Mexico is an Olmec civilisation
All non-Olmecs need to leave Mexico immediately
Mexico is an Olmec civilisation
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Please dont persist that shitty Olmec meme from that schizo chicano
Why aren't you proud of your olmec roots?
Sorry CHI boy. The Olmecs live.
Mexico is an anime civilization.
You are the subhuman that spams that garbage which is why you bumped this piece of shit thread
We are direct descendants of anunakis
Everybody without the ability of opening his 3rd eye must leave
No, I'm not. I'm the chicano that posts his DNA test results all the time.
Mexico is a word with azt*c origins, mexico should be renamed olmecstan.
Go fuck yourself
seething olmec
Its just such a fucking weird thing to be fixiated in, like why didnt he choose a native culture that still exists, like mayas or something, why fucking olmecs
>The Olmecs live.
Olmecs still exist, look in the mirror.
Most mayans are olmecs larping, mosf real mayans were bred out. Tell me the last time you saw a mayan with an aquline nose like pic related
central america is also olmec
I'm on Team MAYAN BVLL.
yeah and other tribes of brazil, bolivia, and all amerinidian in general
Pure mayans (aquline nose isthmid centralids) are virtually extinct, andids like quechuas & arizonids like apaches are the closest thing you can get to a mayan nowadays.
Olmecs are short skulled margids..Short skulled margids only occupied mexico & central america.
Cualquier cabron con una bandera de 13 franjas horizontales con un feo rectangulo azul sobrepuesto en la parte superior izquierda acompañada de 50 estrellas, debe saber que me la pela.
you can find literally that feature in other tribes
Nope, they may look similar but they are not the same
looks like putin
i'd be relevant if that makes a real difference, indigenas are extremely poor and vulnerable, what's the point on have a bunch of genes, genes that only make an almost corporal-imperceptible difference
Are you proud of your olmec roots?
Im sorry my olmec buddy but you are alone in this world, south american injuns are not olmec like you
>Im sorry my olmec buddy but you are alone in this world, south american injuns are not olmec like you
what the fuck is that on his chest
You are an olmec
ah shit, am I mayan?
post pic coward
1.Where are your parents from? nose
Here it is. Im also an olmec BVLL like you.
because olmecs were the ugliest of the bunch
if you see mayans or aztec sculptures (or even today their decendants) you can clearly see they were handsomer
para lo que importa, los amerinidios en general son de las razas mas feas aunque no a los niveles de los negros
Why the self hate olmec?
true but it wasnt so true in the past
urban mayans got their apocalypse
and aztecs got genocided
you can clearly see the old urban nativamericans were better featured because of obvious natural selection
today nativamericans are the descendants of the to-be-conquered peoples of those times
to be sacrificed would be more accurate
critical mind pal, you were toched by gringos, you fell for the identitarian meme and you think everyone is emotional
what's an olmec? what does that mean?
Stop shitposting, kys
Schizo olmec
okay olmec
The olmec race is the race most south mexicans & central americans descend from.
Heres some pics that will help you identify them
nothing. don't waste your time on a meme pushed by a jobless friendless white chicano
i am yaqui
are they related to aztecs?
again you can find some of these features in other places
Are these olmec?
2 thousand years of difference
aztecs probably were the genetically improved version of olmecs perfected through war and struggle
im from sonora, therefore im yaqui
why dont mods rangeban him
No. Olmecs and aztecs are not the same.
can you speak it?
mmm maybe then
but very likely you are just a larping whioid
you have greater chances of being part black
Do not be ashamed of your olmec roots bud
pic too small
>filthy ass cannibals
Eat shit w*ndigos,
maybe, ill find out when i get a dna test
Aztecs arrived to the americas after olmecs had been here for a lomg time
What is this phenotype? How common is it in mexico
Describe how you look.
Sonora has other tribes besides yaqui
Fuck off
i can explain myself if you want
obviously they all descended from the beringians who were basically olmecs
aztecs just took longer and in the mean time they perfected themselves
oh, then who cares about olmecs if aztecs are the superior people?
if the aztecs were wiped out and/or integrated with the Spanish, what happened to the olmecs?
pure olmec
Olmec phenotype. The most common in mexico
youre right
i just remembered none of my grandpas are from sonora
im not a yaqui
Stop with the self hatred olmec
the olmecs and alikes were the ones that were integrated
basically no aztec survied that
Because there's various olmec posters and they're all LARPers
what about the traitors? tlaxcaltecs, choluls and totonacs were they related with olmecs too?
there were no traitors tho
they were victims of aztec encroachment, they could have conquered them at any time but they were using them as a human farm
What about this guy? Has similar face shape.
back to asspain with u
Are you really going along with that pendejo to act as if Olmecs existed when Europeans arrived?
It's literally one person making 93% of posts, 5% is one other retard Chicoño and and the 2% left are idiot monkey see monkey do foreigners like OP
Do you really think we can't tell you're the faggot obsessed with Mexicans?
>tlaxcaltecs, choluls and totonacs
Thet were silvids like aztecs
Northern China is a Manchu Hyperborean Race of Tatars.
all my ancestors are from here afaik
the spanish flags are just from when mexico was "nueva españa"
all mesomaericans (but mayans) were basically the same (olmecs), aztecs were aridoamericans
and was they related with olmecs?
their descendants yes
nothing spectacular obviously
thats why the gringos schizos arent not so wrong claiming that mexico is an olmec civilization
no u genetical olmec
thankfully i am indeed an maya descendant surrounded by olmecs
He does not look spaniard retard
ignore the retard who told you to go to spain
All mestizos/castizos with nomadic north mexican injun blood are honorary CHIchimeca
lego head phenotype
and as a mayan i can only thank those genetically fit aztecs for bringing order to a land filled with subhuman olmecs
seething olmec subhuman
if the were from mesoamerican why are you saying all mesoamerica was olmec?
was Oaxaca olmec or Aztec when the Spanish arrived?