
Attached: mckketh.png (1280x984, 1.04M)

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Pie gee

rolling stones are shit

Attached: 7FwBeQs.jpg (1080x1349, 149.69K)

had anal sex with a pregnant czech escort once, true story

got dat damn muddafuggen coonvirus

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Find preggo woman extremely peng but I'd only want to shag one that I did the impregnating of.

5g shrunk my bollocks

the sheriff is a n-

>tomatoes for breakfast

What the actual fuck?

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I do not care for yanks. They insist upon themselves

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Paul McCartney has been dead since 1962

Remember when The Stones straight up copied the Sgt Peppers album and it failed miserably.

The Rolling Stones are such a hit or miss band, got such a wide discography ranging from absolute utter shit and the best songs ever made

Attached: SgtPepper.jpg (980x653, 95.5K)

Yanks are literal children. Imagine eating some pancakes for breakfast.

the sheriff is near?

Neon Genesis Evangelion, its on the ol flix

thats not a full english

Tomatoes on a breakfast sandwich makes sense and is pretty good, keeps scurvy away too

>all that sugary shit for your first meal of the day

good lad

That show a wild and horny ass ride, hope you enjoy it as much as I did

Started watching this about 10 years back and managed a few episodes before binning it off.

ill have the pancakes with sprinkles with a side of the red velvet pancakes
*closes menu and puts it down*

You've never had sliced tomato on toast?

I get enough C from orange juice


American food is so shit

lifting weights hurts lads but the endorphins are through the roof, feeling great and happy even though bad shit's happening in life, it physically hurts but the soreness also makes me happy because i know i've been working my muscles

and my waist and legs are already thinning out

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>sprinkles on pancakes
why'd you have to go and make us look like fags with this shitty image? christ, nobody i know eats that much sweet shit for breakfast

Hating America isn't a personality.

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janny janny janny
must be fanny

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Good anime? It has to be GITS and Berserk

I don’t care about America. America is like the queen of England. When I’m not on this website you never enter my mind.

hating mikey isnt a personality

my maori mate made me sit down and watch the whole thing in one night plus end of evangelion. end of evangelion is the best part, the rest just seems like buildup to that

I don't hate Mikey, actually adore the man.
I think about you non-stop.

Always wondered why when yanks go abroad they only ever eat yank fast food

Just realised its because all their life all they've ever known is food that is made solely to look good to pander to tiny childlike brains and so when they go abroad and they see what real food looks like they just get scared.

Kill yourself lad

Murder on the dancefloor is the best song of the millennium so far

anime is for freaks

Comfy little choon




No. Cant be, I havent even heard of it which means it must be shite.

long weekend is almost here :D

>tfw just discovered Grime
Damn this is pretty good

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thought that was ron weasley from the thumbnail

Should've miked up the vocals.

>americans only get three days off
oh no no no
why don't they celebrate easter?

Discover /cum/

Here comes the story of the hurricane
The man the authorities came to blame

it's gantz and gits

discover my dick in your mouth

Business idea: 12 years a slave but race reversal so racist whites can empathise with black history

seriously hate every single fucking yank
fuck all of you

yeah this is exactly what happens

I would fuck you so hard in the ass

not bent but thanks for sharing, it's a good thin you've admitted it to yourself

Mikey, if ever you need your knob polished by a 193cm bodybuilding mestizo I'm your man

did that with your dad last night

Fuck off

going to shower u lot want anything?

Yeah I'm sure out of the hundreds of millions of people who live here not one them is a decent person or likeable.

you'll be bent when you're over my knee getting spanked faggot

Haha classic

Love southern english qt gentlemen, norf fc's can fuck off

you'd know about being racist wouldn't you

arent the bbc unironically making something like that?

I dont

i'll take a kebab

>Love southern english qt gentlemen
Dying breed aren't they?

oh yeah? what was his dick size?

i agree

that would be correct, yes
fuck you
proxy off

Of course you would, shithouse.


Wonder what this is all about, why are black people and Asians getting hit by this the hardest?

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Is /brit/ the gayest thread on Yas Forums?