political ideologies have failed and are shit.

I am Russian though retardo.

not going to dox myself in this place full of schizos

It is though. Your country doesn’t get as much hate because you don’t have a massive military with interventionalist tendencies plus you have free healthcare.

>Think a wet mop at this point is better than Trump because at least the mop will stay quiet

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americans are dumb lol

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Is that you schizo leaf?

okay fat head stupid

I am coom

Thoughts on The Caretaker?

ye they're the global order and I believe power is better operated by bureaucrats and technocrats and a deep state tbqh
can't risk democracy getting in the way with global order
ideally they would be more aggressive with getting rid of threats to global hegemonic rule
i completely understand the impulse to want to glass Iran. Geopolitically it makes sense

No it isn’t

Georgia vin a laugh

basedberg came straight to me mate as their number #1 goose enforcer given my experience in the based department in other brands. Now you're one step away from being called a goose mate and I'll do you a favour and pretend you didn't throw it at my person in the post previous...

he took great care of me

harold and coomar go to whitecastle

>because it works
bombing civilians, making employees slaves and being held by the balls by China and North Korea works? haha
You don't understand things long term. Yeah it "works" right now in the moment but it might not in 5-10+ years. Shit is much more random and sporadic as you think

>i completely understand the impulse to want to glass Iran.
Then you're stupid

missed the point
whoever made that image has contradicted themselves, whilst the opposition has said nothing
people will look at the person who is making no sense and likely go in the opposite direction

happens all the time, because people spend so long in their confirmation bias echochambers that they're convinced they cannot be wrong
then when they poke their head into the real world it's as if they're speaking a foreign language

no such thing as a twelver of VB!!!!!! six pack or a case you goose!

dunno, listening to prog(virgin)rock


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I want to have a smell of Emma Watson’s bumhole.

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Qantas stocks are climbing at an alarming rate
They were supposed to fall so me, a first time investor could nab them all cheeky like

I’ll be sure to purchase

Takes a goose to know a goose I suppose like bladerunner

did the vacuuming today and no one even noticed

why do I bother

What kind of brewery who sells their product in cans doesn’t have a twelve pack option?

smelled the gfs ass once before eating it
needless to say i did not eat her bum that night

why do (some) black Americans convert to Islam?

Clean girls bums have a nice smell though your gf is just a sket

Can you help me name the objects in this photo? Having some difficulty

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What did it smell like?

vb thats who

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>bombing civilians
opponents to the global order and therefore reactionaries stuck in the past, enemies of the new world that we're working towards
>making employees slaves
the developed world (the global imperial heartlands) is moving towards a standard of luxury and comfort. this means that labouring and manufacturing must be moved to the developing third world, where there is a much larger labour pool and far fewer skilled or educated workers. third worlders are plentiful and work for pennies, so make the perfect underclass for building and selling the goods of the world for cheap. we can only have such a system in a good globalised world of easy markets
>by the balls by China and North Korea
the end goal is to destroy these regimes. North Korea will be reincorporated into the South and modernised. China will be balkanised, and continue with its economic liberalisation but without the anti-western regime

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Australian ones
6 or 24's mate simple as
cans sometimes go as 30's
