
stay at home lads protect our NHS

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A gang of mutts calling themselves the "KillerZ" is going around murdering people in my neighborhood.
What the fuck do I do?

>One of the biggest promoters of the QAnon conspiracy theory, @StormIsUponUs
, has been suspended by Twitter. His last viral post told his six figure following to "fire at will" at the Democrats behind the "coronavirus hoax."

stay inside

despise people that allowed gender dysphoria to become encouraged and promoted and not considered a severe mental illness

me on the left

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Stop making early threads you fucking dickhead

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Why companies allowed to sell dangerous products to the public?

was wondering how long the habbeding would last
glad to see were back to seething about tranners

janny finna nuke this

how can korean boys ever compete?

bit weird watching this Trump v. WHO right now while I'm doing my thesis and researching and referencing a lot of WHO publishings

the missus

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>tumblr filenames
>hasn't upgraded to bdsmlr

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hmm yes fornication how interesting

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might have a sandwich

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well now, there's a spicy idea

with ham and cheese?

It seems kangz are getting cucked too.

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>be depressed shutin neet for nearly over a decade
>shitpost on Yas Forums hoping every day for a happening
>finally get my shit together, get a job, new social circle etc
>happening occurs forcing me to be a shutin neet again
the absolute state

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mummy's a fucking deathfat on immunosuppressants, reckon this virus is going to wipe her out

are there more porn studios similar to horrorporn and perverse family?

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dont eat meat

ate all my mexicana cheese now all i've got left is wensleydale

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Jesus black women are vile

Just rememberd I am a total fucking loser lmao

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Please pray for my father. He's in the ICU with the wuhan virus and things aren't looking too good

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going through something similar

bat eating chinks

big fan of this gimmique even if it is from reddit

the fuck is wrong with czech people?

just realised how long the word "immunosuppressants" is

mature cheddar man meself

mad how if we just don't go to the pub for a weeks, the virus disappears forever


they're based

>dont eat meat

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wallacing and gromiting

neither wanted nor needed to see that tbf

**i dont eat meat
would never tell others what to do

fucking grim.

Jesus just put him out of his misery.

you reckon the triage would favour an underweight neet without a higher education and no job prospects?

jesus just put him out of his misery

fuck it double lamb kebab and cheese roll it is then

when will the lockdown end now?

Calm down and try to enjoy life for what it is before you die

You can still go out for exercise dipshits

ah but that's against the doctors' ethical codes
survival at all costs, as they say

Very concerning that someone filmed this in the first place
How did this happen and how was he still alive

who just stands there witnessing this shit and films it fucking hell

Wise words

need a specialist

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what does that to a man?
I am guessing a shotgun to the face or a face-first landing from a great height

>enjoy life for what it is

Reckon he probably leaned in to kiss his gran and she mistook his face for a hearty helping of bat meat and ate it off

notice the chinese writing on the hospital bed, there's your clue


Ennit, fucking sicko posting it on the Internet as well

not true, my nan got so bad it got to a point where there was no point in keeping her going with operations



Honestly, if you're not from Illinois, New England or Minnesota you're not a real American

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that lads massive bollock was much better than this failed suicide attempt chinese bloke

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fair point, cant really argue with that

got the division on lockdown

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one of the songs on my spotify has the explicit tag even though there are literally no naughty words in it

is modern warfare worth getting for £37

No. Maps are shite, guns are shite, it’s all shite


I am a white Greek man

is anyone still playing cod except boomers and deanos?

is doom eternal better

how do you get wifi in your caravan? do BT hook you up?

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why was he filming before the kid opened the door


You can get sky in a caravan.



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so many good free games out there why would you pay out the arse for COD.....AGAIN! it's the same fucking game very year!

Im an Amazon Music man myself

ya know lads, as a prolific tindy shagger, I can say that the odds of finding a slag there are pretty good, but goods are odd. ya know haha
ah yes, you lot have no idea what I'm talking about. carry on

gucci gang

and that's why he should have brought his passport

dunno my friends are talking about it in the group chat

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you're probably a shia innit

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Good info on Newcastle for you

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How can one be so reliant on others to give them a sense of being?

uhh hello? based department?

isn't this the one that went to the middle east and died

δεν είσαι Έλληνας

went back and watched the you're probably a shia innit video and the up next is "When will it be accepted to be Muslim and gay?" from BBC Three

janny won't like this one